The left fighting against Third Party Candidates


Platinum Member
May 26, 2021
As the thread titles says.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it doesn't matter what side of the political aisle space you take up, any party, that attempts to fight against Third Parties, is tyranny to our Federal Republic.

I will imagine that this thread, won't get traction, will not spark positive discussion, nor cause anyone on the left or right to denounce these actions. But, here it is. Read and watch, become responsible with the information, for when the country goes to shit, you won't be able to say... "I didn't know".

I've posted this before that George Washington warned of political factions and the effect they will have on our country, and his words are coming true.

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

Russel Brand speaks to ideas being espoused if you want to give a listen and read and watch the commentary coming from the left.

Both big parties try to shut out all competition. That leaves the people a choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche.
Don't disagree. And that is the travesty isn't it. That here we are, facing election year, and once again, Trump and Biden are the best two candidates we have?

We should be protesting and demanding better from our political leaders? But guess what. People are too distracted by all the Trump MSM distracting bull shit while the same MSM attempts to convince America that Biden is lucid and capable. And the proof, look at all the threads in this forum. You can go to a completely off topic thread, look at page 1, and when you scroll to the last page, some dingbat has evoked Trump or Biden into the conversation and completely derailed the thread. Tell me I'm wrong?
How many threads have we had just here where people argue you are wasting your time not supporting one of two failed parties?
Don't disagree. And that is the travesty isn't it. That here we are, facing election year, and once again, Trump and Biden are the best two candidates we have?

We should be protesting and demanding better from our political leaders? But guess what. People are too distracted by all the Trump MSM distracting bull shit while the same MSM attempts to convince America that Biden is lucid and capable. And the proof, look at all the threads in this forum. You can go to a completely off topic thread, look at page 1, and when you scroll to the last page, some dingbat has evoked Trump or Biden into the conversation and completely derailed the thread. Tell me I'm wrong?
I would if I could, but I can't so I won't. :dunno:
Let’s be honest here.

Anyone promoting Kennedy is doing so because he thinks that if YOU vote for that fruitcake, it will give his candidate a better chance of winning.

In other words if you are a Trump supporter and think Kennedy can pull in disgruntled Dems then you promote Kennedy.

Conversely if a Dem thinks Kennedy can pull in anti-vax Trumpers he would support him

Bottom line is that Kennedy has no chance of winning and if you vote for him you are SOMEONE’S pawn
Let’s be honest here.

Anyone promoting Kennedy is doing so because he thinks that if YOU vote for that fruitcake, it will give his candidate a better chance of winning.

In other words if you are a Trump supporter and think Kennedy can pull in disgruntled Dems then you promote Kennedy.

Conversely if a Dem thinks Kennedy can pull in anti-vax Trumpers he would support him

Bottom line is that Kennedy has no chance of winning and if you vote for him you are SOMEONE’S pawn
Not really the point here. The point is that our political system, currently, is the problem. That any third party candidacy is ignored, or is being colluded against by political parties. As Americans, we should be angry as hell that this is what elected political officials have given the American public.

But the vast majority, live, eat, swallow, throw up, and re-eat the same political propaganda.
I heard that his VP pick is a hard leftist. If that's the case then he won't pull many republicans compared to democrats. I might consider sending him some money.
Please keep on topic. I don't want this to devolve into a JFK convo, but rather the system.
Please keep on topic. I don't want this to devolve into a JFK convo, but rather the system.
The system is why he's going to be shut out.

My Nostradumbass prediction is that he gets way less votes than Perot, but I've been wrong before. :eusa_whistle:
As the thread titles says.

Ladies and Gentlemen, it doesn't matter what side of the political aisle space you take up, any party, that attempts to fight against Third Parties, is tyranny to our Federal Republic.

I will imagine that this thread, won't get traction, will not spark positive discussion, nor cause anyone on the left or right to denounce these actions. But, here it is. Read and watch, become responsible with the information, for when the country goes to shit, you won't be able to say... "I didn't know".

I've posted this before that George Washington warned of political factions and the effect they will have on our country, and his words are coming true.

"However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.

Russel Brand speaks to ideas being espoused if you want to give a listen and read and watch the commentary coming from the left.

The demafasict don’t fight against third parties, they fight and want to destroy any political party opposition and have a one party state, like the CCP, Saddam’s Iraq, Iran, cuba etc
Let’s be honest here.

Anyone promoting Kennedy is doing so because he thinks that if YOU vote for that fruitcake, it will give his candidate a better chance of winning.

In other words if you are a Trump supporter and think Kennedy can pull in disgruntled Dems then you promote Kennedy.

Conversely if a Dem thinks Kennedy can pull in anti-vax Trumpers he would support him

Bottom line is that Kennedy has no chance of winning and if you vote for him you are SOMEONE’S pawn
I stand by what I said here.

Clearly we have Trumpers doing exactly what I noted
I stand by what I said here.

Clearly we have Trumpers doing exactly what I noted
This is not hard to know. Trumpers as you spout are David against Progressive Socialist Communists as Goliath.
This is not hard to know. Trumpers as you spout are David against Progressive Socialist Communists as Goliath.
If you ever post something that makes sense it will be the first time

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