The Supreme Court Of The United States Is Guilty Of Subornation Of Perjury


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
A right wing extremist, Lorie Smith, was thinking about creating websites. Lorie Smith also wanted her 15 minutes of fame, so she created a company called 303 Creative and then filed a lawsuit claiming that a gay couple known as Stewart and Mike had demanded she create a web site for them. This lawsuit ended up at the Supreme Court, and it overturned years of legal precedent which made discrimination illegal. There was just one problem with Lorie Smith’s lawsuit — The so-called email demanding that she create a web site for the gay couple was sent ONE DAY AFTER HER LAWSUIT WAS FILED. In addition, Lorie Smith and her company had never created ANY web site for ANY individual or company. So why was the company formed in the first place? We all know why. Eventually, Stewart was reached, and he not only said he never sent that email, but that he was a heterosexual who has been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years. By submitting false information to the courts, Lorie Smith committed perjury. And, as a result, Lorie Smith had no standing at all to file this lawsuit.

And, because the justices at the Supreme Court knew of the perjury before they began deliberations, they suborned the perjury. In addition, several justices committed perjury during their Senate confirmations by stating that they would abide by precedent, known as Stare Decisis, and then did the opposite. This week, The Supreme Court of the United States officially became a corrupt criminal enterprise

The most corrupt, and illegitimate court in the nations history.
A right wing extremist, Lorie Smith, was thinking about creating websites. Lorie Smith also wanted her 15 minutes of fame, so she created a company called 303 Creative and then filed a lawsuit claiming that a gay couple known as Stewart and Mike had demanded she create a web site for them. This lawsuit ended up at the Supreme Court, and it overturned years of legal precedent which made discrimination illegal. There was just one problem with Lorie Smith’s lawsuit — The so-called email demanding that she create a web site for the gay couple was sent ONE DAY AFTER HER LAWSUIT WAS FILED. In addition, Lorie Smith and her company had never created ANY web site for ANY individual or company. So why was the company formed in the first place? We all know why. Eventually, Stewart was reached, and he not only said he never sent that email, but that he was a heterosexual who has been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years. By submitting false information to the courts, Lorie Smith committed perjury. And, as a result, Lorie Smith had no standing at all to file this lawsuit.

And, because the justices at the Supreme Court knew of the perjury before they began deliberations, they suborned the perjury. In addition, several justices committed perjury during their Senate confirmations by stating that they would abide by precedent, known as Stare Decisis, and then did the opposite. This week, The Supreme Court of the United States officially became a corrupt criminal enterprise

The most corrupt, and illegitimate court in the nations history.
It will take time, a few generations, to undo the harm. Unfortunately many will pay for those decisions.

That is what autocracy does. Destroy, take away. Give to those who do not deserve.
A right wing extremist, Lorie Smith, was thinking about creating websites. Lorie Smith also wanted her 15 minutes of fame, so she created a company called 303 Creative and then filed a lawsuit claiming that a gay couple known as Stewart and Mike had demanded she create a web site for them. This lawsuit ended up at the Supreme Court, and it overturned years of legal precedent which made discrimination illegal. There was just one problem with Lorie Smith’s lawsuit — The so-called email demanding that she create a web site for the gay couple was sent ONE DAY AFTER HER LAWSUIT WAS FILED. In addition, Lorie Smith and her company had never created ANY web site for ANY individual or company. So why was the company formed in the first place? We all know why. Eventually, Stewart was reached, and he not only said he never sent that email, but that he was a heterosexual who has been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years. By submitting false information to the courts, Lorie Smith committed perjury. And, as a result, Lorie Smith had no standing at all to file this lawsuit.

And, because the justices at the Supreme Court knew of the perjury before they began deliberations, they suborned the perjury. In addition, several justices committed perjury during their Senate confirmations by stating that they would abide by precedent, known as Stare Decisis, and then did the opposite. This week, The Supreme Court of the United States officially became a corrupt criminal enterprise

The most corrupt, and illegitimate court in the nations history.
A right wing extremist, Lorie Smith, was thinking about creating websites. Lorie Smith also wanted her 15 minutes of fame, so she created a company called 303 Creative and then filed a lawsuit claiming that a gay couple known as Stewart and Mike had demanded she create a web site for them. This lawsuit ended up at the Supreme Court, and it overturned years of legal precedent which made discrimination illegal. There was just one problem with Lorie Smith’s lawsuit — The so-called email demanding that she create a web site for the gay couple was sent ONE DAY AFTER HER LAWSUIT WAS FILED. In addition, Lorie Smith and her company had never created ANY web site for ANY individual or company. So why was the company formed in the first place? We all know why. Eventually, Stewart was reached, and he not only said he never sent that email, but that he was a heterosexual who has been happily married to a woman for the last 15 years. By submitting false information to the courts, Lorie Smith committed perjury. And, as a result, Lorie Smith had no standing at all to file this lawsuit.

And, because the justices at the Supreme Court knew of the perjury before they began deliberations, they suborned the perjury. In addition, several justices committed perjury during their Senate confirmations by stating that they would abide by precedent, known as Stare Decisis, and then did the opposite. This week, The Supreme Court of the United States officially became a corrupt criminal enterprise

The most corrupt, and illegitimate court in the nations history.
Bullshit. This activist Court accepted a case that should never have gone anywhere.

It was based on a lie and throws the whole idea of “standing” ( someone who has been harmed) out the window…

This court has long ago discarded the entire idea of precedent.

That is a moot concept now

No, as there is no conspiracy alleged really. At best, the allegation is that members of the Supreme Court did sloppy work and are consequently criminally liable for something. That's not a conspiracy, it's just really fucking stupid.
No, as there is no conspiracy alleged really. At best, the allegation is that members of the Supreme Court did sloppy work and are consequently criminally liable for something. That's not a conspiracy, it's just really fucking stupid.
This case was inevitable. Human missiles purposely targeted businesses that were sure to be problematic. They were carefully researched and not at all randomly selected.

It doesn't matter where this particular case came from it was forced into the system by the current trends and would have been heard one way or another. Perhaps they saw it as an opportunity to make a ruling. It's been in the news for five years non stop. Let's not forget...the left is now digging through the garbage bags of the SCOTUS justices. You think that doesn't have some effect?

This case was inevitable. Human missiles purposely targeted businesses that were sure to be problematic. They were carefully researched and not at all randomly selected.

Seeing as this case was brought by the BUSINESS OWNER, and BEFORE she ever began offering the services in question, your claim is bullshit.
It will take time, a few generations, to undo the harm. Unfortunately many will pay for those decisions.

That is what autocracy does. Destroy, take away. Give to those who do not deserve.

Nothing means shit if people end up paying 75% of their income in taxes.
I cannot wait till Trump becomes president again and kills all liberal policies. Also for every lawsuit that is won, because a child was groomed into a sex change. The democrat party should have to match every penny the doctors pay. If it wasn't for democrats in school grooming these kids. We wouldn't have this problem.

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