The True Origin of Aryans


VIP Member
Mar 28, 2014
The Aryans left the Afghanistan to expand into the Indian sub continent and is to the West. Another branch of these Iranians invaded iran today, and then spread to Central Asia, southern Siberia and in the region of Minusinsk, with the Kurgan Culture Andronovo.

There are traces linguistic Ariane, is that in today's India and even Iran in Dagestan:Aryavarta (Sanskrit: आर्यावर्त, "House of the Aryans") indicating the expanse between the Himalayas and the Vindhya chain, from the eastern sea to the western sea.Haryana (Hindi: हरियाणा; Punjabi: ਹਰਿਆਣਾ; hərɪjaːɳaː) is a state in northern India.Dagestan is a republic of the Russian Federation, to which on the inside there is a majority of people of Arab origin / Ariana / Merio Eastern.

The name - not used before the sixteenth century - means "land of mountains" (from turkish Dagh, "mountains" and the suffix Iranian / Aryan Stan indicating the place where you live, you "is"). The etymology of the name of the state of Iran means "Land of the Aryans" or "land of the free." The term "Air" is dall'indoeuropeo, root that means "noble", "free". A derivative is the greek word "aristocrat". I think that also applies to that of Iraq, having the same radical "IRA".The Orientalists think that the philosophy of the Greeks, fathers of Western thought, which then became a Eurocentric thought, comes from the East. In the Far East, there have been some of the philosophical religious experiences before the birth of Greek philosophy: Buddhism (which is always born a Hindu and then by a Ariano apostate who founded a new religious philosophy) Hinduism (which comes from the Iranian Vedism - Ariano ) Confucianism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism (which was founded in ancient Persia - now Iran - Ariano). Greek civilization comes from the middle east, as a result of colonial influences ethnic, cultural, linguistic and artistic - philosophical. The element Arab-Berber-led Christian West new technological and scientific knowledge, especially in agriculture, but unknown (sugarcane, artichoke, rice, spinach, bananas, raisins, citron, lemon, sweet orange and cotton, as well as various spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg - ie Muscat - cardamom, ginger or saffron) or reintroducing crops abandoned by the end of the so-called classical period "old" (first of all the olive tree and apricot). Other contributions were fundamental in the science of mathematics, algebra and trigonometry, the decimal system and the concept of zero (elaborated in the Indian context). Another technological innovation attributed to the Arabs in the West is the introduction of the compass, already in use in China.Muslims developed greatly medicine, alchemy (parent of modern chemistry) geometry and astrology, with the attached astronomical studies (remember the introduction of the astrolabe). In philosophy, their contribution contributory for continental Europe was terrific and, thanks to translations prepared by them or by them commissioned, you came to know quite a few texts of philosophy and scientific thought produced in the Hellenistic age.To remember that the Greek statuary comes from the Middle East, like many other artistic techniques, the architectural style dell'orine Ionic and Wind also come from the Middle East, the same thing also applies to ethnic affinity - cultural - religious and artistic between the Etruscan world and the Middle East. In addition to the similarities between these ethnic populations, as well cerano similarities regarding costumes.

Type ethnic peoples Etruscan, Greek and Roman:

Tipologia etnica dei popoli etruschi greci e romani

I think that the heirs in the direct line of the various peoples Indo - Caucasians - Indoiraniani -Indoari and Aryans, you can trace back to Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, among the Greeks (though partly nordicizzati and Slavs), southern Italians (anch 'they, more or less mixed with the Nordic peoples and gilanici) the Daghestani and part of the Arab countries today, partly because throughout history have migrated almost everywhere, dall'Medio East Africa, India to steppo Pontic Caspian .

The Islamization is one of the many branches of the same plant, which always refers to the process of indo of Aryan peoples (Middle East).
In fact, we speak of a religion purely patriarchal, family-centered monogamous / patriarchal, the legitimacy of the dominance of men over women, the defense of private property and the legitimacy of the persecution of so-called "infidels" and apostates.
I think Islam has far exceeded Judaism regarding these factors, earning the distinction of becoming the monotheistic religion of the Indo-patriarchal / Aryan / indoiraniani / Indo-Aryan peoples / Aryans.
Not for nothing is born from the Middle Eastern Arab peoples.

The Shardana:

The Orientalist Giovanni Garbini, in fact, highlights the discovery of Mycenaean pottery type III C (submicenea) sites traditionally destroyed by the Sea Peoples in the hallway Syro-Palestinian. This makes him believe that these peoples, including the Shardana, although not all originating in Greece were part of a Commonwealth greek-Mycenaean, sharing the type of ceramic. That fact - according Garbini - would constitute a significant archaeological evidence, to locate the expansion of the Peoples of the Sea in the Mediterranean basin, particularly when the finds of ceramic Mycenaean type III C, neutron analysis, proves not imported but produced on site. The Orientalist Italian believes that, after their settlement in Palestine, at least part of the Shardana, along with groups of Philistines is allocated in Sardinia, especially in the south-western coast, where it emerged a large number of finds of ceramic submicenea ( XI-XII centuries BC). Then goes back to that time the island's current name, derived from the name of Shardana.

The archeoastronomia Mauro Zedda Peppino, shares the view of John Garbini, excluding identification of Shardanas with the builders of the nuraghi, as in 1200 BC Many nuraghi were abandoned and others were built around villages, using part of it as a building material. According Zedda, Shardana (the Philistines) arrived in Sardinia from the Aegean-Anatolian, would settle in particular Caralis, Nora, Bithia and sulci, and later in Neapolis, Tharros and Bosa, leaving the rest of the island to Iliensi, Courses and Balari. Indeed, a detailed study conducted on 632 specimens of Sardinian bronzes was referring to the Childe, identified around the XI-XII century. B.C. the era of the appearance of such objects in the island, that is, after the period that defines Zedda more properly "nuragico".

