There are more stay at home dad’s in America than ever before. What would our parents and grandparents think?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

This issue cost me two of my closest friends from high school. They are both stay at home men. One a stay at home dad the other a stay at home boyfriend. They both smoke marijuana all day and don’t really contribute anything to their households.

I choose to not talk with them. Sometimes it’s a bad feeling, but in the end I’m making the right move because it’s making me stronger. It’s 100% my choice. I can’t be in the same room with these types of men who don’t work. And they let their women do the work. I think it’s a despicable site.

Unless the father is disabled or sick, he should be working. And for those who might want to say

“what’s wrong with that, whatever works right.”??

Well …What about what our parents and grandparents would think about that type of culture. And no, this isn’t about sexism or any kind of bigotry. Nope because even 75 years ago, there were women in the workforce and in politics, and the Democratic Party had a female labor secretary in Francis Perkins. But back in those days in the 1940s, we had a much better country than we do today.

I think it’s humiliating. And I believe it leads to a slippery slope. I think a stay at home Dad would be more likely to be fine with a boy going into a girls bathroom…. I stay at home father or a stay at home Boyfriend is much more likely to support BLM. Anti-American, ism and attacks on traditional American culture is what got us the stay at home father …this is all part of the attack on American culture and weakening our country. …it’s also coinciding with the rise of BLM. The rise of weak black men. There are black men who are stay at home dads. Their black fathers and grandfathers would be astonished at that type of weakness.

It’s all the more interesting because we have more mass school shootings in American history today than ever before. We have more young men zonked out on antidepressants and marijuana than ever before. More depression and loneliness in America than ever before. And it’s all coinciding with a record number of stay at home men. Isn’t that interesting.
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This issue cost me two of my closest friends from high school. They are both stay at home men. One a stay at home dad the other a stay at home boyfriend. They both smoke marijuana all day and don’t really contribute anything to their households.

I choose to not talk with them. Sometimes it’s a bad feeling, but in the end I’m making the right move because it’s making me stronger. It’s 100% my choice. I can’t be in the same room with these types of men who don’t work. And they let their women do the work. I think it’s a despicable site.

Unless the father is disabled or sick, he should be working. And for those who might want to say

“what’s wrong with that, whatever works right.”??

Well …What about what our parents and grandparents would think about that type of culture. And no, this isn’t about sexism or any kind of bigotry. Nope because even 75 years ago, there were women in the workforce and in politics, and the Democratic Party had a female labor secretary in Francis Perkins. But back in those days in the 1940s, we had a much better country than we do today.

I think it’s humiliating. And I believe it leads to a slippery slope. I think a stay at home Dad would be more likely to be fine with a boy going into a girls bathroom…. I stay at home father or a stay at home Boyfriend is much more likely to support BLM. Anti-American, ism and attacks on traditional American culture is what got us the stay at home father …this is all part of the attack on American culture and weakening our country. …it’s also coinciding with the rise of BLM. The rise of weak black men. There are black men who are stay at home dads. Their black fathers and grandfathers would be astonished at that type of weakness.

It’s all the more interesting because we have more mass school shootings in American history today than ever before. We have more young men zonked out on antidepressants and marijuana than ever before. More depression and loneliness in America than ever before. And it’s all coinciding with a record number of stay at home men. Isn’t that interesting.
Well it is a yes and a no on the more stay home dad thing. Back when most people were farmers kids had dads influence a larger part of the day than they do now. As far as getting dads opinion proxy would not know even if he was still around. He was a man of few words. Grandpa would likely have expressed some sort of opinion but it would have been a short talk. My family was always more of a lead by example people. Same strategy for me. Kept my kids out of trouble by keeping them busy.
Loss of hope, loss of confidence, disinterest in being in the Rat Race, anti-social tendencies due to living in a virtual world, etc.

If someone is 21 today, they will work forever and never own anything except debt. They have less liberty than their grandparents. This is particularly true in creepy Ontario. It must be true in some places in the U.S also.

Also, some people are addicts. The insane headaches I receive has tempted me to find a pain reliever in any form, it is legal here but I haven't given in. Let me tell you, when you feel the immense pain behind your want it gone at all costs.
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This issue cost me two of my closest friends from high school. They are both stay at home men. One a stay at home dad the other a stay at home boyfriend. They both smoke marijuana all day and don’t really contribute anything to their households.

I choose to not talk with them. Sometimes it’s a bad feeling, but in the end I’m making the right move because it’s making me stronger. It’s 100% my choice. I can’t be in the same room with these types of men who don’t work. And they let their women do the work. I think it’s a despicable site.

Unless the father is disabled or sick, he should be working. And for those who might want to say

“what’s wrong with that, whatever works right.”??

Well …What about what our parents and grandparents would think about that type of culture. And no, this isn’t about sexism or any kind of bigotry. Nope because even 75 years ago, there were women in the workforce and in politics, and the Democratic Party had a female labor secretary in Francis Perkins. But back in those days in the 1940s, we had a much better country than we do today.

