'The dictionary definition of fascism': Conservative columnist condemns Donald Trump's MAGA 'cult'

I have listed his accomplishments again and again and in your hatred you generally attacked me as well as dismissed every one of those accomplishments without providing any evidence of why you dismiss them. I will now exercise my New Year's resolution dear and wish you a pleasant afternoon.
/---/ I've listed Trump's accomplishments too, many times. The Trump haters don't want to address or even acknowledge them.

foxfyre, your claims: "while every statistic on employment, GDP, budget numbers, exports, manufacturing, life expectancy, crime, violence, and political instability says he was the worst President in American history." are gross distortions and outright lies have been refuted over and over. Many of these claims are nothing more than generic strawman arguments.
You have nothing else to campaign on other than this.
I have listed his accomplishments again and again and in your hatred you generally attacked me as well as dismissed every one of those accomplishments without providing any evidence of why you dismiss them. I will now exercise my New Year's resolution dear and wish you a pleasant afternoon.

NONE of Trump's family members are supporting his run for office. His children testified against him in the January 6th Hearing and Melania is nowhere to be seen as Trump and his advisors are all going on trial and going to jail again.

I've posted dozens of links to your business and trade numbers, unemployment numbers and stock market numbers.

There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Total and complete projection, if you want to know what democrats are doing look at what they say Republicans are doing.
Trump, his supporters, and much of the GOP are fundamentally fascist – illiberal, authoritarian, anti-democratic, exhibiting contempt for the rule of law.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – all classic manifestations of fascism.
Trump, his supporters, and much of the GOP are fundamentally fascist – illiberal, authoritarian, anti-democratic, exhibiting contempt for the rule of law.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – all classic manifestations of fascism.
/——/ The river of liberal TDS bullshyt runs deep and fast.
Salatan is about as conservative as George Soros or Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden, meaning not at all. He's pro choice, pro big government, and has declared Donald Trump to be a terrible person for many years. He is a primary writer for "Slate Magazine" which is about as left as you can get. Bulwark was established by RINOS and leftists to oppose Donald Trump.

". . .In 2015, when Donald Trump emerged as a leading candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, Saletan described him as "a mean, angry, vicious person" and a "remorseless expert in manipulating ... bigotry."[26] In March 2016, Saletan called Trump "a clear and present danger" who had "little regard for human rights or the Constitution."[27] In May 2016, Saletan accused Trump of 10 offenses that in his view rendered the candidate unfit for the presidency, including "banning Muslims," "stereotyping Latinos," "practicing group blame against blacks," "inciting violence," "advocating torture," "rationalizing plunder," and "targeting civilians" in proposed military strikes. . ."

And somebody that filled with hate and so dishonest to distort what another actually said and advocates/advocated can't be taken seriously in his definition of 'fascism' any more than the numbnuts on the internet know what it means or can honestly attach anything Trump has said or done to that ideology.
Most on the right are ignorant as to what fascism actually is – incorrectly perceiving fascism to be solely the purview of Nazis, antisemitism, and death camps.

Nazis were indeed fascists, but they constituted a minority among the pan-fascist right; in fact, those who are Jewish or members of minority groups can be fascists – fascism exists and is practiced absent advocacy of mass-murder and genocide.

Hence the neo-fascist right, devoid of Nazi violent dogma yet still illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic – the GOP’s anti-immigrant nativism is likewise a classic manifestation of fascism, along with the baseless, unwarranted vilification of immigrants.

It is therefore a settled, accepted fact beyond dispute that Trump, his supporters, and the GOP function as a fascist political entity.
Most on the right are ignorant as to what fascism actually is – incorrectly perceiving fascism to be solely the purview of Nazis, antisemitism, and death camps.

Nazis were indeed fascists, but they constituted a minority among the pan-fascist right; in fact, those who are Jewish or members of minority groups can be fascists – fascism exists and is practiced absent advocacy of mass-murder and genocide.

Hence the neo-fascist right, devoid of Nazi violent dogma yet still illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic – the GOP’s anti-immigrant nativism is likewise a classic manifestation of fascism, along with the baseless, unwarranted vilification of immigrants.

It is therefore a settled, accepted fact beyond dispute that Trump, his supporters, and the GOP function as a fascist political entity.
/——/ Ahhhh, the sweet stench of democRAT desperation.
naturally the term make america great again makes communist sick
Its the AGAIN PART, That makes people sick.
WE as in all of us, have problems with decisions Both major party's have made.
Mostly because its easy to just follow a party line,
instead of the extra effort it takes in looking for the Best Person that fits the actual job.
Most on the right are ignorant as to what fascism actually is – incorrectly perceiving fascism to be solely the purview of Nazis, antisemitism, and death camps.

Nazis were indeed fascists, but they constituted a minority among the pan-fascist right; in fact, those who are Jewish or members of minority groups can be fascists – fascism exists and is practiced absent advocacy of mass-murder and genocide.