The theory of Leonardo Melis, who sees the Sea Peoples, including Shardanas, arriving in 2000 BC Ur in Mesopotamia has been taken by the international magazine of Anthropology and Archaeology most common in Anglo-Saxon: NEXUS French edition of the January / February 2013.

The Etruscans:

According to a tradition Lydian reported by the historian Herodotus greek fifth century BC the Etruscans would come from Lydia (now Turkey Anatolian Southern), sailed from the port of Smyrna following a famine. In fact, initially, to deal with this emergency the Lydians had invented many games with which to delight, eating well every other day and svagandosi with these activities are the days when they did not eat. Since, however, the problem was acquiring a major gravity, the king of the Lydians, Atis, decreed his people were divided by him into two parts, and was obliged to start gathering all their belongings. Under the guidance of Tirreno, son of Ati, (or according to another theory, the Tyrrhenian and brother Tarconte, in this case the children of King Telephus of Mysia), around the thirteenth century BC, they would first "exceeded many peoples" and would finally arrived "at the Umbrians (on the west coast of Italy) and in their country built 12 cities, where they live today." The Lydians arrived in Italy would then changed their name to Tirreni from the name of one of the two leaders, later with the Latin term for Tusci, resulting from the sacrificial rite.

The thesis Herodotus of oriental origin, even for his authority, was accepted almost unanimously by ancient writers, and has long influenced even modern scholars, mesmerized with Oriental features present in various events of the Etruscan civilization. The affinities of the Etruscans with the Aegean-Anatolian world, no customs, language, art and religion, however, may also be due to the commercial and cultural contacts with these populations and immigration in Etruria of groups of different levels social belonging to these civilizations (Orientalizing culture).

Within the thesis of oriental origin, already in antiquity was elaborated hypothesis Pelasgian. According Ellanico of Lesbos, greek historian of the fifth century BC, the Etruscans were Pelasgians, people mythical native of northern Greece and then irradiatosi in various regions of the Mediterranean Sea, which would be established in the area of Etruria giving himself the name of Tirreni.Another supporter of the theory of the Pelasgians was Anticlides, historian lived at the end of the fourth century BC, according to which the Pelasgians, having colonized the islands of Lemnos and Imbros in the Aegean, it would be aggregated at Tirreno and would participate in the expedition to the coast of Italy. Plutarch also claimed that the Etruscans were considered settlers of the inhabitants of Sardis.The hypothesis eastern seem confirmed by some modern genetic studies carried out by the University of Turin on populations of Murlo and Volterra, located in the original core of the Etruscan civilization, which would present haplogroups and MDNA very similar to those of present-day populations of the coasts of Anatolia and the Near East.

In 2004 Professor Guido Barbujani of the biology department at the University of Ferrara analyzed the DNA of some skeletons from Etruscan tombs in different locations in ancient Etruria. The study found that the DNA of the ancient Etruscans would be quite similar to that of the present inhabitants of Anatolia, while there would be special affinity with that of the population of the areas of Italy that were inhabited by the Etruscans.

In 2007, a team led by Professor Antonio Torroni of the University of Pavia compared the DNA of the people living for at least three generations in the centers of Murlo, Volterra and Valle del Casentino with that of other Italian and foreign populations. The comparison showed that the genetic code of individuals to Murlo, Volterra, and Casentino is much more similar to that of the inhabitants of the Turkish coast overlooking the Aegean.This finding would indicate a total descent Etruscan today's Tuscan people, indeed, we should also take into account ethnic dell'ingente influence of the Nordic peoples came to settle permanently in Medieval and Renaissance age.Another study conducted by Professor Paul Ajmone Maran Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Piacenza analyzed the DNA of cattle Tuscan (Chianina and Maremma), which was genetically similar to those of cattle Anatolia.A further study of 2013 conducted on genetic samples from the Etruscan necropolis in central Italy concluded that the genetic links between the Etruscans and the Anatolian should be modified to more than 5000 years ago, which would rule out the hypothesis of a Herodotus mass migration in more recent times.

The Pelasgians:

Egyptian opera written around 1100 BC, the name day or "teaching Anememope", documents the presence of "Peleset" on the Palestinian coast, in the places that the Bible describes as inhabited by the Philistines. After the defeat by Pharaoh Ramses III, in fact, the latter, along with other peoples of the sea, would be allowed to settle in that territory, still subject to Egyptian rule. However, in order to identify the Pelasgians with "Peleset" and, therefore, with the Philistines, priority should be noted that the original form, indicated in Homer to define the Pelasgians was "Pelasti" and that is a name identical to the one indicating the "Peleset "in Egyptian hieroglyphics, which, as is known, does not provide voice. That shape is still left to indicate Palestine.

Due to the similarity of the language of the stele of Lemnos and the Etruscan alphabet, the latest theories associate the birth of the Etruscan civilization own arrival of these populations Aegean which, once settled here in the Italian peninsula, they would then evolved assuming characters typical of the culture and indigenous language. The same Herodotus in his Histories, attributes the origin of the Pelasgians Tyrrhenoi, that the Etruscans.

