“Robe Up, Brothers!”

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
Robe Up, Brothers!!

I never imagined myself donning a white sheet and robe. But there I was, in full Klan regalia and standing with a group of men dressed the same and standing in a circle around a burning cross.

It had not been a unenjoyable time leading up to this. There was a big social get together with multiple families that included a great barbecue, a raffle, and fun and games. Sure, there was talk now and again throughout the crowd about “white power” and something called “lynchings”, but that was not what I was there for. I was on a clandestine mission.

Right at sunset a big guy designated as the “Grand Wizard” led the group in prayer before enthusiastically commanding us all to “Robe up, brothers!!” This is when all the men had to dress up as ghosts and burn a cross.

My predicament started a couple weeks prior to the rally. I was out drinking and playing darts at a local tavern called “Whores and Liquor”. That was when I met Bobbie Ray White. She was wearing a red flannel shirt and Daisy Duke cutoffs. She was beautiful, has long tanned legs, and a tight apple ass. She looked hot enough to abduct, but I opted for the traditional approach.

An hour later we were in the bed of my F350 truck screwing like a couple of feral beasts in heat. It turned out that Bobbie is a nymphomaniac. “I dun been this here way fer as long as I can ‘member”, she said. I asked, How old are you, darlin’?” She replied with her southern drawl, “Well shucks! Old enough, I guess.” That was good enough for me.

We had a whirlwind romance. Then one night while having phone sex with her I said, “Hell, baby! Screw this phone sex stuff. Let’s get together right now and do the nasty for real.” She told me that she could not because she had a prior engagement she was obligated to attend. That’s when she told me about being part of the Klan.

I was a little put off by the whole KKK thing. But my dick was not. “Hey, Rod!! I has a great idea. Why don’t you come to the rally wit me?!?”, she asked. I did not feel inclined to do this. That was when I felt a couple of taps on my right shoulder. I looked. It was my dick. It told me to “man up” and do whatever it takes to shag that top shelf cooter. I then told Bobbie Ray, “Sure honey! I’d love to go with you!”

That is where I fucked up: letting my dick guide me. See, your tallywacker does not care about real world consequences. It only has one thing in its head, and one thing only. It will lead you straight off a cliff and to your demise if you let it.

So I went to the Klan rally with Bobbie Ray. We did all the stuff. We ate barbecue and played cornhole. We snuck away at one point and Bobbie Ray blew me. At another point Bobbie said, “My my! There sure is a LOT of new blood at this here rally.” Neither she nor I realized that her comment foreshadowed our demise.

Long story short, all those new folks Bobbie Ray was talking about turned out to be undercover agents of the FBI, ATF, and IRS (for some reason). At a predetermined point after the lighting of the cross, they revealed themselves and opened fire on everybody without warning. I dove for cover under a rusty Chevy pickup truck.

The federal agents gunned down half of the people at the rally, then rounded everybody else up, including me, and hauled us all to jail. I never saw Bobbie Ray again after that night. I do not know what happened to her.

I was out of jail on bond the next day. I had called my lawyer, Neil Goldstein of the firm of Goldstein, Weinstein, and Bagel, and he fixed it so I could get out of the pokey. I was charged with all sorts of crimes: Rico violations, obstruction, being a white male, unlawful exercise of my first amendment rights, etc…

However, Bobbie Ray is well-known for her whoring in these parts. My lawyer explained what happened to the prosecutor and judge. I got out of this mess by entering a plea to the low-grade misdemeanor of being a horny white man.

I tell you, this was a real shot across the bow in my life. I realized I needed to be much more careful. No more KKK pussy for me!

Tl/dr: I went to a KKK rally because my root smelled snoot!

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