The Viral Growth of a lie...Furry walkout not a thing at all.


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
This amuses..I noted a member posted it..and then hurried up to delete it..good for her--I do wonder just how many of our lil USMB dysfunctional family passed this on already.

Video of middle schoolers walking out of a Nebo School District school in Payson on Wednesday quickly spread in conservative social media circles, with posts claiming the students were protesting because the district was allowing student “furries” to “terrorize” other students.
Conservative radio host Adam Bartholomew, who shared video of the walkout to X, wrote in a post that the student who organized the protest told him student “furries” were biting, scratching and spraying “human repellent” at other students, “and when a student retaliates they are the one who gets suspended.”
Nebo School District spokesperson Seth Sorenson said that claim was false. He also said students at the middle school are not wearing full-body animal costumes to class, as “furries” — part of a subculture of people who sometimes dress up like animal characters but act like humans — are known to do.
But by about 4 p.m. Wednesday, Bartholomew’s video and claims had been picked up and spread by Libs of TikTok, an account on X that shares anti-LGBTQ posts and other clips geared at generating right-wing outrage. Bartholomew is married to Cari Bartholomew, who is running as a far-right candidate for the Utah State Board of Education in District 13.

“Students claim that the furries bite them, bark at them, and pounce on them without repercussion,” the Libs of TikTok post read. “However, if they defend themselves in any way, they get in trouble.” turns out that this was a case of one group of student bullying another..with the bullied group being the kids who chose to wear 'Bunny ears' and such.

The group of students being targeted, he added, were students who sometimes come to school wearing headbands “that may have ears on them.” He said doesn’t think the targeted students necessarily refer to themselves as “furries.”
“These are pretty young kids,” he said. “You’ll have students that show up with headbands and giant bows; you’ll have students that show up dressed as their favorite basketball player, or baseball player. That’s just what kids this age do.”

In one specific instance, the targeted students “were sitting in a corner of the lunchroom, eating as a group of friends” when others began calling them names and throwing food at them “because they were dressed differently,” Sorenson told The Salt Lake Tribune on Thursday, providing more details about the situation.
After word of the altercation spread, the school sent an initial message to families last Friday, stating, “We expect ALL students to be respectful towards each other while we are here at school.”

“Nobody was taking the side of one group or another,” he said. “What we were saying is everyone needs to treat everyone else with respect.”
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This amuses..I noted a member posted it..and then hurried up to delete it..good for her--I do wonder just how many of our lil USMB dysfunctional family passed this on already.

Video of middle schoolers walking out of a Nebo School District school in Payson on Wednesday quickly spread in conservative social media circles, with posts claiming the students were protesting because the district was allowing student “furries” to “terrorize” other students.
Conservative radio host Adam Bartholomew, who shared video of the walkout to X, wrote in a post that the student who organized the protest told him student “furries” were biting, scratching and spraying “human repellent” at other students, “and when a student retaliates they are the one who gets suspended.”
Nebo School District spokesperson Seth Sorenson said that claim was false. He also said students at the middle school are not wearing full-body animal costumes to class, as “furries” — part of a subculture of people who sometimes dress up like animal characters but act like humans — are known to do.
But by about 4 p.m. Wednesday, Bartholomew’s video and claims had been picked up and spread by Libs of TikTok, an account on X that shares anti-LGBTQ posts and other clips geared at generating right-wing outrage. Bartholomew is married to Cari Bartholomew, who is running as a far-right candidate for the Utah State Board of Education in District 13.

“Students claim that the furries bite them, bark at them, and pounce on them without repercussion,” the Libs of TikTok post read. “However, if they defend themselves in any way, they get in trouble.” turns out that this was a case of one group of student bullying another..with the bullied group being the kids who chose to wear 'Bunny ears' and such.

The group of students being targeted, he added, were students who sometimes come to school wearing headbands “that may have ears on them.” He said doesn’t think the targeted students necessarily refer to themselves as “furries.”
“These are pretty young kids,” he said. “You’ll have students that show up with headbands and giant bows; you’ll have students that show up dressed as their favorite basketball player, or baseball player. That’s just what kids this age do.”

