Shorts & Hoodies Shouldn't Be Okay In Senate Chamber!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Recently, the U.S. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer changed an operational rule of the U.S. Senate he declared that U.S. Senators would no longer be required to wear professional attire when in the U.S. Senate Chamber of the Capitol. Mostly everyone knows why Majority Leader Schumer changed the rule to accommodate the new Senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, who regularly wears shorts and a hoodie, it is like his uniform. When I initially heard about the rule change I thought well that is nice Senator Fetterman had a stroke during the campaign season which caused him to have major problems communicating to and receiving communications from people very traumatic experience no doubt and after being sworn in as a Senator suffered a bout of clinical depression from his physical health problems and the stress of the new job of Senator and he wears shorts and a hoodie because it makes him feel comfortable it conveys that he is just a regular guy trying to make Washington work for regular people. I initially thought it is good the Senate is accommodating here that is an American virtue being considerate of others! But the more I thought about it is wrong it is another standard in America that is being lowered that has a negative effect that adds up to America being a lesser quality country than it used to be, it is contributing to the decline of America and this decline should break every good Americans heart! O I would be okay with the Senate rule being tweaked if need be meaning that if the Senate is holding a vote, a Senator if need be can be released from the mandate of wearing professional attire in the Senate Chamber so John could readily vote in his shorts and hoodie; however, that Senator cannot remain or linger in the chamber outside of the voting activity he or she must act in a reasonable manner to conduct the voting action, entering the chamber only for that purpose and when the voting action is complete then immediately leave the chamber.

Why is this issue important because a professional dress code seeks to and generally does move adherents to raise their performance and act in a professional, virtuous and good character manner. Most Judges in their courtroom require lawyers to wear a jacket and a tie for this reason even many businesses not so much any more but some still do require their male staff members to wear a dress shirt and a tie again for this reason. Why does this matter in the U.S. Senate because the Senate as well as the House of Representatives both Chambers don't act as quality and effective legislative bodies as they used to going back twenty or thirty years or more meaning the rank and file members that make up these bodies don't act as quality elected Representatives as they use to. I know the political parties are farther apart than they ever were but that should not stop individual Senators and House members from advocating compromises and common ground agreements that make things better. Twenty to thirty years ago you would never see U.S. Senators paralyzed as the American people see on their TVs a thousand plus migrants illegally cross our southern border on a daily basis. This reality of America in an important sense completely not in control of its border would have sent Senators acting like it was a five alarm fire in past generations, today largely ignored! It is a given that there is no viable comprehensive immigration reform legislation solution because the major parties are so far apart but it is so sad America doesn't have Senators today working on helpful agreements, agreements which reduce the number of migrants illegally crossing the border, every day the American people should see on C-Span Senators on the Senate floor Senators building and updating the American people on consensus agreements for how the Federal government will stem this crisis!

The Senate Chamber should be displaying demonstrative efforts on so many important matters for the country for one the fentanyl and the animal tranquilizer drug problem killing Americans in the tens of thousands per year and members of Congress are paralyzed to solve the problem. Homelessness in America, housing should not be so unstable in the greatest country in the world. There is so many problems in America where Senators are frankly acting inept and incompetent in solving these problems and even trying to solve these problems. America doesn't need the Senate leader to make the Senate less professional which Leader Schumer's decision did the country needs the Senate Leader to call rank and file Senators to raise their performance and be the professionals the American people need them to be!
Recently, the U.S. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer changed an operational rule of the U.S. Senate he declared that U.S. Senators would no longer be required to wear professional attire when in the U.S. Senate Chamber of the Capitol. Mostly everyone knows why Majority Leader Schumer changed the rule to accommodate the new Senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, who regularly wears shorts and a hoodie, it is like his uniform. When I initially heard about the rule change I thought well that is nice Senator Fetterman had a stroke during the campaign season which caused him to have major problems communicating to and receiving communications from people very traumatic experience no doubt and after being sworn in as a Senator suffered a bout of clinical depression from his physical health problems and the stress of the new job of Senator and he wears shorts and a hoodie because it makes him feel comfortable it conveys that he is just a regular guy trying to make Washington work for regular people. I initially thought it is good the Senate is accommodating here that is an American virtue being considerate of others! But the more I thought about it is wrong it is another standard in America that is being lowered that has a negative effect that adds up to America being a lesser quality country than it used to be, it is contributing to the decline of America and this decline should break every good Americans heart! O I would be okay with the Senate rule being tweaked if need be meaning that if the Senate is holding a vote, a Senator if need be can be released from the mandate of wearing professional attire in the Senate Chamber so John could readily vote in his shorts and hoodie; however, that Senator cannot remain or linger in the chamber outside of the voting activity he or she must act in a reasonable manner to conduct the voting action, entering the chamber only for that purpose and when the voting action is complete then immediately leave the chamber.