I think it’s humiliating. And I believe it leads to a slippery slope. I think a stay at home Dad would be more likely to be fine with a boy going into a girls bathroom…. I stay at home father or a stay at home Boyfriend is much more likely to support BLM. Anti-American, ism and attacks on traditional American culture is what got us the stay at home father …this is all part of the attack on American culture and weakening our country. …it’s also coinciding with the rise of BLM. The rise of weak black men. There are black men who are stay at home dads. Their black fathers and grandfathers would be astonished at that type of weakness.

It’s all the more interesting because we have more mass school shootings in American history today than ever before. We have more young men zonked out on antidepressants and marijuana than ever before. More depression and loneliness in America than ever before. And it’s all coinciding with a record number of stay at home men. Isn’t that interesting.
Sitting at home smoking weed all day isn't stay at home parenting.

Thread fail.

This. Unfortunately, our parents and grandparents were pretty sexist.
your willing to attack your own family?

You think that they were racist as well?

My grandfather had a black boss. This country was a much better country in the past …. And many aspects of Americas is a dump today. Our culture is very ugly. Thank God for our history.

Today working class Americans can’t afford a home and 99% of the country. . The pro BLM, Democrats, and neocons live in a fantasy world. They lie to themselves every day or they are simply so high on drugs. They don’t care about the terrible society around them. Like this fact,

We can always look back on our great American history… the.. society that our parents and grandparents built gave us a greatest middle class ever.
The denigration of Hollywood. The rise of pornography. The rise of third wave feminism, the rise of BLM, more loneliness and depression in America than ever before , 50 year high inflation under Joe Biden, All of this is happening when we have this happening.

The average black man and the average white man were much better off in the 1950s. At least no matter what happens in the future we have the glorious American past to be proud of.
The past is passed and is not coming back.
This is true the past is gone can’t go into a Time Machine. But if we look back at history, we will see that different empires and kingdoms learn from history and often try to do what they could to repeat the positive aspects of it and not repeat the negative ones. Right now we have a lot more negativity in America than positivity.

Racism and slavery was always a worldwide issue. America was probably the best melting pot of all history. We did have segregation and so we should not have that in the future. But we cannot allow BLM to prosper because there are a horrible organization. We can’t allow third way of feminism to continue.

Even during the time of segregation the black man in America could make the middle class in a much easier way.

This says it all. The cost of living.

couple this with the record loneliness in America.^ regardless of what side of the political aisle one comes down on, we can’t escape the facts. This country ain’t what it used to be. It’s worse off today So we should learn from history.
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This issue cost me two of my closest friends from high school. They are both stay at home men. One a stay at home dad the other a stay at home boyfriend. They both smoke marijuana all day and don’t really contribute anything to their households.

I choose to not talk with them. Sometimes it’s a bad feeling, but in the end I’m making the right move because it’s making me stronger. It’s 100% my choice. I can’t be in the same room with these types of men who don’t work. And they let their women do the work. I think it’s a despicable site.

Unless the father is disabled or sick, he should be working. And for those who might want to say

“what’s wrong with that, whatever works right.”??

Well …What about what our parents and grandparents would think about that type of culture. And no, this isn’t about sexism or any kind of bigotry. Nope because even 75 years ago, there were women in the workforce and in politics, and the Democratic Party had a female labor secretary in Francis Perkins. But back in those days in the 1940s, we had a much better country than we do today.

I think it’s humiliating. And I believe it leads to a slippery slope. I think a stay at home Dad would be more likely to be fine with a boy going into a girls bathroom…. I stay at home father or a stay at home Boyfriend is much more likely to support BLM. Anti-American, ism and attacks on traditional American culture is what got us the stay at home father …this is all part of the attack on American culture and weakening our country. …it’s also coinciding with the rise of BLM. The rise of weak black men. There are black men who are stay at home dads. Their black fathers and grandfathers would be astonished at that type of weakness.

It’s all the more interesting because we have more mass school shootings in American history today than ever before. We have more young men zonked out on antidepressants and marijuana than ever before. More depression and loneliness in America than ever before. And it’s all coinciding with a record number of stay at home men. Isn’t that interesting.
Again that is the failure of Bidenomics.. we have almost 8 million dropping out of the workforce AND record numbers of folks with 2 jobs. The horror of Bidenomics. Give a lazy stupid man some power and that is what you get
FAGs with adopted kids like Buttejags. One stay home Ruining kids full time.
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This is true the past is gone can’t go into a Time Machine. But if we look back at history, we will see that different empires and kingdoms learn from history and often try to do what they could to repeat the positive aspects of it and not repeat the negative ones. Right now we have a lot more negativity in America than positivity.

Racism and slavery was always a worldwide issue. America was probably the best melting pot of all history. We did have segregation and so we should not have that in the future. But we cannot allow BLM to prosper because there are a horrible organization. We can’t allow third way of feminism to continue.

Even during the time of segregation the black man in America could make the middle class in a much easier way.