In one specific instance, the targeted students “were sitting in a corner of the lunchroom, eating as a group of friends” when others began calling them names and throwing food at them “because they were dressed differently,” Sorenson told The Salt Lake Tribune on Thursday, providing more details about the situation.
After word of the altercation spread, the school sent an initial message to families last Friday, stating, “We expect ALL students to be respectful towards each other while we are here at school.”
“We hope you will treat others how you would like to be treated,” the message stated. “Outstanding behavior might demonstrate curiosity, understanding, patience and tolerance.”
The note continued, “One of our goals is to ensure that you are able to come to school, each day to learn the academic curriculum and appropriate citizenship. As responsible citizens, we hope you will look out for each other, take care of each other and treat each other with kindness.”
The message reiterated both the school’s dress code policy, as well as the school’s policy against written, verbal, or physical acts that stand to threaten, humiliate or abuse others.

But Sorenson said he thinks some parents misinterpreted the note, incorrectly taking it as a message that the school was “taking the side of a single group, saying, ‘We want you to be kind to this group, but they don’t have to be kind to anyone else.’”
“Nobody was taking the side of one group or another,” he said. “What we were saying is everyone needs to treat everyone else with respect.”
Are there no pictures or video of the furries at the school?
As far as i can tell..there are no 'furries'..just some knee-jerk parents being used by a Conservative to gin up some of the good old outrage..
Maybe so

Its s tactic that libs are good at but conservatives are still learning

If it is fake news from my side I want to know that
Everyone, Left right or center is vulnerable to faked stories, videos, photo-shopping, AI, etc. So maybe everyone should ASSUME a story that elicits an emotional reaction IS FAKE until verified by multiple sources.

There doesn't seem to be anything fake about the story. I see the OP spinning the story like a top like he always does. lol.

All I see is that the school administration basically excused the disruption in the so-called education atmosphere by giving the disrupters an arbitrary victim status card.

And therefore a shield and a free pass to continue the disruption and if you don't like the disruption, then you're a bully.

This amuses..I noted a member posted it..and then hurried up to delete it..good for her--I do wonder just how many of our lil USMB dysfunctional family passed this on already.

Video of middle schoolers walking out of a Nebo School District school in Payson on Wednesday quickly spread in conservative social media circles, with posts claiming the students were protesting because the district was allowing student “furries” to “terrorize” other students.
Conservative radio host Adam Bartholomew, who shared video of the walkout to X, wrote in a post that the student who organized the protest told him student “furries” were biting, scratching and spraying “human repellent” at other students, “and when a student retaliates they are the one who gets suspended.”
Nebo School District spokesperson Seth Sorenson said that claim was false. He also said students at the middle school are not wearing full-body animal costumes to class, as “furries” — part of a subculture of people who sometimes dress up like animal characters but act like humans — are known to do.
But by about 4 p.m. Wednesday, Bartholomew’s video and claims had been picked up and spread by Libs of TikTok, an account on X that shares anti-LGBTQ posts and other clips geared at generating right-wing outrage. Bartholomew is married to Cari Bartholomew, who is running as a far-right candidate for the Utah State Board of Education in District 13.

“Students claim that the furries bite them, bark at them, and pounce on them without repercussion,” the Libs of TikTok post read. “However, if they defend themselves in any way, they get in trouble.” turns out that this was a case of one group of student bullying another..with the bullied group being the kids who chose to wear 'Bunny ears' and such.

The group of students being targeted, he added, were students who sometimes come to school wearing headbands “that may have ears on them.” He said doesn’t think the targeted students necessarily refer to themselves as “furries.”
“These are pretty young kids,” he said. “You’ll have students that show up with headbands and giant bows; you’ll have students that show up dressed as their favorite basketball player, or baseball player. That’s just what kids this age do.”

In one specific instance, the targeted students “were sitting in a corner of the lunchroom, eating as a group of friends” when others began calling them names and throwing food at them “because they were dressed differently,” Sorenson told The Salt Lake Tribune on Thursday, providing more details about the situation.
After word of the altercation spread, the school sent an initial message to families last Friday, stating, “We expect ALL students to be respectful towards each other while we are here at school.”
“We hope you will treat others how you would like to be treated,” the message stated. “Outstanding behavior might demonstrate curiosity, understanding, patience and tolerance.”
The note continued, “One of our goals is to ensure that you are able to come to school, each day to learn the academic curriculum and appropriate citizenship. As responsible citizens, we hope you will look out for each other, take care of each other and treat each other with kindness.”
The message reiterated both the school’s dress code policy, as well as the school’s policy against written, verbal, or physical acts that stand to threaten, humiliate or abuse others.

