Same DOJ Attorney Prosecuting President Trump, Declined to Prosecute Andrew McCabe for Lying Under Oath, Gave Imran Away Sweetheart Deal, and More


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Same DOJ Attorney Prosecuting President Trump, Declined to Prosecute Andrew McCabe for Lying Under Oath, Gave Imran Away Sweetheart Deal, and More​

6 Au 2023 ~~ By guest Contributor

The same attorney who is prosecuting President Trump, let former FBI Head Andrew McCabe go free after lying under oath, and gave Imran Awan sweetheart deal. He also is now going after Bannon and Stone after being pardoned by President Trump.
This is the Biden-Obama corrupt and criminal DOJ.

I remember being absolutely appalled when the corrupt DOJ made the decision not to indict corrupt Deep State corrupt actor Andrew McCabe for lying under oath. Judges, DOJ prosecutors and FBI agents and executives should be held to a higher standard, not a lower standard.
Andrew McCabe leaked confidential investigation details and information to the media to “advance his personal interests” then lied about it to the Inspector General.
The Inspector General released a scathing report on McCabe in April 2018 stating he “lacked candor” following his illegal media leaks.

When the DOJ announced that they were not going to prosecute fired FBI Head Andrew McCabe for lying under oath on February 14 (Valentine’s Day), 2020, only the Deep State was happy.
We learned that J.P. Cooney the Chief of the Fraud and Public Corruption Section of the DOJ sent word to McCabe’s lawyers that Andrew McCabe will not face any punishment for his criminal acts.
Julie Kelly pointed out yesterday that Cooney and another DOJ bad actor were in on the McCabe sham and now are going after President Trump.

The Pakistani spy ring that infiltrated the House Dems was one of the biggest scandals in US history, yet here was another egregious breach of security that went unpunished, because Democrats were involved.
As previously reported, Debbie Wasserman Schultz employed Pakistani IT staffers and brothers who were paid over $4 million dollars over the course of their employment even though they were accused of a cyber-security breach.
DOJ Prosecutor J.P. Cooney was the government official who made this odd plea deal.
In early 2021, Mr. Cooney pressed federal law enforcement officials to turn their attention to people in Mr. Trump’s orbit, including his flamboyant political adviser Roger J. Stone Jr., according to The Washington Post. He would eventually work on the successful prosecutions of Mr. Stone and another Trump adviser, Stephen K. Bannon.
He joined Mr. Windom’s team in mid-2022, then moved into Mr. Smith’s office late last year.
This is how corrupt the Obama-Biden DOJ has become.
Seems that two tiered system of justice just keeps popping up with the same DoJ lawyers.
Really, I`m not the least bit surprised with the corruption within the DOJ anymore. There is a two tier system and the aristocrats are stealing from the common man.
The Imran Awan case was arguably one of the biggest of the time. I guess it paid to have Debbie Wasserman-Shultz's brother, Steven Wasserman overseeing the case.
This is a textbook definition and description of a cabal in a conspiracy to defraud the United States Government, the Constitution, and its people.
A DC jury also found Michael Sussman not guilty of lying to the FBI despite hard evidence.
Not to mention the most recent aborted sweetheart the DoJ concocted for Hunter
Because of these blatant criminally treasonous, unjust incidents there is deep distrust of our government and the meting out of justice for all..
It is reaching a point where all it`s going to take is a spark and the People will rise across the nation. The tidal wave of those seeking justice and a return to our government will not be stopped by F-15`s as Joe Biden has threatened.
In early 2021, Mr. Cooney pressed federal law enforcement officials to turn their attention to people in Mr. Trump’s orbit, including his flamboyant political adviser Roger J. Stone Jr., according to The Washington Post. He would eventually work on the successful prosecutions of Mr. Stone and another Trump adviser, Stephen K. Bannon.
As memory serves, he got slam dunk convictions on both of them.

Sounds like he's incredibly effective. Good news for Americans; bad news for Trump supporters.

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