Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

I work nights so I am sleeping when most people are eating dinner.

But I did have some fresh-cut fruit, a can of chicken noodle soup, cheese, crackers and a couple of glasses of wine when I got home this morning.

So I guess I will call that my “dinner”.
J'adore zdrawberry zhortgake fur dezzert.

Last night I made Chicken Tetrazinni with a side of green beans. Sliced mangoes for dessert.

Tonight, we're going out for sushi.
I think the kids and I are going to build a fire at a park and make hamburgers. I would rather have hot dogs but the boy has decided he doesn't like them.

and s'mores.

tomorrow we're hiking clarno...can't have a fire there or we'd go tonight.
Mmmm...but we're having burgers tonight. The mini cooler is all set, have my pan and buns in the rig, the bikes in the back...I don't have a bike, that sort of sucks but it wouldn't fit anyway. I can walk the dog...I did something horrible to my hip last night, I don't know what but I could barely walk this morning but I've been stretching it and went on a trial hike at noon and it's feeling better and better...let's hope the skeeters stay away. I hate mosquitoes and the boy swells up like a balloon.
Doc told me to lay off red meat. So no burgers for me. But a turkey hotdog...BURNED..sounds good. That's the only way I will eat hotdogs anyway. If they are burnt.
Baked chicken breast, shredded and mixed with barbeque sauce, then slapped it on a bun. Later I'll have a mint chocolate chip Klondike bar.
I get Hill Meat Co. frankfurters; they're the real thing, made locally, they come in strings which is fun. The casing is a little more tough than bar s brand regular cheapie hot dogs but at least I sort of know what's in them.

I like them burned, too. I worked for a while as a cook at a jail, Grace, and all the meat was turkey product. We fixed hotdogs pretty regularly...and instead of steaming them we fried them on the grill in lotsa oil, so they were actually browned. The inmates liked them that way. Those guys did not eat haute cuisine, I tell you what. Word to the wise...if you ever find yourself in jail declare yourself a Seventh Day Adventist and demand a vegetarian diet. Those guys eat like KINGS...because they have to have the same number of calories, and the same amount of protein, so they have to really load them up with lots of good stuff.

Another word to the wise...almost all child molesters demand special diets...so if you do request it keep it on the low-low, lol.
Baked chicken breast, shredded and mixed with barbeque sauce, then slapped it on a bun. Later I'll have a mint chocolate chip Klondike bar.

Oh. Oh. Now I want that instead of the hot dog. :lol:
I get Hill Meat Co. frankfurters; they're the real thing, made locally, they come in strings which is fun. The casing is a little more tough than bar s brand regular cheapie hot dogs but at least I sort of know what's in them.

I like them burned, too. I worked for a while as a cook at a jail, Grace, and all the meat was turkey product. We fixed hotdogs pretty regularly...and instead of steaming them we fried them on the grill in lotsa oil, so they were actually browned. The inmates liked them that way. Those guys did not eat haute cuisine, I tell you what. Word to the wise...if you ever find yourself in jail declare yourself a Seventh Day Adventist and demand a vegetarian diet. Those guys eat like KINGS...because they have to have the same number of calories, and the same amount of protein, so they have to really load them up with lots of good stuff.

Another word to the wise...almost all child molesters demand special diets...so if you do request it keep it on the low-low, lol.
:eek: :lol:
We are having pork chops with Campbell's mushroom soup poured over the top of the chops and baked.
And Brown rice with green beans and homemade biscuits
The soup turns into a gravy, it is great to put on the rice and biscuits.

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