Who Is Going To Tell The GOP They’ve Been on the Wrong Side of History?

Who will break the news to the GOP that they have been on the wrong side of history for too long?

  • Liz Cheney

  • Susan Collins

  • Larry Hogan

  • Roger Marshall

  • Joni Ernst

  • Other

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If you experience true authoritarianism, then you know what fascism is. This nation is not balanced politically. And the empowered in more local areas are of tyranny if the enforcers and spewers of justice of law are intolerant. Realizing that power is the only vengeance is why you are empowered now. That does not mean economic growth is guaranteed. Voters though in red areas have every right at some point to start electing nasty potential dictators like you have. If they do, would you say that it is not democracy? They may to survive.

Wow, you haven't a clue how the world works. You sound like a paranoid child.

Besides, your sentences are incoherent. Are you drunk?
If the GOP wins the 2024 Presidential election, the day of reckoning will be postponed. Much like it was postponed when they won the 2016 election. However the day is coming where they will have to soberly look at their party’s stances in comparison where the nation is and come to the all-too-obvious conclusion that they have lined up time and again on the wrong side of history. The stances run the gamut from siding with corrupt police to the misogyny to actual polices such as opposing women being able to make their own health care decisions.

So the question has to be asked...who is going to break the news to the rank and file that they have been sold a bill of goods for several decades. As was famously said: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term."

I wonder if they’ll listen?
I voted for Cheney but it could be Hogan, who knows. The rest of GOP leadership & their minions are nothing but gutless cowards who don't have the spine to stand up to Trump. It's pathetic watching grown men & women cower in the corner at the mere thought of getting a mean tweet from that other lowlife.

And, they brought this on themselves. They could have been thru with Trump in 2021, but chose not to. So, fuck 'em.
The same elitist snobs who've been wrong about damn near everything since Christ was an altar boy, are now wagging their fingers about others being "on the wrong side of history"?!?

How utterly rich! :auiqs.jpg:
You think history is going to be kind to Trump & his toadies?
The PA would be the permanent government in Gaza.

You can google if you want to keep up to date on the hostage negotiations.

You obviously do not research anything before you blab. You just regurgitate lame MAGA BULLSHIT.

The PA would be the permanent government in Gaza.

Right. Just like last time.

You can google if you want to keep up to date on the hostage negotiations.

As far as I've seen, the Biden administration hasn't mentioned the American hostages
since November.

I guess they don't mind dead Jews because......Michigan.
This bullshit claim that the GOP is "on the wrong side of history" by the Left is typical. They think THEY are the only ones to rule over the masses, and that the "good" (according to them) Republicans are those who side with them 100% of the time. We barely got lucky with W and a GOP controlled Congress for much of the 2000s, but who did the RNC foist on us to take on the Mulatto Menace? Two has-been RINOs who would never fight the DemocRATs toe to toe. Then along came Trump and he actually BEAT the Left at their own game. We need more people like that, not less.
The PA would be the permanent government in Gaza.

You can google if you want to keep up to date on the hostage negotiations.

You obviously do not research anything before you blab. You just regurgitate lame MAGA BULLSHIT.
It was until 2006 when Gaza elected Hamas
Uhhh yeah.. A national emergency should have been declared.

Biden was president for much longer than the blob’s 9 months of mis-management...

Again...have you ever been correct about anything?
Xiden has record deaths in less then 9 months

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