According to modern theories of genetic populations Pelasgian (previous sculptures Minoan and Greek) belonged to haplogroups type I (arrived from the Middle East as haplogroup IJ about 35,000 years ago and developed into haplogroup I approximately 25,000 years ago), E-V13 and T (arrived from Syria, having colonized the southern Anatolia, in the Neolithic Age, 8,500 / 7,000 years) and G2a (came from the Caucasus, through the southern Anatolia about 6,000 years ago, related to sheep farming and metalworking) .
These genetic and historical theories seem to explain the myth of Titanomachia that would explain the historical truths of the successive invasions Hellenic (ionic wind and Achaean) at the expense of local populations (Pelasgian).

The ancient Clothing:

:The origins apparel coincide with the evolution of the tunic, garment basis of tradition abbigliamentaria ancient Aryan people of the Middle East / Mesopotamia.The kandis and one outside the kaunace printed diagonally to form a series of ruffles and fringes, make up the costume Assyrian-Babylonian, Persians wore long tunics overlapping decorated and very asymmetrical shoulders. In the Mediterranean, populations like the Etruscans, Greeks, Romans dressed themselves substantially with the same leaders that were in use for a long time in the Middle East, albeit with some variations. He wore a robe that varied in length depending on the genre - call Greece and Rome chiton tunic; specifically was a sort of rectangle sleeveless stopped on the shoulder by fibulas and waist by a belt. In ancient times the Greek women also wore the tunic folded at the top creating a long cape to the waist. The variety of the garments was given not so much by the cut, but the ability to create drapes, pleats and puffs. To do so, it was used equipment, also known by other ancient peoples, which served to put the dress form. The use of one or more belts, sometimes arranged diagonally, had the same purpose. Lovers of athleticism and sport, the Greeks preferred clothes that not forcing the body and that allowed ease of movement. Above the dress you wore a coat or long and heavy. The cloaks Greeks were more used the cloak short and rectangular, that for its size was used for riding, and the himation, bigger and carried by both sexes, wrapped around the body so as to leave the right shoulder discovery. The Etruscans wore, according to a widespread custom in many Mediterranean countries, an embroidered skirt that covered their flanks and that was later replaced by a short chiton, which was a kind of tunic in bright colors, similar to that used by the Greeks.

The real Urheimat Arian:

La vera Urheimat degli Ariani

James DeMeo:

After the 4000-3500 years before our era, the radical social changes are evident in the ruins of settlements previously matrist and peaceful along the rivers in the valleys of Central Asia, Mesopotamia, and North Africa. In each of these cases, evidence of increased aridity and land abandonment coincides with migratory pressures in the settlements with the presence of water, as well as those of the oasis or exotic rivers. Central Asia has also experienced a decrease in the levels of lakes and river beds coinciding with climatic instability and aridity, which stimulated the abandonment of large basins of lakes or irrigation farming communities.

Colonization of the Nile or the Tigris and the Euphrates, as well as in the wetlands of the highlands of the Levant, Anatolia and Iran, were invaded and conquered by peoples abandoning Arabia and / or Central Asia, which continued to dry up. New despotic central states emerged thereafter. The tomb, the temple and the architecture of fortification, with the evidence of a ritual murder of the widow (or the mother, when it is done by the eldest son), the deformation of the skull, the emphasis on the horse and the camel , and the growth of militarism appear following the invasions in almost every case I have studied.

As these new despotic central states grew in power, they extended their territories, sometimes to conquer the nomadic pastoral tribes still present on the steppe instato of drying up. Some of these despotic states periodically invade wetlands adjacent the Saharasia to extend their territories. They conquered both the local populations in wetlands or, if do not, provoked defensive reactions between them, which would be observed in the subsequent appearance of fortifications, of weapons technology and an intermediate level of patrism in these regions humid. Other despotic states Saharasiani eventually disappear from the history books as and that the aridity intensified and drying up (DeMeo 1985, Chapter 6).

Pantheism has appeared in the neighboring countries of the humid Saharasia after, and only after it was developed in the heart of Saharasia that was inarridendo. With the progression of aridity in Saharasia, and with armed response, patrist oppressed increasingly saharaiane populations, migration out of the dry regions increasingly placed these people in touch with the more peaceful peoples of the lands surrounding the wettest of Saharasia. Increasingly, the migrations out of Saharasia take place in the form of massive invasions of neighboring territories more fertile.

In these lands neighboring patrism took root not due to desertification or because of trauma caused by the famine, but through the extermination and replacement of the original populations matrist by groups patristic invaders, or through the forced adoption of new social institutions patrist introduced by conquering peoples invaders. For example, Europe was invaded continuously since 4000 before our era from the Axe as the Kurgan peoples (mainly from Ariana - Iranica Middle Eastern), Scythians (also made by the strain of Iran as the Sarmatians, the Parthians and Alans), Huns, Arabs (according to my thesis, the same ethnic Ariana Iranica) Mongols and Turks. Each of them was replaced by another making war, conquering, looting, and generally transforming Europe into patristic sense strongly. European social institutions were oriented progressively from matrismo to patrism, with more western parts of Europe, especially Great Britain and Scandinavia, developed later patristic conditions and under a more diluted than the Mediterranean or Eastern Europe, which were deeply influenced by the peoples Saharasiani.


Literature has always had to deal with the manipulation of political power, especially if the latter is part of a non-democratic government. Did not escape the rule even J.R.R. Tolkien, whose writings in the thirties aroused the interest of the Nazis.
In 1937 Tolkien published The Hobbit, his first novel. The book was noticed by a German publisher: the division of the characters in different species, each with physical and moral well-defined, must have seemed to the Nazis a useful tool to inculcate the idea of the superiority of certain races over others.

