I Went Fishing With John Fetterman

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
As some of you may know, I recently married a Brazilian entertainer I met while on vacation. We got hitched in Brazil in a ceremony at the Church of the Immaculate Gold Digging Whore. Her name is Ana Conda. She is a sexual athlete. It has been great!

But then, last weekend, Ana informed me that her sister was coming for a visit. I thought, “Oh shit. This is WAY too much for me.” Then I started thinking, since Ana is a complete whoowah, her sister probably is too. Maybe I can work out some sort of 3-way action!

I was then told by Ana that her slut sister was dragging her husband and kids with her to my house. I rolled my eyes and started doing a mental search of which divorce lawyer I should go to Monday morning. It seems that Ana’s sister is married to a U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania. I paused, wondering to myself how I can play this development to my advantage. I asked Ana what her husband’s name is. “John Fetterman”, she said. “Oh, shit…”, I said.

So there I was, sitting there married to a foreign bimbo and getting ready for an unwanted visit from her family. There was nothing good about this. I failed to see how this was going to benefit me at all. I figured I would still go for the 3-way. Given Fetterman’s lobotomized state of mind he probably would not even notice.

They got to my house Saturday morning. Ana’s sister was not particularly hot. Ana had her beat by a mile. But I could still do her. She was fit and had nice skin. Fortunately, they left their kids with strangers before coming to see us. Fetterman was dressed in a hoodie and long baggie shorts. “Thanks for dressing for the visit, John!”, I said. He stuck out his hand to me, abruptly withdrew it, and said “Ninety-five….ninety-five…..NINETY-FIVE!!!!”

Ana wanted to take her Brazilian sister and got to lunch and then do some shopping. “Rod, darling, be a sweetheart and keep John entertained while my sister and I go out for a bit and catch up”, said Ana. “What the fuck am I going to do with THAT fucking retard?!?”, I retorted. At first she suggested that I take him to the gun club for some target shooting. But then she quickly re-thought that. “Take him fishing, darling. You love to go fishing”, she said. I sighed and lowered my head. I had fucked up. I had put myself in a position to be cucked by a whore, and a foreigner at that.

I hitched up my boat to my truck in preparation for a trip to the lake. Fetterman followed me around like a puppy dog while I prepared, constantly muttering nonsense like “Peter’s Dog…hermit town…my pee-pee works …..”, and so on.

The incessant babbling did not stop. His voice’s volume and speaking speed constantly were changing. Then there was all the twitching. This was really fucked up. No pussy is worth THIS.

Later in the evening I got home. When I entered my house, I found Ana and her stupid sister sitting on my couch and chattering about in Spanish jibber-jabber. Ana saw me and said, “Oh, hi darling!! How was your little fishing trip with John?” I did not say anything. She ignored my non-answer and they went back to chatting. I went to my bar, poured myself a glass of Scotch, and went out on my back deck, with the bottle, to smoke a cigar (Cuban, Cohiba).

After a couple hours the 2 bitches in my house came out to join me on the back deck. They both sat down. Ana asked me, “Darling, where is John? He is not in the house. It is time for his diaper change”. I told them that John did not come home with me. Ana’s sister asked, “Where is he? He cannot get along well on his own.” I looked her in the eyes and said “John fell into the lake and drowned. Ana’s sister said, “Oh my. Should we contact the police to look for the body?” I replied, “Right after he drowned a huge allegator ate him. He’s gone.” Ana’s sister replied, “Oh my!!” The girls then went inside together.

I did not know what was about to happen. Frankly, I did not care. All I cared about at that moment was my Scotch. Oh, and the loaded Colt 1911 in my IWB holster. After I finished my bottle, I was going to have a decision to make.

Suddenly the back door opened. It was Ana and her sister. They walked out onto the back deck with me, both of them dressed in skimpy lingerie. Ana said, “Darling, we are ready for bed. We want you to go to bed with us.” I looked up at Ana’s huge heaving tits. Then I looked at her sister. Ana started massaging my wang through my pants. We all went inside to the bedroom and engaged in many vile and sinful acts that night.

The next day Ana’s sister had to leave to go and try to find her kids. Ana asked her sister, “Are you going to be ok without John?” Her sister responded, “Who?”.

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