Stop Antisemitism

Everyone should read the PICKTHALL translation of the koran----
the koran itself is dull ----but the FORWARD written by Pickthall
is fascinating. Pickthall attributes NUMEROUS and GREAT and even FANTASTIC contributions to MANKIND to the uhm "nabi" that ---that "revealed" that book to us earthlings. ---AND the
contributions GO ON. Oct. 7 is yet another contribution as
is the "hostage" warfare. -----it's even better than the traditional
islamic ----STARVATION SIEGE. with which muslims have left TENS OF MILLIONS of infants dead in the dust just in the past few centuries. The muslims have TOPPED THEMSELVES---now its attack, rape, mutilate and GRAB HOSTAGES-- leaving the relative victims of the warfare wondering----and wondering -----and wondering.........................HORROR and HOSTAGES = ISLAM
[ After the Inquisition and the Holocaust, yes, this is what is normal for Jews today. Because Jew haters have been working hard for it to happen ]


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