The 20 year anniversary of the United States invasion of Iraq. What are your thoughts all these years later?

The Certain Saudi where recruited by Saudi Intelligence.

USA allowed the attack as they wanted an excuse to attack Iraq.

With a majority of Americans being religious extremists, Americans did not like that Iraq had a secular government.

The Saudis had nothing to do with 9/11. Osama bin Laden hated them because they revoked his citizenship in 1992. He was Muslim Brotherhood which has been banned in Arabia since 1972.
The Saudis had nothing to do with 9/11. Osama bin Laden hated them because they revoked his citizenship in 1992. He was Muslim Brotherhood which has been banned in Arabia since 1972.

Recently declassified CIA documents shows employees of the Saudi embassy helped the attacker.

As for the Muslim Brotherhood, that is a group USA supports.

Let us forget that Hillary Clinton in her campaign glorified Muslim Brotherhood terrorists like Khizr Khan and Humayun Khan.

All US media and politicians glorified the two terrorists.

Recently declassified CIA documents shows employees of the Saudi embassy helped the attacker.

As for the Muslim Brotherhood, that is a group USA supports.

Let us forget that Hillary Clinton in her campaign glorified Muslim Brotherhood terrorists like Khizr Khan and Humayun Khan.

All US media and politicians glorified the two terrorists.

View attachment 849717

He was a clerk from Yemen.

What Muslim Brotherhood are you talking about?
He was a clerk from Yemen.

What Muslim Brotherhood are you talking about?

Terrorists like Khizr Khan are currently working For Cair which is the American Branch of the Muslim brotherhood, and he also work for Biden.
Which shows Biden support for terrorists.
Terrorists like Khizr Khan are currently working For Cair which is the American Branch of the Muslim brotherhood, and he also work for Biden.
Which shows Biden support for terrorists.
You have proof of the connection?
The Saudis had nothing to do with 9/11. Osama bin Laden hated them because they revoked his citizenship in 1992. He was Muslim Brotherhood which has been banned in Arabia since 1972.
Osama bin Laden's background via his father and "some of
his mothers" was Yemeni His father divorced his Yemeni mother. and he was educated as such--
his father moved to Saudi arabia for "business" and Osama
was educated as such. He was a bit too ardently religious
for his father's tastes and was very taken up with attempting
to CONTROL MECCA ----which in islam means control the UMMAH. <<<that got him in trouble with Saudi royalty.
As an act of Piety he moved himself to AFGHANISTAN where
similarly religious pakistani boys were in the process of creating a SHARIAH UTOPIA----that was circa 1980. That group became the much lauded, -on the college campuses of
Pakistan, THE TALIBAN. Osama bin Laden was an example
of intense islamic piety.
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It didn't work out

Then fuck 'em if they can't be civilized. They're supposed to be the place where civilization stated. If they're gonna be a bunch of fucking animals, then fuck 'em.
Then fuck 'em if they can't be civilized. They're supposed to be the place where civilization stated. If they're gonna be a bunch of fucking animals, then fuck 'em.

Muslim armies swiftly conquered territories, ancient cultures, and Byzantine and Sasanian empires and beyond. Within roughly two decades, they created a massive Arab Muslim empire spanning three continents.
Then fuck 'em if they can't be civilized. They're supposed to be the place where civilization stated. If they're gonna be a bunch of fucking animals, then fuck 'em.
be not cynical-----Baghdad really was a center of intellectual activity---back in the day----then -------uhm ........... islam happened
Muslim armies swiftly conquered territories, ancient cultures, and Byzantine and Sasanian empires and beyond. Within roughly two decades, they created a massive Arab Muslim empire spanning three continents.

That's what Islam is. It's a warlike cult intent on world conquest by means of force. Islam means "surrender"
Eventually I'll have more time to go into details, but points to ponder;

1) It helps to have a clear vision of what you want when the fighting is done. What results do you seek. I forget this early in the morning who said it; "The purpose of war is a better peace." Of course it complicates when someone attacks you and you are responding in defense, but still, strategy involves thinking and planning towards and end game and desired results come peacetime.

2) Like chess, many war/conflicts have an opening game, a mid game, and an end game.

3) It would appear the USA didn't have clear vision of Iraq after Saddam, and the Bath Party were gone, so we muddled the End Game. The Opening and Mid Games played well, except the Mid Game did plant seeds, or failed to remove "weeds" that resulted in the insurgency a year after Iraq was defeated and Saddam gone.

4) I've often thought we should have started off with massive carpet bombing ...

... of bags of pork rinds and pocket size USA Constitutions and Declaration of Independence with Arabic or Farsi on one page and the English on the other page.
Eventually I'll have more time to go into details, but points to ponder;

1) It helps to have a clear vision of what you want when the fighting is done. What results do you seek. I forget this early in the morning who said it; "The purpose of war is a better peace." Of course it complicates when someone attacks you and you are responding in defense, but still, strategy involves thinking and planning towards and end game and desired results come peacetime.

2) Like chess, many war/conflicts have an opening game, a mid game, and an end game.

3) It would appear the USA didn't have clear vision of Iraq after Saddam, and the Bath Party were gone, so we muddled the End Game. The Opening and Mid Games played well, except the Mid Game did plant seeds, or failed to remove "weeds" that resulted in the insurgency a year after Iraq was defeated and Saddam gone.

4) I've often thought we should have started off with massive carpet bombing ...

... of bags of pork rinds and pocket size USA Constitutions and Declaration of Independence with Arabic or Farsi on one page and the English on the other page.
IMVO---In my vaunted opinion----the biggest miss on the part of the USA was the
fact that Iraq actually has a SHIITE majority
Recently declassified CIA documents shows employees of the Saudi embassy helped the attacker.

As for the Muslim Brotherhood, that is a group USA supports.

Let us forget that Hillary Clinton in her campaign glorified Muslim Brotherhood terrorists like Khizr Khan and Humayun Khan.

All US media and politicians glorified the two terrorists.

View attachment 849717
Uhm----the USA does not actually-----OFFICIALLY and lavishly support the Muslim
brotherhood-----as for "not the fault of Saudi arabia"-----wrong----the basic educational
system of Saudi arabia is at fault
Eventually I'll have more time to go into details, but points to ponder;

1) It helps to have a clear vision of what you want when the fighting is done. What results do you seek. I forget this early in the morning who said it; "The purpose of war is a better peace." Of course it complicates when someone attacks you and you are responding in defense, but still, strategy involves thinking and planning towards and end game and desired results come peacetime.

2) Like chess, many war/conflicts have an opening game, a mid game, and an end game.

3) It would appear the USA didn't have clear vision of Iraq after Saddam, and the Bath Party were gone, so we muddled the End Game. The Opening and Mid Games played well, except the Mid Game did plant seeds, or failed to remove "weeds" that resulted in the insurgency a year after Iraq was defeated and Saddam gone.

4) I've often thought we should have started off with massive carpet bombing ...

... of bags of pork rinds and pocket size USA Constitutions and Declaration of Independence with Arabic or Farsi on one page and the English on the other page.
Iraqis don't speak Farsi.

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