Who wants to defend the Federal Income Tax?

Stealing is your style from things you say.
We Don't Owe a Living to Those Who Own the World

The HeirHeads only claim it is their property. We don't have to listen to that theft of what they themselves didn't earn, unless, say, they were child actors and their parents kept what they made at that.

This is no different from the assumption of a son of a pro athlete claiming he is owed Daddy' position on the team.

If someone isn't punished for a crime of his father when the father dies before the case comes up, he shouldn't be rewarded for the success of his father, either.

Preppy-lovers, who hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them, ruled that Ken Lay's loot didn't have to pay for the crimes he committed to make it, because that would be cheating his heirs, who didn't commit those crimes.

That shows how ridiculous this Juniorocracy is. They didn't do anything to deserve that loot, either, even if it had been honestly earned. Also, if they inherit stocks, they don't have to pay capital gains on the original price, only on the increase after they inherited it.

Nowhere on this Netrix is the heiristocracy attacked. Sure, there will be some weak throwaway lines about it, but only if the poster is on a different fake-side, not about the HeirHeads who run his own side. For example, a few plebeian comments about Dubya, but never the same judgment applied to the Kennedys.
He envies his betters.

I mostly agree, though federal roads are explicitly a Federal power. (Article 1, section 8.)
Please post the language that gives the federal government to power to establish roads? I just looked and can't find it.
And eventually pay it to the worker when he retires or becomes unemployed in the case of Unemployment Insurance.
Let's map out the funds. Customer -->company --Feds

From the Feds-->Worker at designated event, such as retirement

So the Feds send the benefit
We Don't Owe a Living to Those Who Own the World

The HeirHeads only claim it is their property. We don't have to listen to that theft of what they themselves didn't earn, unless, say, they were child actors and their parents kept what they made at that.

This is no different from the assumption of a son of a pro athlete claiming he is owed Daddy' position on the team.

If someone isn't punished for a crime of his father when the father dies before the case comes up, he shouldn't be rewarded for the success of his father, either.

Preppy-lovers, who hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them, ruled that Ken Lay's loot didn't have to pay for the crimes he committed to make it, because that would be cheating his heirs, who didn't commit those crimes.

That shows how ridiculous this Juniorocracy is. They didn't do anything to deserve that loot, either, even if it had been honestly earned. Also, if they inherit stocks, they don't have to pay capital gains on the original price, only on the increase after they inherited it.

Nowhere on this Netrix is the heiristocracy attacked. Sure, there will be some weak throwaway lines about it, but only if the poster is on a different fake-side, not about the HeirHeads who run his own side. For example, a few plebeian comments about Dubya, but never the same judgment applied to the Kennedys.
It is not loot. It does not belong to the Feds nor the States. For them to take the money, they both must steal it.
The Father is not designating his funds belong to any state nor Feds.
Majority rule is what democracy is all about.

When most Americans knew that the Democrats were the bringer of good things, paid for by the rich, and threatened by the Republicans, the Democrats dominated by the United States.
"If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them and Then Rule Them"

The logical conclusion is that the Democrats were taken over by people who used to become Republican leaders.
Majority rule is what democracy is all about.

When most Americans knew that the Democrats were the bringer of good things, paid for by the rich, and threatened by the Republicans, the Democrats dominated by the United States.
Calling this Government a Democracy promotes the big lie. Democracies involve directly using votes the daily participation of all in the Democracy. America is a Republic and the Government is managed by a few who were sent to the seat of Government for that purpose. But the Democracy chain was never there in fact.
It is not loot. It does not belong to the Feds nor the States. For them to take the money, they both must steal it.
The Father is not designating his funds belong to any state nor Feds.
Inheritance Is the Root of All Evil

So by opposing what Plutes call the "Death Tax," you'd rather tax the living than the dead. You must believe in ghosts.

Not only are you taxed in their place, but you have to take a pay cut so your bosses can buy expensive toys for their brats.

From children's television shows, Americans were brought up to hate their Daddies for not being able to afford the expensive toys advertised. That is how the ruling class created wannabe Preppies.
Inheritance Is the Root of All Evil

So by opposing what Plutes call the "Death Tax," you'd rather tax the living than the dead. You must believe in ghosts.

Not only are you taxed in their place, but you have to take a pay cut so your bosses can buy expensive toys for their brats.

From children's television shows, Americans were brought up to hate their Daddies for not being able to afford the expensive toys advertised. That is how the ruling class created wannabe Preppies.
Actually my idea is to tax all as equals using sales taxes.
Would you put up with a business that pulled that trick? To make sure you get the idea, all citizens using this system would be forced to disclose to all sellers their incomes and the seller would charge all of them based on incomes and not the way it now is done. The Feds do not use a normal system for charging for things.
No Progressive Tax When Only 100% Inheritance Tax Is Needed

Of course businesses do that. They extract greater profit margins from their deluxe products that are designed to be sold only to customers that can afford them, such as first-class seats on airlines.
Gasoline promotes the greenhouse effect, so it needs to be very heavily taxes.
We Get the Best Science Daddy's Money Can Buy

Driving is masculine. Our rulers are sissyboys who hate all masculine images. Everything in the Preppy Progressives' agenda is based on their spoiled-putrid personalities, nothing based on the reasons they preach.

Skinny, hollow-chested little weaklings have a pathological hatred of muscle cars. Pussy-whipped wimps and Incels hate chick magnets. The ruling class's wannabe flunkies who hide away in college hate car-owning townies.
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No Progressive Tax When Only 100% Inheritance Tax Is Needed

Of course businesses do that. They extract greater profit margins from their deluxe products that are designed to be sold only to customers that can afford them, such as first-class seats on airlines.
Businesses never charge us based on the incomes we earn. If you want to destroy America steal every dime the rich ever earned.
Inheritance Is the Root of All Evil

So by opposing what Plutes call the "Death Tax," you'd rather tax the living than the dead. You must believe in ghosts.

Not only are you taxed in their place, but you have to take a pay cut so your bosses can buy expensive toys for their brats.

From children's television shows, Americans were brought up to hate their Daddies for not being able to afford the expensive toys advertised. That is how the ruling class created wannabe Preppies.
Inheritance is NOT the root of all evil.

Be honest. Government is the root of all evil.
Think back to your first paycheck from your first job and how outraged you were that the government was taking YOUR hard-earned money.
Preppy-Lovers Never Practice What They Preach

Instead, take the unearned money of inheritance and trust funds. Your fake outrage covers up for the parasites you really care about. The rest of us can go eat cake.
Wrong. A national sales tax would only tax the money people choose to spend. It would even be progressive since the rich spend far more money than the poor, but everyone would have skin in the game unlike now where politicians spend a great deal of time putting ways into the tax laws for favored groups and industries to NOT have to pay taxes. No one could hide from a sales tax unless they decided to have a barter economy which is very hard in the modern world.
Serfs Surfing the Net on Behalf of Their Preppy Masters

All these plebeian taxes remind me of the scene in The Exorcist in which the attending priest described the different personalities of the demons. The exorcist answered, "There is only one," meaning Satan was trying to confuse the other priest.

Birth privileges are America's Satan. Brought over from Europe like plague-rats on The Mayflower.

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