speeding and traffic cameras


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
So, i got a ticket in the mail today from this town with speeding cameras.
What will they say when i call them and tell them i want to face my accuser? Lol seriously. Think i might threaten a class action lawsuit as well. Just to mess with em.
So, do you think they violate your rights? Seems to me that cameras eliminate due process. Thus violating the sixth amendment.
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
So, i got a ticket in the mail today from this town with speeding cameras.
What will they say when i call them and tell them i want to face my accuser? Lol seriously. Think i might threaten a class action lawsuit as well. Just to mess with em.
So, do you think they violate your rights? Seems to me that cameras eliminate due process. Thus violating the sixth amendment.
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Had this issue here. In my experience it’s best to pay the ticket before you complain. Houston had realignment cams for awhile. Doesn’t go so well.
Speed cameras don't eliminate due process. They simply act as as evidence that you have violated a law.

If you look at the back of your ticket (or in the documentation that accompanied it), there are instructions for contesting that ticket in court.

You can present your case to the judge, the traffic compliance department will present their evidence, the judge will decide whether or not to levy a fine.

That is due process.
I think everywhere has a process to dispute, but I have been told the cameras are a hell of a lot better at capturing faces than they used to be and disputing them can really run up a big bill if you try to be clever like subpoenaing the calibration records, etc etc, and lose.
If you have the time and want to go through the process just for your own satisfaction or educational experience, I suggest asking the town for opportunity to review all the evidence they have in their procession. This would include speed of traffic flow and all associated video all of which would allow you to make judgement on which way you'd like to proceed.
Speed cameras don't eliminate due process. They simply act as as evidence that you have violated a law.

If you look at the back of your ticket (or in the documentation that accompanied it), there are instructions for contesting that ticket in court.

You can present your case to the judge, the traffic compliance department will present their evidence, the judge will decide whether or not to levy a fine.

That is due process.
I have a right to a trial.
I have a constitutional right to face my accuser. That would be the technician that works for the company handling it, apparently.
Speed cameras don't eliminate due process. They simply act as as evidence that you have violated a law.

If you look at the back of your ticket (or in the documentation that accompanied it), there are instructions for contesting that ticket in court.

You can present your case to the judge, the traffic compliance department will present their evidence, the judge will decide whether or not to levy a fine.

That is due process.
I have a right to a trial.
I have a constitutional right to face my accuser. That would be the technician that works for the company handling it, apparently.

The speed cameras and the technicians who install and maintain them don't accuse anyone. Your accuser is the person who works at the traffic compliance office who evaluated the photo. The evidence is the photo itself.

If you choose to subpoena the traffic compliance officer, you can do that.
Pay your ticket and get on with your life.
Im trying to have a discussion on the law.
Im not asking for some dipshit to tell me what to do.
You know what they say about fighting city hall. These things have been around for long enough that the legality is well established and the accuracy is at least as good as a human cop tagging you. If you just have time and money to burn then go for it. You were speeding and got caught, Take responsibility for your actions.
Judges have ruled against these.
One city in america had to pay back over 3m in fines
In some jurisdictions theyre not enforceable until you hit a certain # of violations.

The red light camera company are not cops and do not in some cases have proper jurisdiction, they simply expect people to pay, apply pressure, and most people do.

Check the laws where you are.
And you can make noise and request a trial, naming people in the company to appear. my brother did this and they simply dropped it. in that case the company was i think in canada, so a court appearance here in chicago was stupid for them over a 100 dollar ticket.

Depends on whether you want to mess with it or not, i reckon.....
I wish every intersection had one.

Up TO HERE with Jackasses who think red lights only apply to everyone ELSE.

As soon as they took the Red Light Camera down at the ultra busy intersection near me, at least 5 cars now always continue to turn Left AFTER the light changes. EVERY TIME.
People have no respect for others.

People with the Green light going the other way sometimes pile up at the intersection because fools are still Left turning in front of them. Gimme a Fn break! Who the hell are you that you can't wait like everyone else has to?

unfortunately, stuff like this is necessary to deal with shit for brains disrespectful people who think NOTHING of risking your life for their convenience.

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