Zone1 Schumer’s speech on the horrific rise in antisemitism


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
He’s been far from my favorite, but his speech on the dangerous rise in antisemitism, the parallels between now and Nazi Germany, the double standards when applied to Jews, and the toll that such horrendous bigotry is taking on Jews was spot on.

Rule: No antisemite on this board can lash back with nasty antisemitic remarks unless they have watched the speech.

Note to mods: Please don’t move this out of Zone 1.

Talk is cheap. Schumer needs to stop playing games with the future of Israel and Jews because he wants to be political and make Israel's support contingent on also aiding Iran and Ukraine. Stop playing partisan political games Schumer. Give Israel the money they need NOW. MAGA
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Talk is cheap. Schumer needs to stop playing games with the future of Israel and Jews because he wants to be political and make Israel's support contingent on also aiding Iran and Ukraine. Stop playing partisan politics games Schumer. Give Israel the money they need NOW. MAGA
He’s been far from my favorite, but his speech on the dangerous rise in antisemitism, the parallels between now and Nazi Germany, the double standards when applied to Jews, and the toll that such horrendous bigotry is taking on Jews was spot on.

Rule: No antisemite on this board can lash back with nasty antisemitic remarks unless they have watched the speech.

Note to mods: Please don’t move this out of Zone 1.

What is Schumer doing about his own peers who refuse to sign resolution condemning the 10/7 attack?

Lots of words, no action. Schumer and company is allowing the faction within his own party to grow.
What is Schumer doing about his own peers who refuse to sign resolution condemning the 10/7 attack?

Lots of words, no action. Schumer and company is allowing the faction within his own party to grow.

1) Next election for NY Governor, Mr. Zeldin wins.
2) More Republican seats in Congress.
3) All swing states go for Trump.

1) Next election for NY Governor, Mr. Zeldin wins.
2) More Republican seats in Congress.
3) All swing states go for Trump.
I'll believe that when I see the moonbats do it.

No, I take that back, if I see it happen I will still not believe it.


The sad part is, most of the Jews in the country are Left leaning, and as such have helped empowered the DNC to the point where they are unstoppable from virtually anything. They now have so much power they are not indoctrinating the youth around the country in Left wing academia and no one can stop them as they teach students to sing, "Gas the Jews".
Schumer needs to understand and get through his thick skull the fact that criticism of a government is not an indictment against it's citizens.

In other words, not antisemitism.
Schumer needs to understand and get through his thick skull the fact that criticism of a government is not an indictment against it's citizens.

In other words, not antisemitism.

No, it's just a convenient excuse Antisemites use to make their position sound less hateful.

When you say "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" you are calling for the death and/or removal of all jews from the current borders of Israel, but doing it in a non-threatening tone.

The "all jews must leave or die" meaning behind it is still there.
No, it's just a convenient excuse Antisemites use to make their position sound less hateful.

When you say "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" you are calling for the death and/or removal of all jews from the current borders of Israel, but doing it in a non-threatening tone.

The "all jews must leave or die" meaning behind it is still there.
As usual, you're wrong.
Just change the education system to common sense and start preaching unity over diversity. We are a nation of many cultures representing the world and these asses have pushed agendas that are loaded with nitroglycerin. Again, left wing Jewish men and women. Times a wasting. There are many people who will not help you if you keep screwing with them due to politics. Denying the real anti semitism while calling others who have done nothing anti semites is tiresome. Change your agendas. You maxed them out. A growing percentage in your own party are showing their contempt and hate for you. Worse than your hate and contempt for deplorables.
Unfortunately, what struck me while watching his speech was how utterly conditioned and numb I am to the language he uses.

Schumer argued that many Jews in recent years have rallied in support of Black and brown lives, for LGBTQ rights, and against anti-Asian hatred "out of the recognition that injustice against one oppressed group is injustice against all." He added, "But apparently, in the eyes of some, this principle does not extend to the Jewish people."

Schumer is a theatrical clown. This forever wrecked his **** for me -

Schumer might be slowly getting to understanding. Jews have always supported minorities in the idea that the more groups of different people, the more likely it is that Jews will be just another group. That never happens. Jews pride themselves on accomplishment and education. They will never be accepted any more than Asians will and for much the same reasons.
Unfortunately, what struck me while watching his speech was how utterly conditioned and numb I am to the language he uses.

Schumer argued that many Jews in recent years have rallied in support of Black and brown lives, for LGBTQ rights, and against anti-Asian hatred "out of the recognition that injustice against one oppressed group is injustice against all." He added, "But apparently, in the eyes of some, this principle does not extend to the Jewish people."

Schumer is a theatrical clown. This forever wrecked his **** for me -

Jews pretend to be White and then complain that they're treated like Whites by the same people who they've driven to hate Whites.
Jews pretend to be White and then complain that they're treated like Whites by the same people who they've driven to hate Whites.
Huh? The vast majority of Jews ARE white. The only people who think Jewish is a race are the Aryan-type thinkers reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
Huh? The vast majority of Jews ARE white. The only people who think Jewish is a race are the Aryan-type thinkers reminiscent of Nazi Germany.
Ashkenazim and Sephardim have enough White genes that they can often pass for White. However, they only average somewhere around 30% White genes. Mizrahim and other Jewish groups have few to no White genes. Jews aren't White. Obama is more White than Jews are. Jews often pretend to be White to give them some kind of street cred when they want to say racist things against Whites. Whenever a Jew does something wrong he's labelled White. However, whenever a Jew does something good or is a victim of a crime (real or faked) suddenly he becomes Jewish. The #metoo movement is a great example of this. Jews were grossly overrepresented among the abusers, yet they were almost invariably called White. Ironically, Larry David was one of the few people willing to call out Jews on this. Most Jews, however, like Seth Meyers, were happy to keep the lie about it being a White phenomena alive.

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