Time to pare back welfare- USA poor living too high on the hog?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
It started with the Obamaphone- but hardly ends there.

The O'phone program feature PRIVATE lines for the bums to use, Back in the day, even working people had to deal with party lines. Why can't the poor live a little less like the elite? Why do they need private lines?

And its not just that, working people back in the day had fans instead of A/C, watched black and white TV, shifted their own cars manually. No reason why today's poor have to be pampered so much here in the US

It started with the Obamaphone- but hardly ends there.

The O'phone program feature PRIVATE lines for the bums to use, Back in the day, even working people had to deal with party lines. Why can't the poor live a little less like the elite? Why do they need private lines?

And its not just that, working people back in the day had fans instead of A/C, watched black and white TV, shifted their own cars manually. No reason why today's poor have to be pampered so much here in the US

Or back further….poor people listened to the radio, hauled their own ice home for the icebox, and took the bus. (Taxis were for medical emergencies.)
Welfare is replacing child support ... so your argument is dead-beat fathers shouldn't have to pay to raise their own children, that's strictly the mother's problem ... she shouldn't have spread her legs right? ... bad parenting ...

We need more prisons ... and larger government ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ... and outlaw abortion while you're at it, fill the foster care system with unwanted children ... children who are wanted can go without ...
Or back further….poor people listened to the radio, hauled their own ice home for the icebox, and took the bus. (Taxis were for medical emergencies.)
It started with the Obamaphone- but hardly ends there.

The O'phone program feature PRIVATE lines for the bums to use, Back in the day, even working people had to deal with party lines. Why can't the poor live a little less like the elite? Why do they need private lines?

And its not just that, working people back in the day had fans instead of A/C, watched black and white TV, shifted their own cars manually. No reason why today's poor have to be pampered so much here in the US

The program started under Reagan and continues to today.
Welfare is replacing child support ... so your argument is dead-beat fathers shouldn't have to pay to raise their own children, that's strictly the mother's problem ... she shouldn't have spread her legs right? ... bad parenting ...

We need more prisons ... and larger government ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ...
They gotta know who the father is first and foremost.

I'm glad planned parenthood is upping their game in the goblinvilles.
They gotta know who the father is first and foremost.

I'm glad planned parenthood is upping their game in the goblinvilles.

DNA testing ... c'mon, 21st Century ...

The problem isn't identifying the father, but getting him to pay child support ... long long hours I've spent sitting in a courtroom listening to father after father explain to the judge they haven't done anything and still they can't find a job ... when in fact they're working "under the table" ... so nothing to garnish ...

I worked with a guy that was order to pat child support for 11 children over 3 mothers ... but the government could only garnish 50% of his wages ... he laughed, thousands upon thousands of dollars every month from welfare ... he worked slowly, never wanted a raise ... spay and neuter ... this was before the Republican Reforms of 1996, but same problem, not enough jail space for fathers who refuse to follow the court's orders ...

House Republicans let Democrats write the legislation ... so what's the problem? ... it's Middle Class paying the taxes, why should we care? ...
DNA testing ... c'mon, 21st Century ...

The problem isn't identifying the father, but getting him to pay child support ... long long hours I've spent sitting in a courtroom listening to father after father explain to the judge they haven't done anything and still they can't find a job ... when in fact they're working "under the table" ... so nothing to garnish ...

I worked with a guy that was order to pat child support for 11 children over 3 mothers ... but the government could only garnish 50% of his wages ... he laughed, thousands upon thousands of dollars every month from welfare ... he worked slowly, never wanted a raise ... spay and neuter ... this was before the Republican Reforms of 1996, but same problem, not enough jail space for fathers who refuse to follow the court's orders ...

House Republicans let Democrats write the legislation ... so what's the problem? ... it's Middle Class paying the taxes, why should we care? ...
Maybe if we stop paying welfare, there would be more pressure on the fathers. As it stands now, unmarried women are deliberately having children with no thought as to how to support them: they know another kid means more food stamps, more TANF, more child cash credit, and of course Medicaid.
You guys crack me up. You start one thread on how the middle class and poor are struggling and then start another on how the poor are ripping us off. This is why no one listens to righties when they try to empathize with the struggling because they support zero policies which benefit them. Why you no money having social security collecting folks support the GOP is beyond me.
DNA testing ... c'mon, 21st Century ...

The problem isn't identifying the father, but getting him to pay child support ... long long hours I've spent sitting in a courtroom listening to father after father explain to the judge they haven't done anything and still they can't find a job ... when in fact they're working "under the table" ... so nothing to garnish ...