Why is this issue important because a professional dress code seeks to and generally does move adherents to raise their performance and act in a professional, virtuous and good character manner. Most Judges in their courtroom require lawyers to wear a jacket and a tie for this reason even many businesses not so much any more but some still do require their male staff members to wear a dress shirt and a tie again for this reason. Why does this matter in the U.S. Senate because the Senate as well as the House of Representatives both Chambers don't act as quality and effective legislative bodies as they used to going back twenty or thirty years or more meaning the rank and file members that make up these bodies don't act as quality elected Representatives as they use to. I know the political parties are farther apart than they ever were but that should not stop individual Senators and House members from advocating compromises and common ground agreements that make things better. Twenty to thirty years ago you would never see U.S. Senators paralyzed as the American people see on their TVs a thousand plus migrants illegally cross our southern border on a daily basis. This reality of America in an important sense completely not in control of its border would have sent Senators acting like it was a five alarm fire in past generations, today largely ignored! It is a given that there is no viable comprehensive immigration reform legislation solution because the major parties are so far apart but it is so sad America doesn't have Senators today working on helpful agreements, agreements which reduce the number of migrants illegally crossing the border, every day the American people should see on C-Span Senators on the Senate floor Senators building and updating the American people on consensus agreements for how the Federal government will stem this crisis!

The Senate Chamber should be displaying demonstrative efforts on so many important matters for the country for one the fentanyl and the animal tranquilizer drug problem killing Americans in the tens of thousands per year and members of Congress are paralyzed to solve the problem. Homelessness in America, housing should not be so unstable in the greatest country in the world. There is so many problems in America where Senators are frankly acting inept and incompetent in solving these problems and even trying to solve these problems. America doesn't need the Senate leader to make the Senate less professional which Leader Schumer's decision did the country needs the Senate Leader to call rank and file Senators to raise their performance and be the professionals the American people need them to be!
The Fetterman Body Double is an embarrassment
It’s what Democrats do. When they see unacceptable behavior, instead of requiring MORE of the person with such poor standards, they LOWER the standards.

A race to the bottom.
That's because objective morality is subservient to their ultimate goal, which is to attain the most political power. Therefore their morality is relative with no foundation or anchor. Objective morays of widely accepted dress, behavior, etc. take a back seat to 'whatever I want you will accept.' Fetterman is just a brain-damaged little narcissistic tyrant wannabe.
Recently, the U.S. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer changed an operational rule of the U.S. Senate he declared that U.S. Senators would no longer be required to wear professional attire when in the U.S. Senate Chamber of the Capitol. Mostly everyone knows why Majority Leader Schumer changed the rule to accommodate the new Senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, who regularly wears shorts and a hoodie, it is like his uniform. When I initially heard about the rule change I thought well that is nice Senator Fetterman had a stroke during the campaign season which caused him to have major problems communicating to and receiving communications from people very traumatic experience no doubt and after being sworn in as a Senator suffered a bout of clinical depression from his physical health problems and the stress of the new job of Senator and he wears shorts and a hoodie because it makes him feel comfortable it conveys that he is just a regular guy trying to make Washington work for regular people. I initially thought it is good the Senate is accommodating here that is an American virtue being considerate of others! But the more I thought about it is wrong it is another standard in America that is being lowered that has a negative effect that adds up to America being a lesser quality country than it used to be, it is contributing to the decline of America and this decline should break every good Americans heart! O I would be okay with the Senate rule being tweaked if need be meaning that if the Senate is holding a vote, a Senator if need be can be released from the mandate of wearing professional attire in the Senate Chamber so John could readily vote in his shorts and hoodie; however, that Senator cannot remain or linger in the chamber outside of the voting activity he or she must act in a reasonable manner to conduct the voting action, entering the chamber only for that purpose and when the voting action is complete then immediately leave the chamber.