Hence the neo-fascist right, devoid of Nazi violent dogma yet still illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic – the GOP’s anti-immigrant nativism is likewise a classic manifestation of fascism, along with the baseless, unwarranted vilification of immigrants.

It is therefore a settled, accepted fact beyond dispute that Trump, his supporters, and the GOP function as a fascist political entity.
So you can't define fascism but say Jews and Republicans are guilty of it while demonstrating that is is a bash Republicans and Jews thread rather than what was pretended in the OP. You've already demonstrated that you will misrepresent what a 'conservative' columnist is. Give me any credible evidence that Trump, his supporters, and the GOP function are a fascist political entity. And while you try to manufacture something to answer that or ignore the question, I'll wish you a pleasant day and move on.
Trump, his supporters, and much of the GOP are fundamentally fascist – illiberal, authoritarian, anti-democratic, exhibiting contempt for the rule of law.

Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power – all classic manifestations of fascism.
Squeals the provably racist bootlicker. It is YOUR peeps preventing blacks and Jews from walking on college campuses.

Not anyone else.

So you can't define fascism but say Jews and Republicans are guilty of it while demonstrating that is is a bash Republicans and Jews thread rather than what was pretended in the OP. You've already demonstrated that you will misrepresent what a 'conservative' columnist is. Give me any credible evidence that Trump, his supporters, and the GOP function are a fascist political entity. And while you try to manufacture something to answer that or ignore the question, I'll wish you a pleasant day and move on.
C.Clayton is a fundamentally racist, fascist, and ignorant clod who knows nothing about what he speaks.
Most on the right are ignorant as to what fascism actually is – incorrectly perceiving fascism to be solely the purview of Nazis, antisemitism, and death camps.

Nazis were indeed fascists, but they constituted a minority among the pan-fascist right; in fact, those who are Jewish or members of minority groups can be fascists – fascism exists and is practiced absent advocacy of mass-murder and genocide.

Hence the neo-fascist right, devoid of Nazi violent dogma yet still illiberal, authoritarian, and anti-democratic – the GOP’s anti-immigrant nativism is likewise a classic manifestation of fascism, along with the baseless, unwarranted vilification of immigrants.

It is therefore a settled, accepted fact beyond dispute that Trump, his supporters, and the GOP function as a fascist political entity.
No, skippy, that would be you and your ilk.
C.Clayton is a fundamentally racist, fascist, and ignorant clod who knows nothing about what he speaks.
I will always give them opportunity to support their argument with credible sources or even logic and reason. Too many of those on the right can't or won't, but it's pretty much my experience that 99.9% of those on the left can't or won't.
naturally the term make america great again makes communist sick

It is the word "again" that bothers people. It's saying that the USA isn't a great nation. When did it cease to be "great" in your eyes?

Trump and the Cult keep harping back to the 1950's when he was a child. It's easy to understand why. Children are sheltered from all of the bad things in life. My childhood memories are full of friends, a large family, planting our family garden in the spring, helping can and preserve the bounty in summer. As children we were blissfully unaware of hate, violence, poverty, racism, abuse or anything bad.

That's the America Trump longs for. Father Knows Best. Leave it to Beaver. A fantasy.
It is the word "again" that bothers people. It's saying that the USA isn't a great nation. When did it cease to be "great" in your eyes?

Trump and the Cult keep harping back to the 1950's when he was a child. It's easy to understand why. Children are sheltered from all of the bad things in life. My childhood memories are full of friends, a large family, planting our family garden in the spring, helping can and preserve the bounty in summer. As children we were blissfully unaware of hate, violence, poverty, racism, abuse or anything bad.

That's the America Trump longs for. Father Knows Best. Leave it to Beaver. A fantasy.
When Obama began turning the USA into a banana Republic
It is the word "again" that bothers people. It's saying that the USA isn't a great nation. When did it cease to be "great" in your eyes?

Trump and the Cult keep harping back to the 1950's when he was a child. It's easy to understand why. Children are sheltered from all of the bad things in life. My childhood memories are full of friends, a large family, planting our family garden in the spring, helping can and preserve the bounty in summer. As children we were blissfully unaware of hate, violence, poverty, racism, abuse or anything bad.

That's the America Trump longs for. Father Knows Best. Leave it to Beaver. A fantasy.
/—-/ I love watching democRATs wallow in their misery as their dear leader Joe swirls the toilet like a breakfast burrito.
No, skippy, that would be you and your ilk.
The rejection of democracy, the rule of law and equal rights under the law in favor of a strongman who interprets the popular will.

“The election was stolen.” (Trump, 2020)

“I am your justice … I am your retribution.” (Trump, 2023)

“Authoritarians believe society needs strong leaders to maintain stability. They vest in a dictator the power to maintain social order through the use of force (armies, police, militia) and bureaucracy.

By contrast, fascists view strong leaders as the means of discovering what society needs. They regard the leader as the embodiment of society, the voice of the people.”

Trump’s promise to use the US military as a domestic police force to prevent peaceful, lawful demonstrations and ‘restore order’ is classic, traditional fascism.
‘William Saletan, a writer for the conservative website The Bulwark, defends President Joe Biden’s anti-MAGA use of the term “semi-fascism” in an article published on September 1.

