The army which isnt supposed to do things that harm the country is now in league with the Marxists/Democrats. Female soldier opens the door.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
US Army soldier opens gate to let huge horde of migrants onto PRIVATE Texas property
Security footage taken along the US-Mexico border in Texas shows a US soldier opening a gate to let migrants in just days after Joe Biden let Title 42 to expire.
The video, shared by FOX LA's Bill Melugin, shows a large group crossing from the Mexico side of the border into the U.S. as a large white bus appears to wait for them.
The one-minute clip shows the female Army officer standing by as the horde shuffles onto private property Monday morning.
This is sedition against the United States and the b ch needs to be court martialed.

When asked by reporters about how he believes things were proceeding after Title 42 expired, Biden responded: 'Much better than you all expected,' with a chuckle.
When asked? He says it couldnt go any better on the invasion from diseased illegals from around the world? Thank you, you stupid Marxists/Democrats for allowing this crap to happen. May a drunken illegal driver, T-bone your car......
US Army soldier opens gate to let huge horde of migrants onto PRIVATE Texas property This is sedition against the United States and the b ch needs to be court martialed.

When asked? He says it couldnt go any better on the invasion from diseased illegals from around the world? Thank you, you stupid Marxists/Democrats for allowing this crap to happen. May a drunken illegal driver, T-bone your car......

It's called TREASON.

The globalists that tell us we will own nothing & like it are hoping they can keep us quiet while they "fundamentally transform" our country with a huge flood of poor & ignorant illegals.
Without the US, the rest of the world will fall under their neo-feudal/fascist control quickly.
The Cloward & Piven plan has been chugging along for decades & now is poised to take down our entire system with uncontrollable spending, debt, immigration & unaffordable basic necessities.
They want the chaos so people to beg them to institute a Universal Basic Income to complete that plan.
That allows the conditions for the reset they want where they have complete control over the peasant serfs & can cull the survivors as they see fit
US Army soldier opens gate to let huge horde of migrants onto PRIVATE Texas property This is sedition against the United States and the b ch needs to be court martialed.

When asked? He says it couldnt go any better on the invasion from diseased illegals from around the world? Thank you, you stupid Marxists/Democrats for allowing this crap to happen. May a drunken illegal driver, T-bone your car......

The officer not only lied to her country, she lied to God.

"I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."
US Army soldier opens gate to let huge horde of migrants onto PRIVATE Texas property This is sedition against the United States and the b ch needs to be court martialed.

When asked? He says it couldnt go any better on the invasion from diseased illegals from around the world? Thank you, you stupid Marxists/Democrats for allowing this crap to happen. May a drunken illegal driver, T-bone your car......
Those troops sent to the border by Potatohead were not sent there to prevent the invasion of Illegals but to help facilitate it.

Everybody involved is a traitor.
The officer not only lied to her country, she lied to God.

"I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

Technically you are allowed to leave off the last 4 words.
US Army soldier opens gate to let huge horde of migrants onto PRIVATE Texas property This is sedition against the United States and the b ch needs to be court martialed.

When asked? He says it couldnt go any better on the invasion from diseased illegals from around the world? Thank you, you stupid Marxists/Democrats for allowing this crap to happen. May a drunken illegal driver, T-bone your car......
You are a goof ball. She is following law and procedure. You are following the voices in your head.

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