But Sorenson said he thinks some parents misinterpreted the note, incorrectly taking it as a message that the school was “taking the side of a single group, saying, ‘We want you to be kind to this group, but they don’t have to be kind to anyone else.’”
“Nobody was taking the side of one group or another,” he said. “What we were saying is everyone needs to treat everyone else with respect.”
Who can be trusted? Obviously not Adam Bartholomew.

BTW, there is a bus stop near my place and I see kids wearing those "ears"
Totally harmless.
It's an old propaganda trick. Deflect attention with bogus sensationalism while little attention is given to real issues. This technique might be Biden['s only chance at reelection.
The tranny stuff wasn't enough in the schools, so I suppose now they wanna encourage taking it a step further and turn the poor little children into billboard signs for bestiality.

This stuff does not occur naturally. Adults think this dumb shit up. Then they encourage it by trivializing it in the hope of it being normalized.
OP, are you angry enough yet, or do you need more to get you to MAXIMUM outrage?
There doesn't seem to be anything fake about the story. I se the OP spining the story like a top like he always does. lol.

All I see is that the school administration basically excused the disruption in the so-called education atmosphere by giving the disrupters an arbitrary victim status card.

And therefore a shield and a free pass to continue the disruption and if you don't like the disrupton, then you're a bully.

Interesting interpretation. You are saying that some kids wearing, (possibly), bunny ears, being taunted and having food thrown at them, during lunch, are at fault for not conforming to the perceived status quo. Any disruption is being caused by the Bullying crowd that is acting out. I wonder just where your use of the word 'arbitrary' comes is, as there appears nothing arbitrary about the incident, or the school's handling of it.

Does this actually represent your world-view of such things? Should kids be expected to maintain lock-step conformity, at all times? It's very 1950's I gotta say.

Appears that all the school is saying is to respect others and not bully. You have a problem with that, do you?

You see, what I see is you..victim blaming and ignoring the absolute falsity of the assertion made by the Conservative host...that there was a 'furry walkout'.
When in fact..there were no furries at all. Just some kids being bullied for acting different..and a school dealing with it.
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Who can be trusted? Obviously not Adam Bartholomew.

BTW, there is a bus stop near my place and I see kids wearing those "ears"
Totally harmless.
My Grandkids tell me it's more a 'Bob's Burger thing' than a furry thing.....I dunno.

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Interesting interpretation. You are saying that some kids wearing, (possibly), bunny ears, being taunted and having food thrown at them, during lunch, are at fault for not conforming to the perceived status quo. Ay disruption is being caused by the Bullying crowd that is acting out. I wonder just where your use of the word 'arbitrary' comes is, as there appears nothing arbitrary about the incident, or the school's handling of it.

Does this actually represent your world-view of such things? Should kids be expected to maintain lock-step conformity, at all times? It's very 1950's I gotta say.

Appears that all the school is saying is to respect others and not bully. You have a problem with that, do you?

You see, what I see is you..victim blaming and ignoring the absolute falsity of the assertion made by the Conservative host...that there was a 'furry walkout'.
When in fact..there were no furries at all. Just some kids being bullied for acting different..and a school dealing with it.

Leave the kids alone. They shouldn't be used as billboard signs to flaunt or to serve as symbols for the indulgences of the perverse in adult society.

And format the copypasta paragraphs in your op posts, asshole. Have you ever heard of damned paragraphs?

You're not supposed to copypasta the whole damned article anyway, it's against the rules. Thief! Trying to cram all of the paragraphs together into one big paragraph doesn't hide the fact.
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OP, are you angry enough yet, or do you need more to get you to MAXIMUM outrage?
Angry?? Nah, mostly amused by the process. Driven by parents who want to be, 'relevant'. Be viral for a their part in the great culture war. Enter Web-scum eager to spin any straw at all into viral gold..and own the cycle for a second or two. Get those clicks and such~

I think we should leave the classroom alone in our political shitstorms..even as I know that said classroom is, in many ways, the frontline.