This says it all. The cost of living.

couple this with the record loneliness in America.^ regardless of what side of the political aisle when comes down on, we can’t escape the facts. This country ain’t what it used to be. It’s worse off today So we should learn from history.

I think whining and yearning about the past is kinda silly but the article you posted is counter to the facts. If houses were unaffordable in 99% of the country, housing prices would be crashing and they are not.

Is it arguably harder in some areas? Yes.

This issue cost me two of my closest friends from high school. They are both stay at home men. One a stay at home dad the other a stay at home boyfriend. They both smoke marijuana all day and don’t really contribute anything to their households.

I choose to not talk with them. Sometimes it’s a bad feeling, but in the end I’m making the right move because it’s making me stronger. It’s 100% my choice. I can’t be in the same room with these types of men who don’t work. And they let their women do the work. I think it’s a despicable site.

Unless the father is disabled or sick, he should be working. And for those who might want to say

“what’s wrong with that, whatever works right.”??

Well …What about what our parents and grandparents would think about that type of culture. And no, this isn’t about sexism or any kind of bigotry. Nope because even 75 years ago, there were women in the workforce and in politics, and the Democratic Party had a female labor secretary in Francis Perkins. But back in those days in the 1940s, we had a much better country than we do today.

I think it’s humiliating. And I believe it leads to a slippery slope. I think a stay at home Dad would be more likely to be fine with a boy going into a girls bathroom…. I stay at home father or a stay at home Boyfriend is much more likely to support BLM. Anti-American, ism and attacks on traditional American culture is what got us the stay at home father …this is all part of the attack on American culture and weakening our country. …it’s also coinciding with the rise of BLM. The rise of weak black men. There are black men who are stay at home dads. Their black fathers and grandfathers would be astonished at that type of weakness.

It’s all the more interesting because we have more mass school shootings in American history today than ever before. We have more young men zonked out on antidepressants and marijuana than ever before. More depression and loneliness in America than ever before. And it’s all coinciding with a record number of stay at home men. Isn’t that interesting.
Sounds dismal

This issue cost me two of my closest friends from high school. They are both stay at home men. One a stay at home dad the other a stay at home boyfriend. They both smoke marijuana all day and don’t really contribute anything to their households.

I choose to not talk with them. Sometimes it’s a bad feeling, but in the end I’m making the right move because it’s making me stronger. It’s 100% my choice. I can’t be in the same room with these types of men who don’t work. And they let their women do the work. I think it’s a despicable site.

Unless the father is disabled or sick, he should be working. And for those who might want to say

“what’s wrong with that, whatever works right.”??

Well …What about what our parents and grandparents would think about that type of culture. And no, this isn’t about sexism or any kind of bigotry. Nope because even 75 years ago, there were women in the workforce and in politics, and the Democratic Party had a female labor secretary in Francis Perkins. But back in those days in the 1940s, we had a much better country than we do today.

I think it’s humiliating. And I believe it leads to a slippery slope. I think a stay at home Dad would be more likely to be fine with a boy going into a girls bathroom…. I stay at home father or a stay at home Boyfriend is much more likely to support BLM. Anti-American, ism and attacks on traditional American culture is what got us the stay at home father …this is all part of the attack on American culture and weakening our country. …it’s also coinciding with the rise of BLM. The rise of weak black men. There are black men who are stay at home dads. Their black fathers and grandfathers would be astonished at that type of weakness.

It’s all the more interesting because we have more mass school shootings in American history today than ever before. We have more young men zonked out on antidepressants and marijuana than ever before. More depression and loneliness in America than ever before. And it’s all coinciding with a record number of stay at home men. Isn’t that interesting.
Women tend towards Alpha males. There is a high probability of infidelity here. Knew several couples who did this arrangement....that's how it ended up.

Having said that I don't see any problem with a guy doing dishes, laundry or general cleaning. It should not be a females only regimen.

I think whining and yearning about the past is kinda silly but the article you posted is counter to the facts. If houses were unaffordable in 99% of the country, housing prices would be crashing and they are not.

Is it arguably harder in some areas? Yes.
That’s OK cbs is a left-wing source. You can’t get around it

But you make yourself look like a fool when the facts are staring, you right in the face and you deny it. Home prices are out of control in this country along with high interest rates and high interest rates are probably the bigger problem.

Most Americans who want to buy a home next year can't afford a 20% down payment​

This is occurring under Joe Biden. All coinciding with the rise of BLM with our president hosting transgender events, with our president and vice president denigrating the history of America. It’s all coinciding with our president and vice president supporting BLM politics. It’s a disgrace to our American ancestors black-and-white who gave us the greatest middle-class ever.
That’s OK cbs is a left-wing source. You can’t get around it

But you make yourself look like a fool when the facts are staring, you right in the face and you deny it. Home prices are out of control in this country along with high interest rates and high interest rates are probably the bigger problem.

I never argued that home prices weren't high. I argued that if 99% couldn't afford them, prices would be crashing.

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