The publisher then sent to Tolkien a letter in which he begged him to grant exploitation rights. In deference to the Nazi laws, to be published in Germany the English writer would still have to demonstrate that they have an Aryan descent.Needless to say, the author of Lord of the Rings declined the offer by giving a display of irony very British: "I regret not having very clear about what you intend the term 'Aryan'. I am not of Aryan descent, because the Aryans are the Indo-Iranians. And neither I nor any of my ancestors have never spoken Hindi, Farsi (Iranian language - Persian - Ariana, spoken in Iran - Tajikistan - Afghanistan and Uzbekistan), gypsy or other similar dialects. "A few years later, when the war began now, Tolkien was able to remember the incident in a letter to his son, but using much less subdued tones: "In this conflict do not forget to have some outstanding issue with that little, ignorant lout of Adolf Hitler ".
The fact that the historical periodization of the Neolithic revolution (which took place in Europe) does not coincides with the gradual insertion of patriarchy (in Southern and Eastern Europe), does not mean that those who brought agriculture here in Europe they were ethnically different from those in another period brought patriarchy. The starting area and the cradle of ancestral ambe two things coincide roughly with the same area of the Middle East, like the ancestral cradle of Caucasians: Caucasians originated by people who first practiced agriculture in the East (Middle East ) around 10,000 years ago, and there are those who think that the heirs of those people you can trace back to Turkey, Iran, between the Greeks and southern Italians.

These ancient peoples came from the arid and desert of Arabia and had a common ethnicity.

In my opinion belong to the same ethnic group, mainly from (the vast majority) of Arabia and the surrounding area. A branch of this great people began the Neolithic revolution in Europe, a different branch, however, at a later period, I inserted the patriarchal system gradually going from the Mediterranean, erecting the Greek civilization - Etruscan and Roman. Third process indo Europe took place following the religious revolution modeled monogamous.

The Semitic peoples (especially the Arabs and the Jews) they consider to be the true Aryans (cromagnoidi - Caucasians - Indo-Europeans), which, following dell'inaridimento and desertification own territories Arabic, Mammano migrated northward and l 'West in search of fertile land.
European Paleolithic culture coincides almost exclusively with the pre-Indo gylanic peoples, but they were not Caucasians, because Europe of that time was populated in large majority by the Man of Neanderthal, especially in the Middle Paleolithic.
Neanderthals were later replaced by the Man of Cro-Magnon man (Homo Sapiens - Caucasian), partly from Central Asia and in the Middle East and from today's areas of Arabia.

The caste system also included Indo endogamy, with laws prohibiting socio religious (and, specifically deified and sacralized) the marriage union with people of lower rank, belonging to another ethnic group.

Such systems are still very popular, especially in those companies that are still strongly divided into social classes, types, exactly, India (Aryanized) and most of the Middle Eastern society (Motherland of the Aryan peoples) models patrilineal.

the nerve center of the dystopian society - patriarchal - cadastral - hierarchical - warriors and theocratic monotheism (which adopt the state religion), are located right in the territories of Saharasia.

The traditional clothes that are still worn in those territories, are unchanged for centuries and centuries and centuries, and fully reflect those who wore the ancient peoples Greeks - the Etruscans and Romans. Clothes are pre Christian tradition, pre Roman, Greek and pre pre Etruscan, who are born in the Middle East.
"" According Daniélou populations such as Iberians, Pelasgians, Etruscans, Berbers, Minoans of Crete, Cypriots, Egyptians, Sumerians and Dravidians have a common origin from a single strain, which would play a key role in the birth of the great civilizations of this large area and that would not present nor Indo characteristics (such as successive invaders Achaeans, Iranians etc.) nor Semitic (such as Assyrians, Chaldeans, Jews etc.). ""

I rather think that the Iberians, Pelasgians pre-Hellenic, Hellenic Greeks, the Etruscans, the Berbers, the Minoans of Crete, the Shardana, Cypriots, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Scythians, Sarmatians, the Parthians and the Alans, belonged to the same ethnic group of origin Aryan / Indo-Europeans who are divided into several branches, just typical of the Semitic peoples (Jews and Arabs in particular).
Part of these branches would have staked a key role in the birth of the great civilizations sedentary and despotic Indo-Europeans.
Anthropologically speaking there is no correlation between these Aryan peoples, with those Darvidians preindoeuropean, which talks about a progressive orientalization / Aryanization matrix Arabic / Semitic (true Aryans), much of the Mediterranean.
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"" According Daniélou populations such as Iberians, Pelasgians, Etruscans, Berbers, Minoans of Crete, Cypriots, Egyptians, Sumerians and Dravidians have a common origin from a single strain, which would play a key role in the birth of the great civilizations of this large area and that would not present nor Indo characteristics (such as successive invaders Achaeans, Iranians etc.) nor Semitic (such as Assyrians, Chaldeans, Jews etc.). ""

I rather think that the Iberians, Pelasgians pre-Hellenic, Hellenic Greeks, the Etruscans, the Berbers, the Minoans of Crete, the Shardana, Cypriots, the Egyptians, the Sumerians, the Scythians, Sarmatians, the Parthians and the Alans, belonged to the same ethnic group of origin Aryan / Indo-Europeans who are divided into several branches, just typical of the Semitic peoples (Jews and Arabs in particular).
Part of these branches would have staked a key role in the birth of the great civilizations sedentary and despotic Indo-Europeans.
Anthropologically speaking there is no correlation between these Aryan peoples, with those darvidianns preindoeuropean, which talks about a progressive orientalization / Aryanization matrix Arabic / Semitic (true Aryans), much of the Mediterranean.







