Republicans making a huge deal out of Biden flying migrants around the country.

The difference of course, is that while Trump tried to slow the invasion, old fuck Biden LITERALLY invited it!!!

Trump left Biden with a HUGE immigration hearing backlog. So I'm not so sure he slowed it down enough so that the courts could even catch up.
Y'all blaming Biden for the same exact thing Trump did. But you give Trump a pass.
That's not your concern. That's your way of changing the subject.
Flying migrants around was OK when Trump was doing it. Why did was it ok then and not now?
I called him an asshole for doing it,, so whats your beef,,

are you telling me we shouldnt be concerned with the thousands of missing children in this time when pedos are on the march openly telling us theyre coming for our children??

is there something you want to tell us??
The Biden administration is abusing the parole system to allow illegal immigrants into the country, and apply for a brief, legal status. Jives perfectly with my claim and the reason we continue to see a 400%+ increase in illegals entering the country.
Either way, it is legal.
Trump left Biden with a HUGE immigration hearing backlog. So I'm not so sure he slowed it down enough so that the courts could even catch up.
Y'all blaming Biden for the same exact thing Trump did. But you give Trump a pass.


Republicans are NOT the ones who attract the third-world to flood in, in the first place.

Republicans are NOT the ones who invite third-worlders to “surge to the border”.

Republicans are NOT the ones who want to end all border security measures.

Republicans are NOT the ones who create sanctuary cities.

Republicans are NOT the ones who create programs that give illegals a monthly income.

Republicans are NOT the ones who create programs that give illegals free healthcare.

Republicans are NOT the ones who run to the courts, every single time to stop border states that attempt to secure it’s own border and protect it’s own citizens.

Republicans are NOT the ones who cry out for blanket-amnesty for all illegals.

Republicans are NOT the ones who create illegal programs like DACA.
Biden is flying illegals INTO the United States from foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of them ..

That includes the Israelis escaping the war zone. And these

But migrants are not being flown into the U.S. randomly. Under a Biden policy in effect since January 2023, up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela can enter the country monthly if they apply online with a financial sponsor and arrive at a specified airport, paying their own way. Biden exercised his “parole” authority, which, under a 1952 law, allows him to admit people “only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”

Trump did the same exact thing during his presidency. I give him credit for lowering the allowed number. But he still did it.
That includes the Israelis escaping the war zone. And these

But migrants are not being flown into the U.S. randomly. Under a Biden policy in effect since January 2023, up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela can enter the country monthly if they apply online with a financial sponsor and arrive at a specified airport, paying their own way. Biden exercised his “parole” authority, which, under a 1952 law, allows him to admit people “only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.”

Trump did the same exact thing during his presidency. I give him credit for lowering the allowed number. But he still did it.
that law is not for mass intrusion and not vetting the intruders,,

he is intentionally harming this country and thats not legal,,

using your logic the chinese army can walk in and biden grant them entrance under the same law,,
Biden is flying illegals INTO the United States from foreign countries. Hundreds of thousands of them ..

So did Trump.

Did you Trumpbots every pay any attention to what Trump actually did when he was president? Or did you only listen to what he said? Because he left out a WHOLE LOT of things he actually did. Many of those things Biden is doing now, and you're bashing Biden for doing.
I'm all for the legit Biden bashing. I can't stand him either. But FFS, when you won't call out your own for doing the same things, then you loyalty has reached retard levels.
So did Trump.

Did you Trumpbots every pay any attention to what Trump actually did when he was president? Or did you only listen to what he said? Because he left out a WHOLE LOT of things he actually did. Many of those things Biden is doing now, and you're bashing Biden for doing.
I'm all for the legit Biden bashing. I can't stand him either. But FFS, when you won't call out your own for doing the same things, then you loyalty has reached retard levels.
he didnt allow ten million unvetted intruders loose in the country,,
Everyone has fucked up immigration. Why aren’t you guys riding Congress’ ass to legally fix and modernize our broken system? THEY create the laws.

Because Trump won't let them do anything unless it's got his name on it.

That last immigration bill that the senate sent down to the house, that got blocked.......... If Trump had been president, he would've told Johnson to pass it. Then Trump would've signed it and claimed victory over the democrats. He would've bragged about getting the new immigration judges and border agents.
But since it didn't have his name on it, he wouldn't let Johnson pass it.
Because Trump won't let them do anything unless it's got his name on it.

That last immigration bill that the senate sent down to the house, that got blocked.......... If Trump had been president, he would've told Johnson to pass it. Then Trump would've signed it and claimed victory over the democrats. He would've bragged about getting the new immigration judges and border agents.
But since it didn't have his name on it, he wouldn't let Johnson pass it.
thanks for your opinion,, but we like to stick to facts,,
and then he got the remain in mexico policy passed,,

nice try but a big fail on your part,,
,,,,,,,,, space ,,,,,,,,,,,, Nonsense ,,, types the idiot ,,,,,,,,

Sorry, this truly is a troll post by me.
Sorry. But NOT Sorry,,, idiot^^^^^

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