Toronto Police Recommend Letting Thieves Steal Your Car


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
A car is stolen every 40 minutes in Toronto.

"To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because they're breaking into your home to steal your car,” Toronto Police Service Constable Marco Ricciardi told the public at a community safety meeting held late last month in Etobicoke. “They don't want anything else.”

“A lot of them that they’re arresting have guns on them and they are not toy guns,” he said. “They are real guns. They’re loaded.”

This is what happens when guns are grabbed from law abiding citizens. Government simply says make it easy for the criminals. You just grab your ankles and beg for more.

When Canadian police, be they the creepy RCMP, OPP, DRPS or TPS, tell American police to jump, your police ask "how high"?
When will police in Chicago and other liberal Heckholes in America start adopting the same policy? The police don't respond to stolen car calls in a lot of lib towns, its a great way to get their crime rates down.

Crimes which aren't reported to the police, don't count toward the crime rate.
When will police in Chicago and other liberal Heckholes in America start adopting the same policy? The police don't respond to stolen car calls in a lot of lib towns, its a great way to get their crime rates down.

Crimes which aren't reported to the police, don't count toward the crime rate.
That's the least of your worries. Your police help our police to protect their diddlers and creeps.

We saw an RCMP officer fake an "assault" by a member of the media and he even arrested the man after running as pick on him. I didn't hear a word from anyone here when it was posted. Even loud Tucker Carlson oddly went silent.

We had OPP officers kill a newborn in a car and then refuse to speak to investigators.

We have Chiefs of police who have spied on members of the police board, resign from their position and then be hired as a chief of police elsewhere.

We've had police caught on video telling a guy "you will suck my d__K if I tell you to" and then telling him that he would "plant coke on you (him)" and basically destroy his life if he wants to. The cop didn't even lose a days pay let alone his job. This was covered on youtube many years ago by a U.S youtuber, we wouldn't dare try it in Canada for fear of the consequences a la the Stasi.

We have chiefs of police who were overseeing a case in which a kid lost his eye from the beating by two police in plain clothing. Overseeing is one word. He was rewarded by being hired as a chief of police elsewhere while his partner resigned.

The TPS alone could fill an Old Testaments worth of abuses within the last few years alone and that is just what we know of.

Go read the Ontario Police Services Act. Police can literally be charged with murder and not only not lose his job but also be paid for years, sometimes a decades at $100K+ a year.

There was a time American police would call Canada communist. Now you are eager to assist and become just like us.

You will. It will destroy the Western world. China is just biding there time until it occurs.
A car is stolen every 40 minutes in Toronto.

"To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because they're breaking into your home to steal your car,” Toronto Police Service Constable Marco Ricciardi told the public at a community safety meeting held late last month in Etobicoke. “They don't want anything else.”

“A lot of them that they’re arresting have guns on them and they are not toy guns,” he said. “They are real guns. They’re loaded.”

This is what happens when guns are grabbed from law abiding citizens. Government simply says make it easy for the criminals. You just grab your ankles and beg for more.

No guns were grabbed from law abiding citizens. It is illegal to purchase a handgun in Canada unless you’re a member of a gun club and keep it in a locked box.

Yes, the crooks are armed. That’s how we know they’re crooks. The only good guys with guns are cops. It makes it easy for police to tell who’s a criminal.

Innocent civilians, don’t get shot by the police in Canada.

Last, but not least, if you shot a car thief in Canada, you’d be arrested for murder.
No guns were grabbed from law abiding citizens. It is illegal to purchase a handgun in Canada unless you’re a member of a gun club and keep it in a locked box.

Yes, the crooks are armed. That’s how we know they’re crooks. The only good guys with guns are cops. It makes it easy for police to tell who’s a criminal.

Innocent civilians, don’t get shot by the police in Canada.

Last, but not least, if you shot a car thief in Canada, you’d be arrested for murder.
"The only good guys with guns are cops". Really?

Wow. First that you believe this and secondly that you would want this inaccurate generalization to be the case.

I am struggling with my health thanks to the apparatuses in Ontario, it is disturbing and reflects what we are in this province. My entire life is at risk above and beyond any home for an earned retirement.

This is the problem, we live in a nation where deep analysis and appreciation for history and its consequences is lost on most. "Buck beer" is an actual motto that gets votes, I mean.

I listen to Europeans, Swedes, the French etc and they seem so much more cerebral that we are in Canada and this is destroying our future and reputation.
Last, but not least, if you shot a car thief in Canada, you’d be arrested for murder.