“Republicans are furious over President Biden’s recent remarks linking Donald Trump and his supporters to ‘semi-fascism,’” Saletan writes. “For days, they’ve been all over TV and social media, denouncing Biden’s use of the F-word. But Biden was right. Many of the ideas and tactics deployed by Trump and his apologists, including those who decry Biden’s comparison, fit the dictionary definition of fascism.”

Saletan stresses that refusing to accept democratic election results, which is what Trump and his followers did after the 2020 election, is an “authoritarian” act.

“A stickler might say that an attempt to overturn an election isn’t really fascist unless it involves the use of state power or mob violence, but Trump and his allies tried to use both,” Saletan explains. “Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s right-hand man in several abuses of power, says it’s Biden, not Trump, who runs America like ‘a damned dictatorship.’ But in December 2020, after the Electoral College had certified Biden’s election, Giuliani — at Trump’s direction — phoned the acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security to ask whether DHS could seize voting machines from states. Then, at Trump’s January 6th rally on the Ellipse, Giuliani exhorted the crowd: ‘Let’s have trial by combat!’”

Saletan adds, “Giuliani didn’t just help to incite the attack on the Capitol. To this day, he continues to whitewash it and excuse the perpetrators.”’

More at the link.
Stop telling us to believe a fraud instead of our own eyes and common sense.

Unlike Progressives, we’re not a hivemind
It is the word "again" that bothers people. It's saying that the USA isn't a great nation. When did it cease to be "great" in your eyes?

Trump and the Cult keep harping back to the 1950's when he was a child. It's easy to understand why. Children are sheltered from all of the bad things in life. My childhood memories are full of friends, a large family, planting our family garden in the spring, helping can and preserve the bounty in summer. As children we were blissfully unaware of hate, violence, poverty, racism, abuse or anything bad.

That's the America Trump longs for. Father Knows Best. Leave it to Beaver. A fantasy.
America was great under Coolidge. There was a Fed and deep State, but he ignored them

Since then, the deep State metastasized into the Deep State, killing a President and controlling Congress
‘William Saletan, a writer for the conservative website The Bulwark, defends President Joe Biden’s anti-MAGA use of the term “semi-fascism” in an article published on September 1.

“Republicans are furious over President Biden’s recent remarks linking Donald Trump and his supporters to ‘semi-fascism,’” Saletan writes. “For days, they’ve been all over TV and social media, denouncing Biden’s use of the F-word. But Biden was right. Many of the ideas and tactics deployed by Trump and his apologists, including those who decry Biden’s comparison, fit the dictionary definition of fascism.”

Saletan stresses that refusing to accept democratic election results, which is what Trump and his followers did after the 2020 election, is an “authoritarian” act.

“A stickler might say that an attempt to overturn an election isn’t really fascist unless it involves the use of state power or mob violence, but Trump and his allies tried to use both,” Saletan explains. “Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s right-hand man in several abuses of power, says it’s Biden, not Trump, who runs America like ‘a damned dictatorship.’ But in December 2020, after the Electoral College had certified Biden’s election, Giuliani — at Trump’s direction — phoned the acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security to ask whether DHS could seize voting machines from states. Then, at Trump’s January 6th rally on the Ellipse, Giuliani exhorted the crowd: ‘Let’s have trial by combat!’”

Saletan adds, “Giuliani didn’t just help to incite the attack on the Capitol. To this day, he continues to whitewash it and excuse the perpetrators.”’

More at the link.
Biden and the Democrat party fit the definition of fascism.
‘William Saletan, a writer for the conservative website The Bulwark, defends President Joe Biden’s anti-MAGA use of the term “semi-fascism” in an article published on September 1.

“Republicans are furious over President Biden’s recent remarks linking Donald Trump and his supporters to ‘semi-fascism,’” Saletan writes. “For days, they’ve been all over TV and social media, denouncing Biden’s use of the F-word. But Biden was right. Many of the ideas and tactics deployed by Trump and his apologists, including those who decry Biden’s comparison, fit the dictionary definition of fascism.”

Saletan stresses that refusing to accept democratic election results, which is what Trump and his followers did after the 2020 election, is an “authoritarian” act.

“A stickler might say that an attempt to overturn an election isn’t really fascist unless it involves the use of state power or mob violence, but Trump and his allies tried to use both,” Saletan explains. “Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s right-hand man in several abuses of power, says it’s Biden, not Trump, who runs America like ‘a damned dictatorship.’ But in December 2020, after the Electoral College had certified Biden’s election, Giuliani — at Trump’s direction — phoned the acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security to ask whether DHS could seize voting machines from states. Then, at Trump’s January 6th rally on the Ellipse, Giuliani exhorted the crowd: ‘Let’s have trial by combat!’”

Saletan adds, “Giuliani didn’t just help to incite the attack on the Capitol. To this day, he continues to whitewash it and excuse the perpetrators.”’

More at the link.

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