They are busting Trump rght now in court

Were they in fact "classified" if Trump deemed them not to be? Or have you forgotten that the one man who has ultimate authority in classification of materials IS the President of the United States?
Doesn’t matter what Trump thinks. He was required by law to turn them over in compliance with the grand jury subpoena.
You guys need to remember that trump is not president. He can't make the courts stop the cases against him. Seems like you guys ignore that to make claims. But I don't see him getting out of this one, unless there is one juror who lied and will vote not guilty.
Do you know what he did? Tell us all about it.
His CFO and comptroller were involved, so it sure seems like it was a business issue.
I used the same software to track my personal expenses and business expenses- that does not transform my personal expenses into business expenses, and I never tried to deduct them from my taxes.

Yes, his accounting people recorded the transactions, but they were recorded in separate accounts in the software.

I was a controller for a company for a few years. I had 4 separate companies in the same software program. Same owner, different companies. No big deal- just don't get them confused and record something in the wrong company.

As a controller, I recorded personal expenditures and disbursements to the owner, and I was an employee of one of the entities, and a corporate officer for the holding company.

No one ever suggested the owner was a separate company because I was an employee of his. Technically he probably should have excluded a small portion of my salary from the payroll deduction, but it would have been trivial.

He had a 1040 like everyone does, and he filed a K-1 for each company. I was an LLC, so I used a Schedule C, which is the same thing.

Trump's taxes work the same way. His business entities each have their own revenues and expenses, and they provide him with a K-1 or Schedule C to report the business income on his 1040.

He can write a check from his personal account. It does not mean he is deducting it from his taxes, or that he is a business entity just because his accounting people help him track his spending.
One underlying theme is that Trump lies a lot and it gets him into trouble.

Don’t forget how he lied to the DoJ about having complied with the grand jury subpoena that required him to turn over all his classified documents.

Lying is not a crime or Biden would be under the jail.
Deleting emails isnt illegal.
Destroying evidence that you were running the State Department through private servers hidden in your home when Congressional investigators were asking you if you'd turned over all materials related to the Benghazi attack and you blatantly LIED to them and said that you had? YES...that's a crime!
Deleting emails isnt illegal.

When they are under federal subpoena it is. That would be why everyone was yelling "Lock her up" because she got away with NUMEROUS felonies because shes a democrat. She mishandled classified information and destroyed evidence that was under subpoena. We see with Trump what happens when liberals go after political operatives they don't like. But Hillary, being democrat, got away with everything.
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I've not heard about that. Fear of the orange God, I presume. Bragg doesn't look scared.
He is DEI. Hate the hood has to go somewhere. Especially when they sell out to their master's to persecute people who are not of the same party. What is a real possibility is that the same people who financed the slave trade some centuries ago that Bragg is a part of their relatives financed the same to do their bidding today. A slave is a slave. We all are.
Doesn’t matter what Trump thinks. He was required by law to turn them over in compliance with the grand jury subpoena.
He was required by law to turn over "classified" documents. But since he was the ultimate authority on classification then you've got a legal issue that SHOULD have been solved by a court case! Instead the Biden Justice Department raided the home of a former President of the United States with an FBI SWAT team brought in specially from Washington DC!
Destroying evidence that you were running the State Department through private servers hidden in your home when Congressional investigators were asking you if you'd turned over all materials related to the Benghazi attack and you blatantly LIED to them and said that you had? YES...that's a crime!
Clinton didn’t tell anyone to delete the emails after they received a congressional subpoena for them.
When they are under federal subpoena it is. That would be why everyone was yelling "Lock her up" because she got away with NUMEROUS felonies because shes a democrat.
But she didn’t delete them when they were under subpoena.

And if defying a subpoena is so bad, why aren’t you guys demanding Trump be locked up for defying his?
He was required by law to turn over "classified" documents. But since he was the ultimate authority on classification then you've got a legal issue that SHOULD have been solved by a court case! Instead the Biden Justice Department raided the home of a former President of the United States with an FBI SWAT team brought in specially from Washington DC!
He was required to turn over all documents with classified markings.

You should have read the subpoena.

He didn’t do that.
But she didn’t delete them when they were under subpoena.

And if defying a subpoena is so bad, why aren’t you guys demanding Trump be locked up for defying his?

Trump is being charged with 91 crimes. What more do you want?

Yes, she did delete the emails under subpoena. The subpoena came March 4th and she deleted the emails 3 weeks later.

Trump’s timeline is correct. The congressional subpoena came on March 4, 2015, and an employee deleted the emails sometime after March 25, 2015, three weeks later.

The only thing Politifact is saying is unprovable is WHY she deleted 33,000 emails under federal subpoena. But they have CONFIRMED SHE DID IT.

When given the chance to explain, the guy who deleted the emails refused to talk to congress. What cha hidin', Clinton?

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Well, I am just going to sit back and let the jury decide.

Is that ok with you?
Sure, why should I care?

I'm just saying no one has alleged any tax violations related to the payments. It does not seem to be part of Bragg's case at all- he has been trying to build a conspiracy about election interference.

If he had Trump on a tax violation, that would be a hell of a lot easier to prove than some "conspiracy to promote an election" theory...

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