Trump accuses Manhattan judge of rigging 2024 election (an hour ago)

Trump is the perfect candidate for those that prefer talk over action.
Trump is not the one who caused most of the craziness we see over the years and decades. Anything pushed as good for groups becomes corrupted and warped. So, the people who did it must put the onus on someone. We are not going to clean up the mess in one day next January. It will take time and there will be a war from the Progs and some on his own side also against him. No one else will attempt to fix it. We see a man in office now that is a D.C. fixture for 50 years and has changed sides/views on near everything we go through for power and money over honor and character.
Ya got me, Chillicothe! I reread that post and laughed out when I saw yhat I used the spelling "their" for they're. Thanks for the kind words for my truly absent-minded approach to making sense when my cell phone would work better if my average forefinger were the size of a toothpick point. My computer has been down for some time and I miss the keyboard significantly. We are having a flood warning, and I'm noticing two of the puppies are itching their backs on the carpet like fish out of water. I need a couple of cans safe pet spray for their fleas or deer ticks which are half the size of a grain of sand. Oh, there goes another ripping noise in the sky's plot to flood remote areas of Walker County, and the 5 am news was for keeping our trucks and cars off the road. As for all you devoted USMB posters, I apologize for going off the thread's focus. Love, beautress
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The justice dept. reviewed the case two years ago and turned it down. The previous attorney went from being a Democrat hero to prison. The judge and his daughter are active members of the Democrook party. The statute of limitations has expired on the case in its original form, so they twisted and concocted into a bullshit criminal case. The jury comprises of an area that voted Biden by 80%.

Nooo…no election rigging here. :rofl:
The justice dept. reviewed the case two years ago and turned it down. The previous attorney went from being a Democrat hero to prison. The judge and his daughter are active members of the Democrook party. The statute of limitations has expired on the case in its original form, so they twisted and concocted into a bullshit criminal case. The jury comprises of an area that voted Biden by 80%.

Nooo…no election rigging here. :rofl:

In Trump's case, yes. All one has to do is watch his behaviour at one of his hate ralles or when he shitposts in the middle of the night to realize that he's crazier then a shithouse rat.
Hate rallies? Hahahhahahahahaahhahaha!
The justice dept. reviewed the case two years ago and turned it down. The previous attorney went from being a Democrat hero to prison. The judge and his daughter are active members of the Democrook party. The statute of limitations has expired on the case in its original form, so they twisted and concocted into a bullshit criminal case. The jury comprises of an area that voted Biden by 80%.

Nooo…no election rigging here. :rofl:

Trump has always claimed to be a victim.
While Trump can get overboard at times all these so called indictments were timed by the dems (with democrat jury pools that would convict Trump of killing Lincoln if called on to do so.) to make sure the trials would occur in 2024, get a conviction before Nov 2024 so they yell Trump is a convict. Appeals won't be done until after Nov so when the phony convictions are thrown out the dems won't care so long as it served their political purposes before hand.
that's true but the Appeals court could expedite the case

and they definitely should, up to and including scotus

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