Bernal identifies, through the centuries, two models that tried to explain the origins of Greek civilization.

the one that sees Greece as essentially European, and Ariana; the other which sees it as Levantine, on the outskirts of the Egyptian and Semitic cultural areas. I call them "Aryan Model" and "Ancient Model". The old model was the conventional view among the Greeks of the classical and Hellenistic period, according to which the Greek culture had arisen as a result of colonization around 1500 BC, the Egyptians and Phoenicians, who had civilized the natives. In addition, even then, the loans of the cultures of the Near East had been numerous and frequent for the Greeks.

"According to this model, the Greek civilization, in its various manifestations (language, technical, art, philosophy) would be the heir of the knowledge developed since the third millennium BC in Mesopotamia and Egypt; heir does not at large but concrete, because the most important cities of the archaic and classical Greece (Mycenae, Knossos, Thebes, Athens) were Egyptian and Phoenician colonies, facts that Bernal states are reflected in myths and legends such as those of Danaus and Cadmus".

For many it is a surprise to learn that the Aryan model, in which most of us have been brought up to believe, it is only developed in the mid-nineteenth. In its pristine or "sleep broader form", the new model denied the existence of Egyptian settlements and called into question the Phoenician settlements.
What I call Aryan model "extreme", which flourished during the two peaks of anti-Semitism of the 1890s and the two decades of the 1920s and 1930s, he came to deny the Phoenician cultural influence. According to the Aryan model there would be an invasion of the North - not documented in ancient tradition - and would submissive culture "Aegean" or "pre-Hellenic local". The Greek civilization is therefore conceived as a result of Hellenes speaking Indo-European and indigenous subject.
The ancient revised model asserts, however, that these first people spoke a language akin indoittita that left little trace in greek and that, in any case, can not be used to explain the many elements of the Indo-European language next.
If I'm right urging rejection of the Aryan model and replacing it with the old model reviewed, then it will be necessary not only to rethink the fundamental basis of "Western civilization", but also recognize the racism penetration and the "Western chauvinism" in all our historiography and philosophy of writing history. The old model had no major "internal" deficiencies or weaknesses of explanatory power. It was rejected for external reasons. For the eighteenth and nineteenth century romantics and racist at all it was intolerable that Greece, conceived not only as the epitome of Europe but as his pure childhood, was the result of the mixture between European natives (indigenous gilanici - I might add) and African and Semitic colonists . The former model had to be rejected and replaced with something more acceptable.


Dagestan is a republic of the Russian Federation, to which on the inside there is a majority of people of Arab origin / Ariana / Merio Eastern.
The Arabs definitely have nothing to do with the Aryans, on the contrary, they are their eternal enemies. Arabs are Semites, Dagestanis are also Semites in genetics.

Another thing is interesting here. Where did this name come from? The name definitely refers to the people of the Dakhs, who were indeed the Aryans and ancestors of the Parthians. The Dakhs lived on the other side of the Caspian Sea, on the territory of Northern Kazakhstan.


And this is not the only misunderstanding. In the modern Caucasus, almost all peoples carry dubious ethnonyms. Ossetians became "Alans", Adyghe became "Circassians"(this is ekzoethnonim of Cossacks), and so on. I think these names were given to them under Bolshevism in the 30s.
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Judging by the map, the modern Dagestanis are Legae, who were part of the Caucasian Albania, and they have nothing to do with the Dakhs.
Almost everything that is written is absolute nonsense. Who are the Aryans is well known in science. In Iran, only Media and Mittani were authentically Aryan, the local peoples of the Iranian highlands were never Aryans. Reliably Aryan cultures of the Bronze and Iron periods include the Andronovo cultural community, including the Abashevo and Petrovo cultures, the Margiana region, Sogd and Bolh (Bactria), the Tarim valley, Aryavarta (North India), Media and Mittani, the early Celtic cultures of Hallstatt and La-ten
All these cultures are identical to each other and all contain Aryan attributes
The mountains have never been the main ecological niche of the Aryans. Their main activity is cattle, so they occupied mainly river valleys, rich in grass and a convenient watering hole. There is a version that the ethnonym originally meant exactly "river", and this is a reliable version, because the root "ar" is often found in the names of rivers, and the suffix "ya" in the Aryan language have semantics of belonging. "Noble" is already a secondary meaning.

For example it's Vedic Seven-rivers Valey
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The Aryans left the Afghanistan to expand into the Indian sub continent and is to the West. Another branch of these Iranians invaded iran today, and then spread to Central Asia, southern Siberia and in the region of Minusinsk, with the Kurgan Culture Andronovo.

There are traces linguistic Ariane, is that in today's India and even Iran in Dagestan:Aryavarta (Sanskrit: आर्यावर्त, "House of the Aryans") indicating the expanse between the Himalayas and the Vindhya chain, from the eastern sea to the western sea.Haryana (Hindi: हरियाणा; Punjabi: ਹਰਿਆਣਾ; hərɪjaːɳaː) is a state in northern India.Dagestan is a republic of the Russian Federation, to which on the inside there is a majority of people of Arab origin / Ariana / Merio Eastern.

