UAW attempts to take over VW again in Tennessee

VW had a union shop in New Stanton, PA, to make the VW Rabbit. The union made it impossible to turn a profit, and VW shut it down. It is worth noting that the work culture in New Stanton was "coal miner" culture, in which wildcat strikes were frequent and pointless. Coal miners - back in that day - would strike any time any member had a gripe. The miners made such good pay that they just laughed it off, but you can't run an assembly line like that.

Your non union stance is why there is a rust belt, and why the middleclass in America has been destroyed in the last 40 years.

Exactly the opposite.

All of the steel mills in Youngstown, and throughout the region were all unionized, and the ones which are still in operation are still unionized.

Big Labor's insistence on a big piece of the pie for the goombas in charge, as well as their insistence that strict "union work rules" be maintained no matter what, is what caused the downfall of heavy industry.
How do workers ever get a fair shake if they never speak up? Being a hard working loyal emoyee does less than zero in advancement. Being highly productive causes more negatives than pisitives.
How do workers ever get a fair shake if they never speak up? Being a hard working loyal emoyee does less than zero in advancement. Being highly productive causes more negatives than pisitives.

Actually, workers are more likely to speak up if they don't have to filter their statements from the goombas ruling the unions as business agents.

And unionism bases the income on "seniority" or "longevity" on the job- not how hard the employee works or their competency.

In fact, disobeying union work rules by being too productive and "killing the job" will get you on the Union's Shit List.
Actually, workers are more likely to speak up if they don't have to filter their statements from the goombas ruling the unions as business agents.

And unionism bases the income on "seniority" or "longevity" on the job- not how hard the employee works or their competency.

In fact, disobeying union work rules by being too productive and "killing the job" will get you on the Union's Shit List.
Part of the problem is our labor force is overflowing with people who fill these jobs for the wages presented. Imagine if nobody, not 1 person applied for any of these jobs. Then we'd be in a better spit for workers.
Part of the problem is our labor force is overflowing with people who fill these jobs for the wages presented. Imagine if nobody, not 1 person applied for any of these jobs. Then we'd be in a better spit for workers.

That's a load of shit I'd say.

A lot of people are only capable of doing low skill jobs, and others might be able to do something more complex, but have other irons in the fire and prefer to expend a lot of their energy elsewhere.

Having those people sit at home in abject poverty instead of working, would be terrible for them as well as the economy.
The United Auto Workers at the Volkwagen plant in Chattanooga TN, voted to Unionize. Suck on that

Tennessee Volkswagen Employess Overwhelming Vote To Join United Autoworkers.

Another win for the good guys.
Another win for the good guys.

Correction, its another win for the Wise guys.

I guess it gets them back to their roots, with the Mexican cartels and public grass companies taking over the drug rackets, the internet doing smut and prostitution, and corporations taking over gambling.

Gives the goombas something to make money off of, and keeps them relevant.
The Germans figured they could get their cars made cheaper by exploiting the Appalachian rubes.

Turns out they were wrong.
Part of the problem is our labor force is overflowing with people who fill these jobs for the wages presented. Imagine if nobody, not 1 person applied for any of these jobs. Then we'd be in a better spit for workers.
Geee, who is it importing millions of unskilled laborers into the country right now?
First of all, voting for a union does not guarantee a good union contract for the workers and since Tennessee is a RTW state, individual employees do not have to join it or pay full dues. I'm not sure what VW will do in this instance, would they decide to close the plant? How profitable will it be if they have to deal with a union? I'd bet money they and every other foreign carmaker might be reassessing their decisions about building new auto plants (or non-auto plants) in the US. I don't know how profitable that plant is, but it definitely won't be as profitable in the future and management will be looking at all their options. most of which will not be in their employee's favor. So, if no contract is agreed to, what then? Walk-off the job? With no contract yet in place, you can be fired or laid-off, right? And this could wind up in court for months or years; how long will those employees be without a paycheck? So, I'm guessing if a new labor contract is eventually agreed to, it will not be the panacea that the workers imagined it would be. And you can bet that VW isn't going to agree to any deal that hamstrings their decisions down the road.
As is joining a union. Yet you whine like a 3 year old about that.

Most of it that can be already is. You people whine about jobs lost to China but most were lost to automation, not offshoring.

There will always be those that are less skilled than others. It is the nature of life.

What is it you do again?
Before retirement ,I was a Banker. Loan officer. Mortgage ,Second Mortgage , and finally Business loans. And I did NOT go to College. Went to Vocational Schools.
There is no duoploy. There is the political class. They call themselves by many names but they are loyal only to their own kind.

And they are at war with We the People.

And in Nov you will vote for them.

And in Nov you will vote for them.

No, I will vote for Trump. He is attacked by the political class because he is for the people of the USA.

Little hater dupe you will spew your propaganda and then flee to panama.
So if you owned a house, and you hired me to fix the roof, you'd have no problem with me starting a pick line, and trying to dictate how you use your house?

Or are you a 'screw the workers' person?

It's really easy to defend making demands on others, as long as it isn't you. Funny how that works.
What the fuck analogy are you attempting fuckup.

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