Why is this issue important because a professional dress code seeks to and generally does move adherents to raise their performance and act in a professional, virtuous and good character manner. Most Judges in their courtroom require lawyers to wear a jacket and a tie for this reason even many businesses not so much any more but some still do require their male staff members to wear a dress shirt and a tie again for this reason. Why does this matter in the U.S. Senate because the Senate as well as the House of Representatives both Chambers don't act as quality and effective legislative bodies as they used to going back twenty or thirty years or more meaning the rank and file members that make up these bodies don't act as quality elected Representatives as they use to. I know the political parties are farther apart than they ever were but that should not stop individual Senators and House members from advocating compromises and common ground agreements that make things better. Twenty to thirty years ago you would never see U.S. Senators paralyzed as the American people see on their TVs a thousand plus migrants illegally cross our southern border on a daily basis. This reality of America in an important sense completely not in control of its border would have sent Senators acting like it was a five alarm fire in past generations, today largely ignored! It is a given that there is no viable comprehensive immigration reform legislation solution because the major parties are so far apart but it is so sad America doesn't have Senators today working on helpful agreements, agreements which reduce the number of migrants illegally crossing the border, every day the American people should see on C-Span Senators on the Senate floor Senators building and updating the American people on consensus agreements for how the Federal government will stem this crisis!

The Senate Chamber should be displaying demonstrative efforts on so many important matters for the country for one the fentanyl and the animal tranquilizer drug problem killing Americans in the tens of thousands per year and members of Congress are paralyzed to solve the problem. Homelessness in America, housing should not be so unstable in the greatest country in the world. There is so many problems in America where Senators are frankly acting inept and incompetent in solving these problems and even trying to solve these problems. America doesn't need the Senate leader to make the Senate less professional which Leader Schumer's decision did the country needs the Senate Leader to call rank and file Senators to raise their performance and be the professionals the American people need them to be!
All this talk of higher honor in our capitol, yet we still have maga fuckups disrespecting it all the time.
That's because objective morality is subservient to their ultimate goal, which is to attain the most political power. Therefore their morality is relative with no foundation or anchor. Objective morays of widely accepted dress, behavior, etc. take a back seat to 'whatever I want you will accept.' Fetterman is just a brain-damaged little narcissistic tyrant wannabe.

now hoodies are immoral!

It’s what Democrats do. When they see unacceptable behavior, instead of requiring MORE of the person with such poor standards, they LOWER the standards.

A race to the bottom.

why is it unacceptable behavior?
Fetterman's appearance is his costume, his idea of what the "working class" in Pennsylvania wears and what they expect from him.

In reality, the senator is an alumni of some of the snootiest schools in the country, part of an elite, extremely affluent family, and has never done a day of physical labor in his life.

Looking like a pig isn't his idea of personal fashion, but just how he sees his constituents.

Personally, I could care less what Schumer allows him to wear.

Although I think the Republicans should all dress in costume like Fetterman when Biden gives a SOTU address or a foreign dignitary like Zelenskyy appears before the body at Biden's request.