Wouldn't it be a lot easier for mounties just to arrest the car thieves than wait until after they've been shot to arrest the citizens just defending themselves from these monsters?

I know if I was a Canadian subject, I wouldn't say word one if I saw a car thief get his comeuppance, especially since the police are letting them get away with it.
A car is stolen every 40 minutes in Toronto.

"To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because they're breaking into your home to steal your car,” Toronto Police Service Constable Marco Ricciardi told the public at a community safety meeting held late last month in Etobicoke. “They don't want anything else.”

“A lot of them that they’re arresting have guns on them and they are not toy guns,” he said. “They are real guns. They’re loaded.”

This is what happens when guns are grabbed from law abiding citizens. Government simply says make it easy for the criminals. You just grab your ankles and beg for more.

Holy Fuck....that's pretty Fucked up. Send those car thieves to Texas. They'll all be dead in a month and the world a better place.
Holy Fuck....that's pretty Fucked up. Send those car thieves to Texas. They'll all be dead in a month and the world a better place.

These are liberal, Canadian car thieves. They are looking for earth friendly hybrids and yugos.

They'd be hyperventilating and intimidated by pickups and denalis.
No guns were grabbed from law abiding citizens. It is illegal to purchase a handgun in Canada unless you’re a member of a gun club and keep it in a locked box.

Yes, the crooks are armed. That’s how we know they’re crooks. The only good guys with guns are cops. It makes it easy for police to tell who’s a criminal.

Innocent civilians, don’t get shot by the police in Canada.

Last, but not least, if you shot a car thief in Canada, you’d be arrested for murder.
Wait a bit.... You will soon be arrested for murder even if you don't shoot the car thief. If he crashes and dies you will be prosecuted for not keeping you're brakes in goood repair.

What a pussy country! For God sakes hold back your taxes until the police have some testicles. Where the hell is your self respect???
These are liberal, Canadian car thieves. They are looking for earth friendly hybrids and yugos.

They'd be hyperventilating and intimidated by pickups and denalis.
I'm waiting for the rest of it.

1.) sex must be provided on demand when the car theif enters the house.

2.) Husbands who try to interfere will be arrested and jailed as an endangerment to society. Not having condoms on hand for the thief to use while he's raping your wife will bring a fine and possible jail time.

3.) If the car is not in good working order it must be repaired and paid for by the owner so the thief can come back and steal a safe car! What's the matter with you people? Why would you expect the thief to endanger himself?

4.) All vehicles parked outside of houses must have several days food supply properly contained in sanitary storage so that the offending thief will not have to stop anywhere within a 30 mile radius to get something to eat! That could result in dangerous confrontation! Regular inspections will be performed to make sure that each vehicle has its food supply. Violations could result in loss of driving license and vehicle impoundment.
Wait a bit.... You will soon be arrested for murder even if you don't shoot the car thief. If he crashes and dies you will be prosecuted for not keeping you're brakes in goood repair.

What a pussy country! For God sakes hold back your taxes until the police have some testicles. Where the hell is your self respect???

What a "pussy country"????? What are you - 12 years old????

You need reading comprehension skills because you have none. I said "If you shoot the car thief, you will arrested. Whether he lives or he dies, you will be arrested.

Americans have always valued property over people. Our car was stolen when we lived in Toronto. Our insurance company gave us a rental, and we bought a new car. The thieves were arrested and sent to jail. Nobody got shot. It's just a car.

We have much LOWER rates of all crimes because people with guns get arrested. 2 years in jail for possession of an illegal firearm. When crime rates go up, the cops do a pre-dawn raid on all reported cases of parole violations and bail jumpers across the GTA, and arrest everyone with a gun, and back to jail they go. This gets all of the gang bangers and trouble makers off the streets for 2 years and the crime rate goes right back down.

Americans seem to relish opportunities to shoot first and ask questions later. The highest murder rate in the First World. The highest rate of gun crimes and deaths in the First World. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for CHILDREN in the USA.

The rest of the world prefers living in "pussy countries" where we have law and order, and we're not on the verge of a civil war over the right to continue killing people.
What a "pussy country"????? What are you - 12 years old????

You need reading comprehension skills because you have none. I said "If you shoot the car thief, you will arrested. Whether he lives or he dies, you will be arrested.

Americans have always valued property over people. Our car was stolen when we lived in Toronto. Our insurance company gave us a rental, and we bought a new car. The thieves were arrested and sent to jail. Nobody got shot. It's just a car.