The name - not used before the sixteenth century - means "land of mountains" (from turkish Dagh, "mountains" and the suffix Iranian / Aryan Stan indicating the place where you live, you "is"). The etymology of the name of the state of Iran means "Land of the Aryans" or "land of the free." The term "Air" is dall'indoeuropeo, root that means "noble", "free". A derivative is the greek word "aristocrat". I think that also applies to that of Iraq, having the same radical "IRA".The Orientalists think that the philosophy of the Greeks, fathers of Western thought, which then became a Eurocentric thought, comes from the East. In the Far East, there have been some of the philosophical religious experiences before the birth of Greek philosophy: Buddhism (which is always born a Hindu and then by a Ariano apostate who founded a new religious philosophy) Hinduism (which comes from the Iranian Vedism - Ariano ) Confucianism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism (which was founded in ancient Persia - now Iran - Ariano). Greek civilization comes from the middle east, as a result of colonial influences ethnic, cultural, linguistic and artistic - philosophical. The element Arab-Berber-led Christian West new technological and scientific knowledge, especially in agriculture, but unknown (sugarcane, artichoke, rice, spinach, bananas, raisins, citron, lemon, sweet orange and cotton, as well as various spices, such as cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg - ie Muscat - cardamom, ginger or saffron) or reintroducing crops abandoned by the end of the so-called classical period "old" (first of all the olive tree and apricot). Other contributions were fundamental in the science of mathematics, algebra and trigonometry, the decimal system and the concept of zero (elaborated in the Indian context). Another technological innovation attributed to the Arabs in the West is the introduction of the compass, already in use in China.Muslims developed greatly medicine, alchemy (parent of modern chemistry) geometry and astrology, with the attached astronomical studies (remember the introduction of the astrolabe). In philosophy, their contribution contributory for continental Europe was terrific and, thanks to translations prepared by them or by them commissioned, you came to know quite a few texts of philosophy and scientific thought produced in the Hellenistic age.To remember that the Greek statuary comes from the Middle East, like many other artistic techniques, the architectural style dell'orine Ionic and Wind also come from the Middle East, the same thing also applies to ethnic affinity - cultural - religious and artistic between the Etruscan world and the Middle East. In addition to the similarities between these ethnic populations, as well cerano similarities regarding costumes.

Type ethnic peoples Etruscan, Greek and Roman:

Tipologia etnica dei popoli etruschi greci e romani

I think that the heirs in the direct line of the various peoples Indo - Caucasians - Indoiraniani -Indoari and Aryans, you can trace back to Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, among the Greeks (though partly nordicizzati and Slavs), southern Italians (anch 'they, more or less mixed with the Nordic peoples and gilanici) the Daghestani and part of the Arab countries today, partly because throughout history have migrated almost everywhere, dall'Medio East Africa, India to steppo Pontic Caspian .

The Islamization is one of the many branches of the same plant, which always refers to the process of indo of Aryan peoples (Middle East).
In fact, we speak of a religion purely patriarchal, family-centered monogamous / patriarchal, the legitimacy of the dominance of men over women, the defense of private property and the legitimacy of the persecution of so-called "infidels" and apostates.
I think Islam has far exceeded Judaism regarding these factors, earning the distinction of becoming the monotheistic religion of the Indo-patriarchal / Aryan / indoiraniani / Indo-Aryan peoples / Aryans.
Not for nothing is born from the Middle Eastern Arab peoples.

The Shardana:

The Orientalist Giovanni Garbini, in fact, highlights the discovery of Mycenaean pottery type III C (submicenea) sites traditionally destroyed by the Sea Peoples in the hallway Syro-Palestinian. This makes him believe that these peoples, including the Shardana, although not all originating in Greece were part of a Commonwealth greek-Mycenaean, sharing the type of ceramic. That fact - according Garbini - would constitute a significant archaeological evidence, to locate the expansion of the Peoples of the Sea in the Mediterranean basin, particularly when the finds of ceramic Mycenaean type III C, neutron analysis, proves not imported but produced on site. The Orientalist Italian believes that, after their settlement in Palestine, at least part of the Shardana, along with groups of Philistines is allocated in Sardinia, especially in the south-western coast, where it emerged a large number of finds of ceramic submicenea ( XI-XII centuries BC). Then goes back to that time the island's current name, derived from the name of Shardana.

The archeoastronomia Mauro Zedda Peppino, shares the view of John Garbini, excluding identification of Shardanas with the builders of the nuraghi, as in 1200 BC Many nuraghi were abandoned and others were built around villages, using part of it as a building material. According Zedda, Shardana (the Philistines) arrived in Sardinia from the Aegean-Anatolian, would settle in particular Caralis, Nora, Bithia and sulci, and later in Neapolis, Tharros and Bosa, leaving the rest of the island to Iliensi, Courses and Balari. Indeed, a detailed study conducted on 632 specimens of Sardinian bronzes was referring to the Childe, identified around the XI-XII century. B.C. the era of the appearance of such objects in the island, that is, after the period that defines Zedda more properly "nuragico".

The theory of Leonardo Melis, who sees the Sea Peoples, including Shardanas, arriving in 2000 BC Ur in Mesopotamia has been taken by the international magazine of Anthropology and Archaeology most common in Anglo-Saxon: NEXUS French edition of the January / February 2013.