Maybe Sen. Cruz can dress like WWE's Razor Ramon, and Sen. Scott can put on the attire of WWE's Godfather- to counter Fetterman's impression of wrestling's Bastien Booger?
Who cares what they wear!

Just as long as they do their jobs.

They could have a pajama party day for all I care.
Recently, the U.S. Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer changed an operational rule of the U.S. Senate he declared that U.S. Senators would no longer be required to wear professional attire when in the U.S. Senate Chamber of the Capitol. Mostly everyone knows why Majority Leader Schumer changed the rule to accommodate the new Senator from Pennsylvania, John Fetterman, who regularly wears shorts and a hoodie, it is like his uniform. When I initially heard about the rule change I thought well that is nice Senator Fetterman had a stroke during the campaign season which caused him to have major problems communicating to and receiving communications from people very traumatic experience no doubt and after being sworn in as a Senator suffered a bout of clinical depression from his physical health problems and the stress of the new job of Senator and he wears shorts and a hoodie because it makes him feel comfortable it conveys that he is just a regular guy trying to make Washington work for regular people. I initially thought it is good the Senate is accommodating here that is an American virtue being considerate of others! But the more I thought about it is wrong it is another standard in America that is being lowered that has a negative effect that adds up to America being a lesser quality country than it used to be, it is contributing to the decline of America and this decline should break every good Americans heart! O I would be okay with the Senate rule being tweaked if need be meaning that if the Senate is holding a vote, a Senator if need be can be released from the mandate of wearing professional attire in the Senate Chamber so John could readily vote in his shorts and hoodie; however, that Senator cannot remain or linger in the chamber outside of the voting activity he or she must act in a reasonable manner to conduct the voting action, entering the chamber only for that purpose and when the voting action is complete then immediately leave the chamber.

Why is this issue important because a professional dress code seeks to and generally does move adherents to raise their performance and act in a professional, virtuous and good character manner. Most Judges in their courtroom require lawyers to wear a jacket and a tie for this reason even many businesses not so much any more but some still do require their male staff members to wear a dress shirt and a tie again for this reason. Why does this matter in the U.S. Senate because the Senate as well as the House of Representatives both Chambers don't act as quality and effective legislative bodies as they used to going back twenty or thirty years or more meaning the rank and file members that make up these bodies don't act as quality elected Representatives as they use to. I know the political parties are farther apart than they ever were but that should not stop individual Senators and House members from advocating compromises and common ground agreements that make things better. Twenty to thirty years ago you would never see U.S. Senators paralyzed as the American people see on their TVs a thousand plus migrants illegally cross our southern border on a daily basis. This reality of America in an important sense completely not in control of its border would have sent Senators acting like it was a five alarm fire in past generations, today largely ignored! It is a given that there is no viable comprehensive immigration reform legislation solution because the major parties are so far apart but it is so sad America doesn't have Senators today working on helpful agreements, agreements which reduce the number of migrants illegally crossing the border, every day the American people should see on C-Span Senators on the Senate floor Senators building and updating the American people on consensus agreements for how the Federal government will stem this crisis!

The Senate Chamber should be displaying demonstrative efforts on so many important matters for the country for one the fentanyl and the animal tranquilizer drug problem killing Americans in the tens of thousands per year and members of Congress are paralyzed to solve the problem. Homelessness in America, housing should not be so unstable in the greatest country in the world. There is so many problems in America where Senators are frankly acting inept and incompetent in solving these problems and even trying to solve these problems. America doesn't need the Senate leader to make the Senate less professional which Leader Schumer's decision did the country needs the Senate Leader to call rank and file Senators to raise their performance and be the professionals the American people need them to be!

Fetterman's low IQ and Down's Syndrome-level of comprehension are much more of a problem than his white trash wardrobe.
Fetterman's low IQ and Down's Syndrome-level of comprehension are much more of a problem than his white trash wardrobe.
A clown who supports Marjorie Trailer Queen, Lauren "Hand Job" Boebert, and Scary Marsha Blackburn complaining about supposed low intelligence of Democrats.

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