We have much LOWER rates of all crimes because people with guns get arrested. 2 years in jail for possession of an illegal firearm. When crime rates go up, the cops do a pre-dawn raid on all reported cases of parole violations and bail jumpers across the GTA, and arrest everyone with a gun, and back to jail they go. This gets all of the gang bangers and trouble makers off the streets for 2 years and the crime rate goes right back down.

Americans seem to relish opportunities to shoot first and ask questions later. The highest murder rate in the First World. The highest rate of gun crimes and deaths in the First World. Gun violence is now the leading cause of death for CHILDREN in the USA.

The rest of the world prefers living in "pussy countries" where we have law and order, and we're not on the verge of a civil war over the right to continue killing people.
Make sure you have a proper food supply in your vehicle. People need something to eat while they're stealing other people's property! I'm going to be watching you! Make sure you have quality food in those containers or the Mounties Will be driving your ass off to prison for being a poor citizen!


Geezus..... Have some goddamn self respect.
When will police in Chicago and other liberal Heckholes in America start adopting the same policy? The police don't respond to stolen car calls in a lot of lib towns, its a great way to get their crime rates down
It’s easy to get them to respond…

“Hi, 9-1-1, I just shot the motherfucker trying to steal my car.”

I guarantee the cops show up, even if it isn’t true. Then they can take your stolen vehicle report.
I'm waiting for the rest of it.

1.) sex must be provided on demand when the car theif enters the house.

2.) Husbands who try to interfere will be arrested and jailed as an endangerment to society. Not having condoms on hand for the thief to use while he's raping your wife will bring a fine and possible jail time.

3.) If the car is not in good working order it must be repaired and paid for by the owner so the thief can come back and steal a safe car! What's the matter with you people? Why would you expect the thief to endanger himself?

4.) All vehicles parked outside of houses must have several days food supply properly contained in sanitary storage so that the offending thief will not have to stop anywhere within a 30 mile radius to get something to eat! That could result in dangerous confrontation! Regular inspections will be performed to make sure that each vehicle has its food supply. Violations could result in loss of driving license and vehicle impoundment.

You shouldn't want to be an American Idiot but clearly you work very hard at being one.

No Canadian has ever been arrested because a stranger knocked on their door and they were frightened so they shot through the door.

No Canadian has every been arrested because he shot a teenager who got the address he was looking for wrong.

Canadians are NOT afraid to drop off packages to strangers homes, if Amazon leaves one on their porch by mistake.

We've had ONE mass shooting event at one university in Montreal in 1989, and we changed gun laws right after it happened.

We do not have armed guards in our schools.

We do not have white Europeans saying they don't want to live in the USA because it's not safe for their families.
It’s easy to get them to respond…

“Hi, 9-1-1, I just shot the motherfucker trying to steal my car.”

I guarantee the cops show up, even if it isn’t true. Then they can take your stolen vehicle report.
Canada needs to be renamed Lavia Maximus PUSSYVILLE!

Shit.... Why work hard for a living in the United States when you can move to Canada and be a protected thief?
You shouldn't want to be an American Idiot but clearly you work very hard at being one.

No Canadian has ever been arrested because a stranger knocked on their door and they were frightened so they shot through the door.

No Canadian has every been arrested because he shot a teenager who got the address he was looking for wrong.

Canadians are NOT afraid to drop off packages to strangers homes, if Amazon leaves one on their porch by mistake.

We've had ONE mass shooting event at one university in Montreal in 1989, and we changed gun laws right after it happened.

We do not have armed guards in our schools.

Yeah you'll be all set as long as you don't need a car. Better get used to having Amazon deliver everything because once the car thieves figure out that the police work for them instead of you nobody will own a car anymore.
It’s easy to get them to respond…

“Hi, 9-1-1, I just shot the motherfucker trying to steal my car.”

I guarantee the cops show up, even if it isn’t true. Then they can take your stolen vehicle report.

I was reading a few years ago, after someone had reported their car stolen, they mentioned that their baby was in the car and that lit a fire under the cops' behinds.

The police chief bitched and whined about the "false" report, but tough shit, whatever it takes to force the police to do their job.
Maybe because some of us have a sense of decency and self-sufficiency.
YOU CAN GO THERE AND THE POLICE WILL ARREST THE VICTIMS! MUCH MORE PROFITABLE! Somebody tries to stop me from stealing???? I simply call the police and have them removed!


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