The Etruscans:

According to a tradition Lydian reported by the historian Herodotus greek fifth century BC the Etruscans would come from Lydia (now Turkey Anatolian Southern), sailed from the port of Smyrna following a famine. In fact, initially, to deal with this emergency the Lydians had invented many games with which to delight, eating well every other day and svagandosi with these activities are the days when they did not eat. Since, however, the problem was acquiring a major gravity, the king of the Lydians, Atis, decreed his people were divided by him into two parts, and was obliged to start gathering all their belongings. Under the guidance of Tirreno, son of Ati, (or according to another theory, the Tyrrhenian and brother Tarconte, in this case the children of King Telephus of Mysia), around the thirteenth century BC, they would first "exceeded many peoples" and would finally arrived "at the Umbrians (on the west coast of Italy) and in their country built 12 cities, where they live today." The Lydians arrived in Italy would then changed their name to Tirreni from the name of one of the two leaders, later with the Latin term for Tusci, resulting from the sacrificial rite.

The thesis Herodotus of oriental origin, even for his authority, was accepted almost unanimously by ancient writers, and has long influenced even modern scholars, mesmerized with Oriental features present in various events of the Etruscan civilization. The affinities of the Etruscans with the Aegean-Anatolian world, no customs, language, art and religion, however, may also be due to the commercial and cultural contacts with these populations and immigration in Etruria of groups of different levels social belonging to these civilizations (Orientalizing culture).

Within the thesis of oriental origin, already in antiquity was elaborated hypothesis Pelasgian. According Ellanico of Lesbos, greek historian of the fifth century BC, the Etruscans were Pelasgians, people mythical native of northern Greece and then irradiatosi in various regions of the Mediterranean Sea, which would be established in the area of Etruria giving himself the name of Tirreni.Another supporter of the theory of the Pelasgians was Anticlides, historian lived at the end of the fourth century BC, according to which the Pelasgians, having colonized the islands of Lemnos and Imbros in the Aegean, it would be aggregated at Tirreno and would participate in the expedition to the coast of Italy. Plutarch also claimed that the Etruscans were considered settlers of the inhabitants of Sardis.The hypothesis eastern seem confirmed by some modern genetic studies carried out by the University of Turin on populations of Murlo and Volterra, located in the original core of the Etruscan civilization, which would present haplogroups and MDNA very similar to those of present-day populations of the coasts of Anatolia and the Near East.

In 2004 Professor Guido Barbujani of the biology department at the University of Ferrara analyzed the DNA of some skeletons from Etruscan tombs in different locations in ancient Etruria. The study found that the DNA of the ancient Etruscans would be quite similar to that of the present inhabitants of Anatolia, while there would be special affinity with that of the population of the areas of Italy that were inhabited by the Etruscans.

In 2007, a team led by Professor Antonio Torroni of the University of Pavia compared the DNA of the people living for at least three generations in the centers of Murlo, Volterra and Valle del Casentino with that of other Italian and foreign populations. The comparison showed that the genetic code of individuals to Murlo, Volterra, and Casentino is much more similar to that of the inhabitants of the Turkish coast overlooking the Aegean.This finding would indicate a total descent Etruscan today's Tuscan people, indeed, we should also take into account ethnic dell'ingente influence of the Nordic peoples came to settle permanently in Medieval and Renaissance age.Another study conducted by Professor Paul Ajmone Maran Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Piacenza analyzed the DNA of cattle Tuscan (Chianina and Maremma), which was genetically similar to those of cattle Anatolia.A further study of 2013 conducted on genetic samples from the Etruscan necropolis in central Italy concluded that the genetic links between the Etruscans and the Anatolian should be modified to more than 5000 years ago, which would rule out the hypothesis of a Herodotus mass migration in more recent times.

The Pelasgians:

Egyptian opera written around 1100 BC, the name day or "teaching Anememope", documents the presence of "Peleset" on the Palestinian coast, in the places that the Bible describes as inhabited by the Philistines. After the defeat by Pharaoh Ramses III, in fact, the latter, along with other peoples of the sea, would be allowed to settle in that territory, still subject to Egyptian rule. However, in order to identify the Pelasgians with "Peleset" and, therefore, with the Philistines, priority should be noted that the original form, indicated in Homer to define the Pelasgians was "Pelasti" and that is a name identical to the one indicating the "Peleset "in Egyptian hieroglyphics, which, as is known, does not provide voice. That shape is still left to indicate Palestine.

Due to the similarity of the language of the stele of Lemnos and the Etruscan alphabet, the latest theories associate the birth of the Etruscan civilization own arrival of these populations Aegean which, once settled here in the Italian peninsula, they would then evolved assuming characters typical of the culture and indigenous language. The same Herodotus in his Histories, attributes the origin of the Pelasgians Tyrrhenoi, that the Etruscans.

According to modern theories of genetic populations Pelasgian (previous sculptures Minoan and Greek) belonged to haplogroups type I (arrived from the Middle East as haplogroup IJ about 35,000 years ago and developed into haplogroup I approximately 25,000 years ago), E-V13 and T (arrived from Syria, having colonized the southern Anatolia, in the Neolithic Age, 8,500 / 7,000 years) and G2a (came from the Caucasus, through the southern Anatolia about 6,000 years ago, related to sheep farming and metalworking) .
These genetic and historical theories seem to explain the myth of Titanomachia that would explain the historical truths of the successive invasions Hellenic (ionic wind and Achaean) at the expense of local populations (Pelasgian).

