Why A.I. in Hollywood may be a very good thing.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Tired of left wing actors, directors and writers ruining movies with their in your face, left wing speeches? Well....A.I. may save us....

Yes, Disney is so broken, so obsessed with identity politics and sexual fetishes, the studio hired someone who hates Snow White to play Snow White. You see, according to Hollywood Bigshot Rachel Zegler, Prince Charming is a stalker, and Snow White is an idiot for waiting around for a man to save her. Why she’s even an idiot for wanting a man. Only MAGAtards want true love in the age of Duracell, donchaknow.

And this is why I support and welcome AI.

Why not?

Could AI screw up Snow White any more than the human idiots who conceived it?

Could AI conceive of an actress as unlikable, full of herself, and lacking in charisma as Rachel Zegler?

Why? Why must the writer be human? If AI delivers a superior screenplay, shouldn’t the audience know the truth? Hollywood produces hundreds of TV shows a year that no one watches because they suck. Hell, I don’t watch any of them. Suppose I were a studio facing the end of the left-wing affirmative action that is cable TV and entering a world where only merit (people choose to pay directly for your product) will drive income. In that case, I’d invest heavily in advancing AI screenwriting capabilities.

Joe Russo, co-director of Marvel movies including “Avengers: Endgame” and “Avengers: Infinity War,” has predicted that generative AI may be able to create feature-length movies within two years — and that the technology could put you, the viewer, into an AI-generated movie.
“At some point, perhaps, you could tell a video-streaming service, ‘Hey, I want a movie starring my photoreal avatar and Marilyn Monroe’s photo-real avatar,’” Russo said in an April interview with Collider. “It renders a very competent story with dialogue that mimics your voice. … And suddenly now you have a rom-com starring you that’s 90 minutes long. So you can curate your story specifically to you.”
What’s wrong with that? I’ll tell you… These losers are worried everyday people will conceive better stories and choose those over their garbage. This advancement would also remove Hollywoodists and their obnoxious politics from the equation.

Luckily had the 60s through the 90s and part way into the 2000s. So we have decades worth of actual good movies for me to watch. And so many are worth watching multiple times.

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