There are lies, more lies, and then there is the data. Keep telling the hurting middleclass and poor, that they arent really hurting.

Trump said people from nice countries like denmake and Switzerland.

Ita because they don’t want to come to America Don. Nor will they do the jobs your son Baron won’t do.

no no no. We need 1 million Haitians to dump into DET with you and your Brothers. You got empty lots and homes all over DET. STL also! The mire the better!
no no no. We need 1 million Haitians to dump into DET with you and your Brothers. You got empty lots and homes all over DET. STL also! The mire the better!
Dearborn is the Arab capital of America. We take them in just fine.

Where do you live? I want to see how many un filled jobs are in your state.

Are you anti immigration?
Trump said people from nice countries like denmake and Switzerland.

Ita because they don’t want to come to America Don. Nor will they do the jobs your son Baron won’t do.
No need to come here. Both countries have huge trade surpluses by trading with us. They have the best of both worlds; lots of money and an ethnically homogeneous population.
Dearborn is the Arab capital of America. We take them in just fine.

Where do you live? I want to see how many un filled jobs are in your state.

Are you anti immigration?

good. Then youll take 1n million Haitians into DET city limits. Got it. Let MICH pay to feed & house them. Or take 500K and 500K to STL northside.
The retirement age should be lowered, never raised. It's not a citizens duty to help the nation through work.
I do not fence straddle. I think both sides suck and I sit up on the hill laughing at you all in your sheep pins thinking you are so very much different than the sheep on the other side.
here is a chart to help you understand where you stand as an independent .



40 years of trickledown economics, destroying the American middle class, by giving the rich $56 trillion of their mony, will do that.

But there's good news. Efforts have begun to take that $56 trillion back from them, raise their taxes, and restore America to the workers.

How did a tax cut give middle class money to the rich?

List all the steps.
We didn’t know it back then but corporate America and Reagan waged war on us back in the 80s. Raised retirement age, started hiring illegals, sending jobs overseas, tax cuts to the rich and corporations, did I mention illegal employers? Breaking unions.

In those same years ceo pay went up 1322% and ours went up 18%

In those same years ceo pay went up 1322%


Raised retirement age, started hiring illegals

Deport 20 million illegal aliens to stick it to the corporations!!!
The retirement age should be lowered, never raised. It's not a citizens duty to help the nation through work.
In America, you retire when you want to. Those that work hard, have good skills in investing can retire much earlier than a Union worker who has to rely on someone managing their pensions. Social Security the biggest Ponzi Scheme was set up just to augment a pensions, but the establishment just couldnt keep their hands off of it.
In those same years ceo pay went up 1322%


Raised retirement age, started hiring illegals

Deport 20 million illegal aliens to stick it to the corporations!!!
You got to find them. If illegal employers were afraid to hire them they’d let them go and they’d go home if they heard the same things happened to their friends. Or they’d step forward to become a legal citizen
You got to find them. If illegal employers were afraid to hire them they’d let them go and they’d go home if they heard the same things happened to their friends. Or they’d step forward to become a legal citizen

Raid some employers, ship the illegals straight home, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Rinse, repeat.
How long before they get the idea?
Of course, you have to secure the border and eject new invaders immediately.
End the asylum fakery.
Show up with documentation for your claim or don't bother applying.
Raid some employers, ship the illegals straight home, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Rinse, repeat.
How long before they get the idea?
Of course, you have to secure the border and eject new invaders immediately.
End the asylum fakery.
Show up with documentation for your claim or don't bother applying.

they will not get the idea until you start to put the employers either behind bars or a fine so large it is not worth it.

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