Ugly Pro frankenstein "palestine" savages disrupt kids


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
The pro-Hamas savages are totalitarians. You must submit and do as they demand, or you will not get a moment’s peace.

Carols by Candlelight live TV Christmas broadcast ambushed by pro-Palestinian protest,” Sky News Australia, December 24, 2023:

A live broadcast of Melbourne’s Carols by Candlelight event has been disrupted by a pro-Palestinian protest. Activists were seen ambushing the stage interrupting the family show, causing chaos on Christmas eve. The moment a protester ambushed the stage was captured during the live television broadcast and has been slammed by viewers online as an ‘utter disgrace’. Carols by Candlelight is an annual Christmas celebration run by the Vision Australia charity. The broadcaster of the event, Channel Nine, cut away from the scenes of the protest in the live broadcast but the audio was still transmitted.
The Carols by Candlelight broadcast from Melbourne’s Sidney Myer Music Bowl was disrupted by a pro-Palestinian activist protest, rushing the stage just after 8:20pm on Christmas Eve.
The moment that a protester ambushed the stage was captured during the live television broadcast and has been slammed by viewers online as an “utter disgrace”.
Carols by Candlelight is an annual Christmas celebration run by the Vision Australia charity.
The event is described by organisers as an opportunity to “light up the lives” of Australians and to spread joy at Christmas.
“For 86 years, Australians have come together to celebrate the spirit of Christmas and community at Carols by Candlelight”, Vision Australia’s website reads.
The broadcaster of the event, Channel Nine, cut away from the scenes of the protest in the live broadcast but the audio was still transmitted.
This year’s event was disrupted by the activist protest on stage brandishing Palestinian flags to interrupt the event, taking over the microphone from hosts David Campbell and Sarah Abo.
The protest was immediately slammed on social media with TV executive Rob McKnight asking “Seriously, people think it’s ok to protest at Carols By Candelight? How pathetic.”
“Yeah, let’s scare the kids performing on stage. What a bunch of morons,” McKnight wrote….
Forum Outcast SayIamanarse showing all of us what a true Racist he is .
Like a mini Hitler but lacking any charisma .
Forum Outcast
You Forum Outcasts hate me pointing out that you are fans of Ethnic Cleansing and murdering Women and Children .
You are so mentally ill that you believe that you have the right to be tolerated with your Racist opinions
So ,
Out Forum Outcasts .
Peddle your Racism elsewhere

I admit that I am boring and repetitive .
But Ethnic Cleansing and killing Women and Children is the Devil's work . You are the Devil's spawn .Out .
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THE FRAUD - 'luiza'


The pro-Hamas savages are totalitarians. You must submit and do as they demand, or you will not get a moment’s peace.

Carols by Candlelight live TV Christmas broadcast ambushed by pro-Palestinian protest,” Sky News Australia, December 24, 2023:
All decent people should br protesting about the murders in Palestine.
Israel is outside the family of covilised countries.
All decent people should br protesting about the murders in Palestine.
Israel is outside the family of covilised countries.
All decent people should be protesting about the Murders and Kidnappings on 10/7
You obviously are not You are just one of many of Pro Palestinian Savages who see nothing wrong with that day and object to Israel’s response 🇮🇱✡️
chrome_screenshot_Jan 8, 2024 4_15_37 AM PST.png
EXCLUSIVE The faces of the girls STILL being held by Hamas as their families make a desperate plea for their release three months after they were captured
By Natalie Lisbona In Tel Aviv and Andy Jehring In London For The Daily Mail
16:32 EST 07 Jan 2024 , updated 18:03 EST 07 Jan 2024.
The conflict between Israel and Hamas entered its fourth month on January 7
Scores of hostages remain held in Gaza as negotiations fail to make progress .
Watching the terrified faces of the four bloodstained teenage girls being paraded by Hamas gunmen was beyond their parents' worst nightmare.

The haunting images were taken just hours after they were kidnapped and Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Daniela Gilboa and Agam Berger appeared shadows of their former selves.

Three months have passed since that recording of them lined up against a wall in Gaza, their hands bound behind them – and still they are in captivity.

With negotiations stalling following the collapsed ceasefire, the parents of the youngest female hostages are today sharing the heart-wrenching pictures as they demand their immediate release.

They are appealing to mothers and fathers around the world to speak up as horrific new details emerge that some female captives have been raped at gunpoint or had limbs amputated.

'Imagine if it was your daughter, your little girl in their hands,' Daniela's mother Orly, 38, said. 'What would you imagine?'
Berlin: A man and a woman talk Hebrew and are beaten up by Arabs because of it

A woman and her companion were attacked in the Berlin district of Neukölln on Saturday night, allegedly for anti-Semitic reasons. The 24-year-old and the 27-year-old had been talking in Hebrew in a McDonald’s on Hermannplatz (photo), Berlin police said. Two men at the neighbouring table, who are said to have spoken Arabic, made derogatory remarks about them and when the two Israelis asked the two men not to insult them, the situation escalated. One of the aggressive neighbours at the table is said to have poured an alcoholic drink in their direction. He then took a chair and hit the woman with it. She was able to fend off the attack with her arms, the police added. When her companion tried to protect her, the man allegedly hit him in the face with his fist.
January 7, 2024

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