I worked with a guy that was order to pat child support for 11 children over 3 mothers ... but the government could only garnish 50% of his wages ... he laughed, thousands upon thousands of dollars every month from welfare ... he worked slowly, never wanted a raise ... spay and neuter ... this was before the Republican Reforms of 1996, but same problem, not enough jail space for fathers who refuse to follow the court's orders ...

House Republicans let Democrats write the legislation ... so what's the problem? ... it's Middle Class paying the taxes, why should we care? ...
I raised two kids with zero dollars from their mother's and did just fine.
Maybe if we stop paying welfare, there would be more pressure on the fathers. As it stands now, unmarried women are deliberately having children with no thought as to how to support them: they know another kid means more food stamps, more TANF, more child cash credit, and of course Medicaid.

Then your State isn't applying the reforms of 1996 ... look up prosecution rates ...

How does an unmarried woman get a child support order from a divorce court? ... if you want to leave unmarried sluts out in the cold, and never ever chide the unmarried fathers ... fine ... the Bible orders capital punishment for such ... adulterers are to be taken out into the wilderness and stoned to death ... the children sold into slavery ...

Starving the children to punish the dead-beat fathers ... that's funny ... cheaper than prison I guess ...
Welfare is replacing child support ... so your argument is dead-beat fathers shouldn't have to pay to raise their own children, that's strictly the mother's problem ... she shouldn't have spread her legs right? ... bad parenting ...

We need more prisons ... and larger government ... spay and neuter, it's the right thing to do ... and outlaw abortion while you're at it, fill the foster care system with unwanted children ... children who are wanted can go without ...
With a proper spay and neuter program the foster care system would be miniscule. There would be very few, if any, unwanted children.
Then your State isn't applying the reforms of 1996 ... look up prosecution rates ...

How does an unmarried woman get a child support order from a divorce court? ... if you want to leave unmarried sluts out in the cold, and never ever chide the unmarried fathers ... fine ... the Bible orders capital punishment for such ... adulterers are to be taken out into the wilderness and stoned to death ... the children sold into slavery ...

Starving the children to punish the dead-beat fathers ... that's funny ... cheaper than prison I guess ...
If parents refuse to work and thus can’t support their children, the kids will be taken away - and returned when Mama and/or Dada get jobs and shoe a little responsibility.
You guys crack me up. You start one thread on how the middle class and poor are struggling and then start another on how the poor are ripping us off. This is why no one listens to righties when they try to empathize with the struggling because they support zero policies which benefit them. Why you no money having social security collecting folks support the GOP is beyond me.

If parents refuse to work and thus can’t support their children, the kids will be taken away - and returned when Mama and/or Dada get jobs and shoe a little responsibility.

Bigger government with bigger foster care systems ... cheaper than punishing crimes ...

Mom has a job, the kids are left home alone ... an 8-year-old is plenty responsible for his two little sisters while Mom works McDonald's ... At $8/hr, that's $1,280 per month, a studio apartment, rice and beans every meal, cold showers ... have Sesame Street™ babysit ...

The father wants the government to take the children ... more room for him in bed now ... he will NEVER show remorse or responsibility ... even the threat of prison isn't enough ... like you, he thinks pregnancy is strictly the woman's problem and none of his ...
It started with the Obamaphone- but hardly ends there.

The O'phone program feature PRIVATE lines for the bums to use, Back in the day, even working people had to deal with party lines. Why can't the poor live a little less like the elite? Why do they need private lines?

And its not just that, working people back in the day had fans instead of A/C, watched black and white TV, shifted their own cars manually. No reason why today's poor have to be pampered so much here in the US

Time to make the billionaires pay their fair share. Why is it always the poor folks who have to cut back?
It started with the Obamaphone- but hardly ends there.

The O'phone program feature PRIVATE lines for the bums to use, Back in the day, even working people had to deal with party lines. Why can't the poor live a little less like the elite? Why do they need private lines?

And its not just that, working people back in the day had fans instead of A/C, watched black and white TV, shifted their own cars manually. No reason why today's poor have to be pampered so much here in the US

Pampered? Didn't you listen? Low income, no income, disability, and more. Those are the folks that assistance programs were designed to care for.

Here's a partial fix. It deals in SNAP and a few other programs. I find it hard to believe that energy drinks and soft drinks are allowed under them. Plus, when they can trade points for cash on the same system. Clean that part up and more people won't be on it. But if they have to be on it, cut back on the frivolous crap.

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