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In case you do not understand, the white population in the US stopped growing and is in a decline. Old people don't have children. Most of our growth in population is coming from minority groups and immigration. Stagnation is not a good place to be, it is a precursor to death.
Yes, but there’s a big difference between semi-literate, unskilled foreigners unable to support themselves and their families, and this will be a met drain to society, and those who are educated and have job skills and will contribute to society.
They could but they won't, They are all for criminal illegal labor driving down wages and stealing the food off of American ctiziens' tables, they just want to keep them from voting Democrat, is all. As soon as they figure out how to do that then it's open borders forever.

Wages are up

Unemployment is down

And the only reason you have food on the table, is because if immigrant labor numbnuts.

And who do you think are hiring all of those immigrants?

Heres a hint, it aint BLM or Antifa.
To the contrary, the only reason Biden and the Democrats are twisting themselves into a pretzel to welcome in as many illegals as possible is because they and their children will eventually vote Democrat.
Yes, but there’s a big difference between semi-literate, unskilled foreigners unable to support themselves and their families, and this will be a met drain to society, and those who are educated and have job skills and will contribute to society.
Willing to overcome obstacles that would stop most of us. Yes, real " bad " people. LOL !
To the contrary, the only reason Biden and the Democrats are twisting themselves into a pretzel to welcome in as many illegals as possible is because they and their children will eventually vote Democrat.
Trying to resolve our immigration crisis that has been going on for decades won't happen by badmouthing the situation; that only makes it worst. 90% of all immigrants during the great ( white ) migration from Europe at the turn of the 20th. Century were accepted and became the bedrock of the greatest generation ever. History will judge us now for what we do to solve the crisis at the border and emotional responses won't help resolve it. Reason and logic have to prevail
That was the name of the program in 1954. It's history, and what's wrong with the name when millions of illegal aliens swim across the Rio Grande River? Accurate description then ; accurate now, having nothing to do with race.

In 1954, there weren't as many lazy, fatass, trifling white people like there is now.

In 1954, Union labor was the driving force in American employment, before it was destroyed in 1980, by a President and Congress beholden to the billionaire class.

In 1954, the adjusted tax rate for the upper 1% was 91%.

In 1954, a single bread winner, usually a father could raise a family of four on one paycheck, buy a house, a family car, pay of healthcare, and take a family vacation twice a year.

The traditional was destroyed in 1980, by a President and Congress that catered to the billionaire class, the results being the father and mother both had to work for lower wages, no healthcare, no pension, no disposable income, starting a wave of new generations of children with no stable households any longer.

And now we have an entire population of people that have the gall to whine about immigrant labor willing to work for those wages.

The ignorance of the conservative brain never ceases to amaze.

So let me ask you. How have 40 years of tax cutting, deregulatory, union busting Reaganomics working out for you skippy?
Correct, it is neither good nor bad; race actually doesn't exist outside of outdated context. But try to tell that to most people on here. Racism is still a problem; one we need to overcome. What will be will be, and it's always better to embrace the future rather than live in fear of it.
What does race have to do with the objections to illegal immigrants? We welcome immigrants regardless of color as long as they are educated, skilled people who abide by the law and contribute to the country.
Other racist words, Polack, Mick, Chink, ****, Dago, Wap, and of course ******. Want to end racism, here's a great resource; RWJBarnabas Health | Comprehensive Healthcare in New Jersey>say-this-not-that/Ending Racism Together A good start, lots of good references too.

We were not talking about OTHER words, Mr Deflection. We were talking about the word "Wetback", and specifically in the historical immigration program "Operation Wetback".

I'm 1/2 white, 1/4 Central American, and 1/4 Mexican, my grandmother from Villahermosa, Tabasco, and I don't need help from you to know about racial slurs.
In 1954, there weren't as many lazy, fatass, trifling white people like there is now.

In 1954, Union labor was the driving force in American employment, before it was destroyed in 1980, by a President and Congress beholden to the billionaire class.

In 1954, the adjusted tax rate for the upper 1% was 91%.

In 1954, a single bread winner, usually a father could raise a family of four on one paycheck, buy a house, a family car, pay of healthcare, and take a family vacation twice a year.

The traditional was destroyed in 1980, by a President and Congress that catered to the billionaire class, the results being the father and mother both had to work for lower wages, no healthcare, no pension, no disposable income, starting a wave of new generations of children with no stable households any longer.

And now we have an entire population of people that have the gall to whine about immigrant labor willing to work for those wages.

The ignorance of the conservative brain never ceases to amaze.