The ancient Clothing:

:The origins apparel coincide with the evolution of the tunic, garment basis of tradition abbigliamentaria ancient Aryan people of the Middle East / Mesopotamia.The kandis and one outside the kaunace printed diagonally to form a series of ruffles and fringes, make up the costume Assyrian-Babylonian, Persians wore long tunics overlapping decorated and very asymmetrical shoulders. In the Mediterranean, populations like the Etruscans, Greeks, Romans dressed themselves substantially with the same leaders that were in use for a long time in the Middle East, albeit with some variations. He wore a robe that varied in length depending on the genre - call Greece and Rome chiton tunic; specifically was a sort of rectangle sleeveless stopped on the shoulder by fibulas and waist by a belt. In ancient times the Greek women also wore the tunic folded at the top creating a long cape to the waist. The variety of the garments was given not so much by the cut, but the ability to create drapes, pleats and puffs. To do so, it was used equipment, also known by other ancient peoples, which served to put the dress form. The use of one or more belts, sometimes arranged diagonally, had the same purpose. Lovers of athleticism and sport, the Greeks preferred clothes that not forcing the body and that allowed ease of movement. Above the dress you wore a coat or long and heavy. The cloaks Greeks were more used the cloak short and rectangular, that for its size was used for riding, and the himation, bigger and carried by both sexes, wrapped around the body so as to leave the right shoulder discovery. The Etruscans wore, according to a widespread custom in many Mediterranean countries, an embroidered skirt that covered their flanks and that was later replaced by a short chiton, which was a kind of tunic in bright colors, similar to that used by the Greeks.

The real Urheimat Arian:

La vera Urheimat degli Ariani

James DeMeo:

After the 4000-3500 years before our era, the radical social changes are evident in the ruins of settlements previously matrist and peaceful along the rivers in the valleys of Central Asia, Mesopotamia, and North Africa. In each of these cases, evidence of increased aridity and land abandonment coincides with migratory pressures in the settlements with the presence of water, as well as those of the oasis or exotic rivers. Central Asia has also experienced a decrease in the levels of lakes and river beds coinciding with climatic instability and aridity, which stimulated the abandonment of large basins of lakes or irrigation farming communities.

Colonization of the Nile or the Tigris and the Euphrates, as well as in the wetlands of the highlands of the Levant, Anatolia and Iran, were invaded and conquered by peoples abandoning Arabia and / or Central Asia, which continued to dry up. New despotic central states emerged thereafter. The tomb, the temple and the architecture of fortification, with the evidence of a ritual murder of the widow (or the mother, when it is done by the eldest son), the deformation of the skull, the emphasis on the horse and the camel , and the growth of militarism appear following the invasions in almost every case I have studied.

As these new despotic central states grew in power, they extended their territories, sometimes to conquer the nomadic pastoral tribes still present on the steppe instato of drying up. Some of these despotic states periodically invade wetlands adjacent the Saharasia to extend their territories. They conquered both the local populations in wetlands or, if do not, provoked defensive reactions between them, which would be observed in the subsequent appearance of fortifications, of weapons technology and an intermediate level of patrism in these regions humid. Other despotic states Saharasiani eventually disappear from the history books as and that the aridity intensified and drying up (DeMeo 1985, Chapter 6).

Pantheism has appeared in the neighboring countries of the humid Saharasia after, and only after it was developed in the heart of Saharasia that was inarridendo. With the progression of aridity in Saharasia, and with armed response, patrist oppressed increasingly saharaiane populations, migration out of the dry regions increasingly placed these people in touch with the more peaceful peoples of the lands surrounding the wettest of Saharasia. Increasingly, the migrations out of Saharasia take place in the form of massive invasions of neighboring territories more fertile.

In these lands neighboring patrism took root not due to desertification or because of trauma caused by the famine, but through the extermination and replacement of the original populations matrist by groups patristic invaders, or through the forced adoption of new social institutions patrist introduced by conquering peoples invaders. For example, Europe was invaded continuously since 4000 before our era from the Axe as the Kurgan peoples (mainly from Ariana - Iranica Middle Eastern), Scythians (also made by the strain of Iran as the Sarmatians, the Parthians and Alans), Huns, Arabs (according to my thesis, the same ethnic Ariana Iranica) Mongols and Turks. Each of them was replaced by another making war, conquering, looting, and generally transforming Europe into patristic sense strongly. European social institutions were oriented progressively from matrismo to patrism, with more western parts of Europe, especially Great Britain and Scandinavia, developed later patristic conditions and under a more diluted than the Mediterranean or Eastern Europe, which were deeply influenced by the peoples Saharasiani.


Literature has always had to deal with the manipulation of political power, especially if the latter is part of a non-democratic government. Did not escape the rule even J.R.R. Tolkien, whose writings in the thirties aroused the interest of the Nazis.
In 1937 Tolkien published The Hobbit, his first novel. The book was noticed by a German publisher: the division of the characters in different species, each with physical and moral well-defined, must have seemed to the Nazis a useful tool to inculcate the idea of the superiority of certain races over others.

The publisher then sent to Tolkien a letter in which he begged him to grant exploitation rights. In deference to the Nazi laws, to be published in Germany the English writer would still have to demonstrate that they have an Aryan descent.Needless to say, the author of Lord of the Rings declined the offer by giving a display of irony very British: "I regret not having very clear about what you intend the term 'Aryan'. I am not of Aryan descent, because the Aryans are the Indo-Iranians. And neither I nor any of my ancestors have never spoken Hindi, Farsi (Iranian language - Persian - Ariana, spoken in Iran - Tajikistan - Afghanistan and Uzbekistan), gypsy or other similar dialects. "A few years later, when the war began now, Tolkien was able to remember the incident in a letter to his son, but using much less subdued tones: "In this conflict do not forget to have some outstanding issue with that little, ignorant lout of Adolf Hitler ".
Who bloody cares?
Mills and boon would be interested in a book.

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