Russian collusion emperor Adam Schiff about to be exposed today, and it won't be pretty


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Chronic liar is now exposed, he refused to release the documents, so Grenell did it instead.

American Thinker

Russian collusion emperor Adam Schiff about to be exposed today, and it won't be pretty

By Monica Showalter May 7,2020


Adam Schiff, the fanatic who from the beginning launched probe after probe of President Trump, is about to see the 2017–2018 Russia collusion transcripts he's been sitting on all these months released to the public, all 6,000 pages, with 73 witnesses stating there was no Russian collusion in 53 transcripts. National Intelligence director Richard Grenell did the job Schiff wouldn't do, releasing the transcripts, and now Schiff is expected to be looking more bug-eyed than usual.

According to Fox News:

Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told Fox News on Wednesday.
This would align with the results of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation — which found no evidence of illegal or criminal coordination between President Trump, the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016 — but the numerous transcribed interviews could raise further questions about committee Chairman Adam Schiff's past statements saying that there was "direct evidence" of collusion.
"Schiff is in panic mode," a senior administration official told Fox News.



So many people showed how gullible they are to months and months of unsupported allegations, they thought like Rachel Maddow did, thought Trump was guilty, despite stupid allegations and no more.

The media fawned over this shitpile, believed him over ZERO evidence, leftists fell in line believe unsupported bullcrap, it was revealed how easy it is for them to be lied too.

Shame on you!
Last edited:
When you post a link to American "Thinker", you are advertising you are the epitome of a piss drinking parroting rube.


I notice you have chosen to ignored the Transcripts.

You are deflecting, not providing a counterpoint, thus you have nothing.
Itr's a waste of time arguing with a tard who reads American "Thinker".

This "Russia collusion hoax" bullshit is a giant smokescreen attempting to hide the FACT that Putin helped get Trump elected. The FACT that Russia interfered in our election.

You tards are deliberately led away from the FACT that a large part of the Mueller investigation was to establish the FACT that Russia interfered in our election.

Instead of guzzling down the piss you love so much from American "Thinker", why don't you tards read the fucking Mueller report?

The LAST thing Trump and your puppet masters want you to do is read the Meuller report.

Idiot. All caught up now?
Adam Schiff, the fanatic who from the beginning launched probe after probe of President Trump, is about to see the 2017–2018 Russia collusion transcripts he's been sitting on all these months
He hasn't been sitting on them. The ODNI has been reviewing them to make sure no classified info is released. Schiff's office was informed Tuesday the ODNI's review has been completed.

You folks are bald faced liars.
Retards like the bite-sized BULLSHIT they are fed from their propagandists. Reading something like the Mueller report taxes their two brain cells too much.

Why do you think Trump communicates his horseshit to the tard herd with TWITTER?

Because he knows the rubes have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker and the critical thinking skills of a dead possum. He DEPENDS on that!
Adam Schiff, the fanatic who from the beginning launched probe after probe of President Trump, is about to see the 2017–2018 Russia collusion transcripts he's been sitting on all these months
He hasn't been sitting on them. The ODNI has been reviewing them to make sure no classified info is released. Schiff's office was informed Tuesday the ODNI's review has been completed.

You folks are bald faced liars.
Fortunately, being exposed as a lying, scheming cocksucker isn't privileged information.
Chronic liar is now exposed, he refused to release the documents, do Grenell did it instead.

American Thinker

Russian collusion emperor Adam Schiff about to be exposed today, and it won't be pretty

By Monica Showalter May 7,2020


Adam Schiff, the fanatic who from the beginning launched probe after probe of President Trump, is about to see the 2017–2018 Russia collusion transcripts he's been sitting on all these months released to the public, all 6,000 pages, with 73 witnesses stating there was no Russian collusion in 53 transcripts. National Intelligence director Richard Grenell did the job Schiff wouldn't do, releasing the transcripts, and now Schiff is expected to be looking more bug-eyed than usual.

According to Fox News:

Transcripts of House Intelligence Committee interviews that have been cleared for release show top law enforcement and intelligence officials affirming they had no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 election, senior administration and intelligence community officials told Fox News on Wednesday.
This would align with the results of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation — which found no evidence of illegal or criminal coordination between President Trump, the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016 — but the numerous transcribed interviews could raise further questions about committee Chairman Adam Schiff's past statements saying that there was "direct evidence" of collusion.
"Schiff is in panic mode," a senior administration official told Fox News.



So many people showed how gullible they are to months and months of unsupported allegations, they thought like Rachel Maddow did, thought Trump was guilty, despite stupid allegations and no more.

The media fawned over this shitpile, believed him over ZERO evidence, leftists fell in line believe unsupported bullcrap, it was revealed how easy it is for them to be lied too.

Shame on you!
If it gets REALLY bad for Adam the Schiff-ty Eyed Bastard, I see a very possible suicide in the future for the little pencil-necked weasel. He WON'T want to end up in prison with Big Bad Bubba as a cellmate!
When you post a link to American "Thinker", you are advertising you are the epitome of a piss drinking parroting rube.


I notice you have chosen to ignored the Transcripts.

You are deflecting, not providing a counterpoint, thus you have nothing.
Itr's a waste of time arguing with a tard who reads American "Thinker".

This "Russia collusion hoax" bullshit is a giant smokescreen attempting to hide the FACT that Putin helped get Trump elected. The FACT that Russia interfered in our election.

You tards are deliberately led away from the FACT that a large part of the Mueller investigation was to establish the FACT that Russia interfered in our election.

Instead of guzzling down the piss you love so much from American "Thinker", why don't you tards read the fucking Mueller report?

The LAST thing Trump and your puppet masters want you to do is read the Meuller report.

Idiot. All caught up now?


Still nothing but bullshit grade bluster, not any form of a counterpoint has showed up.

Deflection is all you have left...…, you SUCK at it!
Retards like the bite-sized BULLSHIT they are fed from their propagandists. Reading something like the Mueller report taxes their two brain cells too much.

Why do you think Trump communicates his horseshit to the tard herd with TWITTER?

Because he knows the rubes have the intellectual bandwidth of a bumper sticker and the critical thinking skills of a dead possum. He DEPENDS on that!
Did Putin rig the voting machines? This is of course a deflection from all of the illegal and false vote the Progs do every election. It is so easy for them.
Adam Schiff, the fanatic who from the beginning launched probe after probe of President Trump, is about to see the 2017–2018 Russia collusion transcripts he's been sitting on all these months
He hasn't been sitting on them. The ODNI has been reviewing them to make sure no classified info is released. Schiff's office was informed Tuesday the ODNI's review has been completed.

You folks are bald faced liars.

Ha ha, another lie you post, here is what actually happened, backed by evidence by the way:

Washington Times

DNI Grenell demands Schiff release transcripts of Russia investigation -- or vows to do it for him

By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell is calling on Rep. Adam B. Schiff to honor his pledge upon taking control of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence to release transcripts of investigations.

Mr. Schiff hasn’t met that pledge. He has declined so far to release any of 53 transcripts of testimony in the committee’s 2017-18 investigation into Russia election interference and any Trump campaign involvement.

Mr. Grenell, in a letter sent to Mr. Schiff this week, said the transcripts have been cleared for release, most months ago, and that if the chairman did not release them the intelligence director


bolding mine

Stop trying to defend the scumbag!
careful what you tards wish for - could be "timing" is envolved on Schiffs part .

history proves dumbass rw's aint exactly real f'n smart poker players -

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