I don't really do 'outraged' unless it's personal.
This amuses..I noted a member posted it..and then hurried up to delete it..good for her--I do wonder just how many of our lil USMB dysfunctional family passed this on already.

Video of middle schoolers walking out of a Nebo School District school in Payson on Wednesday quickly spread in conservative social media circles, with posts claiming the students were protesting because the district was allowing student “furries” to “terrorize” other students.
Conservative radio host Adam Bartholomew, who shared video of the walkout to X, wrote in a post that the student who organized the protest told him student “furries” were biting, scratching and spraying “human repellent” at other students, “and when a student retaliates they are the one who gets suspended.”
Nebo School District spokesperson Seth Sorenson said that claim was false. He also said students at the middle school are not wearing full-body animal costumes to class, as “furries” — part of a subculture of people who sometimes dress up like animal characters but act like humans — are known to do.
But by about 4 p.m. Wednesday, Bartholomew’s video and claims had been picked up and spread by Libs of TikTok, an account on X that shares anti-LGBTQ posts and other clips geared at generating right-wing outrage. Bartholomew is married to Cari Bartholomew, who is running as a far-right candidate for the Utah State Board of Education in District 13.

“Students claim that the furries bite them, bark at them, and pounce on them without repercussion,” the Libs of TikTok post read. “However, if they defend themselves in any way, they get in trouble.” turns out that this was a case of one group of student bullying another..with the bullied group being the kids who chose to wear 'Bunny ears' and such.

The group of students being targeted, he added, were students who sometimes come to school wearing headbands “that may have ears on them.” He said doesn’t think the targeted students necessarily refer to themselves as “furries.”
“These are pretty young kids,” he said. “You’ll have students that show up with headbands and giant bows; you’ll have students that show up dressed as their favorite basketball player, or baseball player. That’s just what kids this age do.”

In one specific instance, the targeted students “were sitting in a corner of the lunchroom, eating as a group of friends” when others began calling them names and throwing food at them “because they were dressed differently,” Sorenson told The Salt Lake Tribune on Thursday, providing more details about the situation.
After word of the altercation spread, the school sent an initial message to families last Friday, stating, “We expect ALL students to be respectful towards each other while we are here at school.”
“We hope you will treat others how you would like to be treated,” the message stated. “Outstanding behavior might demonstrate curiosity, understanding, patience and tolerance.”
The note continued, “One of our goals is to ensure that you are able to come to school, each day to learn the academic curriculum and appropriate citizenship. As responsible citizens, we hope you will look out for each other, take care of each other and treat each other with kindness.”
The message reiterated both the school’s dress code policy, as well as the school’s policy against written, verbal, or physical acts that stand to threaten, humiliate or abuse others.

But Sorenson said he thinks some parents misinterpreted the note, incorrectly taking it as a message that the school was “taking the side of a single group, saying, ‘We want you to be kind to this group, but they don’t have to be kind to anyone else.’”
“Nobody was taking the side of one group or another,” he said. “What we were saying is everyone needs to treat everyone else with respect.”
If a person identifies as an animal, are the animals going to be allowed to vote? :dunno:
Leave the kids alone. They shouldn't be used as billboard signs to flaunt or to serve as symbols for the indulgences of the perverse in adult society.

And format the copypasta paragraphs in your fucking op posts, asshole. Have you ever heard of god damned paragraphs?

You;re not supposed to copypasta the whole damned article anyway. Squeezing all of the paragraphs together doesn't hide the fact.
I actually remove the paragraphing, bold and italicize...just for you~

It amuses me to think you actually think your particular editorial standards are somehow relevant to me..or your constant kvetching about them anything other that the source of much amusement.

You do have a point about the carried away a bit...edited.
I actually remove the paragraphing, bold and italicize...just for you~

It amuses me to think you actually think your particular editorial standards are somehow relevant to me..or your constant kvetching about them anything other that the source of much amusement.
If you're gonna start threads, then just have the common damned courtesy to format whatever you're copypasting into paragraphs for readers.

You do this same stuff every single time you start a thread on here without fail.

I don't care about what you bold. I don't care about what you italicize.

Just format your copypastas, please. It's not too much to ask. It really isn't.
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