So let me ask you. How have 40 years of tax cutting, deregulatory, union busting Reaganomics working out for you skippy?
You said it all ! And the rich got richer; now they have about all of it and they still want more.

We were not talking about OTHER words, Mr Deflection. We were talking about the word "Wetback", and specifically in the historical immigration program "Operation Wetback".

I'm 1/2 white, 1/4 Central American, and 1/4 Mexican, my grandmother from Villahermosa, Tabasco, and I don't need help from you to know about racial slurs.
Obviously you fail to even recognize what has hurt all of US in the past and still keeps on giving today. The gift no sane person wants.
Trying to resolve our immigration crisis that has been going on for decades won't happen by badmouthing the situation; that only makes it worst. 90% of all immigrants during the great ( white ) migration from Europe at the turn of the 20th. Century were accepted and became the bedrock of the greatest generation ever. History will judge us now for what we do to solve the crisis at the border and emotional responses won't help resolve it. Reason and logic have to prevail
Why not “badmouth” the situation? It’s a bad situation.

The solution is have a heavy deterrent at the border - via a border wall and strongly armed agents - along with the message that all those who attempt to cross illegally, such as the hundreds of thousands wading through the Rio Grande, will be immediately blocked and returned to Mexico.

Then, they can get permission to enter if they qualify for one of these two reasons:

1) They meet asylum eligibility, which 90% of the migrants do NOT. They will wait in Mexico until their hearings.

2) They apply via the regular path for immigrants, which should require at minimum:

a) If over 21, a high school diploma
b) no criminal record
c) no contagious disease, after being fully vetted
d) the willingness to learn English and immediate enrollment in an English class until basic proficiency is mastered

Furthermore, any violation of the law will result in deportation.
Willing to overcome obstacles that would stop most of us. Yes, real " bad " people. LOL !
"Willing" does not equal qualified and meritorious. Immigrants bringing specialized SKILLS that we would find valuable to us (great scientist, great violinist, etc), or people bringing large amounts$$$ of capital, with which to open businesses, and create jobs (FOR AMERICANS) is something we could accept.

Large numbers of unskilled indigents becoming a drain on our tax base, is NOT acceptable, except to Joe Biden, et al Democrats who covet them for their VOTES.
Obviously you fail to even recognize what has hurt all of US in the past and still keeps on giving today. The gift no sane person wants.
Is there some reason why you are hiding your point, if you have one ? :dunno:
Why not “badmouth” the situation? It’s a bad situation.

The solution is have a heavy deterrent at the border - via a border wall and strongly armed agents - along with the message that all those who attempt to cross illegally, such as the hundreds of thousands wading through the Rio Grande, will be immediately blocked and returned to Mexico.

Then, they can get permission to enter if they qualify for one of these two reasons:

1) They meet asylum eligibility, which 90% of the migrants do NOT. They will wait in Mexico until their hearings.

2) They apply via the regular path for immigrants, which should require at minimum:

a) If over 21, a high school diploma
b) no criminal record
c) no contagious disease, after being fully vetted
d) the willingness to learn English and immediate enrollment in an English class until basic proficiency is mastered

Furthermore, any violation of the law will result in deportation.
I would add the ability to bring $omething that will ADD to America, rather than take money from our taxpayers.
Why not “badmouth” the situation? It’s a bad situation.

The solution is have a heavy deterrent at the border - via a border wall and strongly armed agents - along with the message that all those who attempt to cross illegally, such as the hundreds of thousands wading through the Rio Grande, will be immediately blocked and returned to Mexico.

Then, they can get permission to enter if they qualify for one of these Didtwo reasons:

1) They meet asylum eligibility, which 90% of the migrants do NOT. They will wait in Mexico until their hearings.

2) They apply via the regular path for immigrants, which should require at minimum:

a) If over 21, a high school diploma
b) no criminal record
c) no contagious disease, after being fully vetted
d) the willingness to learn English and immediate enrollment in an English class until basic proficiency is mastered

Furthermore, any violation of the law will result in deportation.
Did badmouthing the crisis do any good over the past several decades ? Some of your suggestions are very good, some are discriminatory. I don't have any agenda like that. I am hopeful the gov. will finally get ahead of this huge backlog.
Willing to overcome obstacles that would stop most of us. Yes, real " bad " people. LOL !
I didn’t say they were bad, although a good percentage of them are. About one out of every three women has been sexually assaulted o the trek.

And on average, they are a net drain to Americans and 90% of them are not entitled to be here.

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