repub Senator Ron Johnson defends Putin's rhetoric in Tucker interview


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

What is up with repubs? They have become Putin supporters and are even planning to block aid to our allies in order to give Putin a win against a democracy. It is mind blowing that so man Americans, who call themselves Patriots, are supporting a war criminal and man who is an enemy of freedom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH repubs?

What is up with repubs? They have become Putin supporters and are even planning to block aid to our allies in order to give Putin a win against a democracy. It is mind blowing that so man Americans, who call themselves Patriots, are supporting a war criminal and man who is an enemy of freedom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH repubs?
Putin is more desirable than you America hating dregs any day jimboliar.

What is up with repubs? They have become Putin supporters and are even planning to block aid to our allies in order to give Putin a win against a democracy. It is mind blowing that so man Americans, who call themselves Patriots, are supporting a war criminal and man who is an enemy of freedom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH repubs?
jimmy there is a reason i have stated that this century we have some of the most incompetent and inept people ever in congress...

What is up with repubs? They have become Putin supporters and are even planning to block aid to our allies in order to give Putin a win against a democracy. It is mind blowing that so man Americans, who call themselves Patriots, are supporting a war criminal and man who is an enemy of freedom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH repubs?

Putin isn't a "war criminal " at all. He's never been convicted of shit.

BTW, when are the libs going follow through on their promise to extradite Cheney and Bush to The Hague for war crimes? Or are those crimes suddenly forgotten as the Bushes and Cheneys have gone full leftard?
Putin isn't a "war criminal " at all. He's never been convicted of shit.

BTW, when are the libs going follow through on their promise to extradite Cheney and Bush to The Hague for war crimes? Or are those crimes suddenly forgotten as the Bushes and Cheneys have gone full leftard?
Even Johnson in his interview admitted Poootin in a war criminal. Go jack off to your trump picture and shut up.

What is up with repubs? They have become Putin supporters and are even planning to block aid to our allies in order to give Putin a win against a democracy. It is mind blowing that so man Americans, who call themselves Patriots, are supporting a war criminal and man who is an enemy of freedom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH repubs?
What did johnson say that you disagree with?
Even Johnson in his interview admitted Poootin in a war criminal. Go jack off to your trump picture and shut up.
You mean like an obama type war criminal??

You don't give a fuck about that. Your stuttering shit clown has already bombed 4 countries in January. Nothing like killing brown kids 'over the horizon' to make you feel alive.... hmm?

Never forget - when you're looking at Briben and Putin.... Briben is the one with the 1000-yard fucktard stare, and shit running down his leg. Just keeping it real.

bombed first month.jpg
Ron Johnson acts like he is on Putin's payroll. You know if it quacks like a duck....

What is up with repubs? They have become Putin supporters and are even planning to block aid to our allies in order to give Putin a win against a democracy. It is mind blowing that so man Americans, who call themselves Patriots, are supporting a war criminal and man who is an enemy of freedom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH repubs?

Republicans used to be so anti-Russian
Hard to watch them embrace a tyrant like Putin
That's a huge breakthrough when a politician has the courage to go against the establishment propaganda.

Of course Putin was truthful and honest but who expected any American to believe him?

But now, does Trump have the courage to own an antiwar movement?

What is up with repubs? They have become Putin supporters and are even planning to block aid to our allies in order to give Putin a win against a democracy. It is mind blowing that so man Americans, who call themselves Patriots, are supporting a war criminal and man who is an enemy of freedom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH repubs?
They're just about ALL doing it. Saw Tommy Two Tubs Tuberville glad handing Putin yesterday.
Along with now openly attacking a candidates spouse's military service.

The Republican party is (just about) dead. It's all MAGA now.
Still don't think the alt-right has swallowed conservatism whole?'ya likin that now? :auiqs.jpg:
They're just about ALL doing it. Saw Tommy Two Tubs Tuberville glad handing Putin yesterday.
Along with now openly attacking a candidates spouse's military service.

The Republican party is (just about) dead. It's all MAGA now.
Still don't think the alt-right has swallowed conservatism whole?'ya likin that now? :auiqs.jpg:

If Uncle Pooty is as evil and without redeeming social value as you libs contend, why doesn't Sleepy Joe send men to the killing fields in Ukraine to help the all wonderful Zelenskyy?

Biden can just put a recruiting bus in front of Harvard and NYU, and fill it up with his devotees to send them directly to the front?
If Uncle Pooty is as evil and without redeeming social value as you libs contend, why doesn't Sleepy Joe send men to the killing fields in Ukraine to help the all wonderful Zelenskyy?

Biden can just put a recruiting bus in front of Harvard and NYU, and fill it up with his devotees to send them directly to the front?
Yep. Figured you were gonna say something like that. You do know Reagan would have had you kicked out of the party for these kind of sentiments. right?
Nobody's talking about sending troops to the front line...except supporters of the loud mouth...who don't seem to have gotten much traction with it. :)
That's a huge breakthrough when a politician has the courage to go against the establishment propaganda.

Of course Putin was truthful and honest but who expected any American to believe him?

But now, does Trump have the courage to own an antiwar movement?
Good question
Good question
A simple answer. He will own it when it's safe to own it.
I'm a little optimistic that Joy Reid's hot mic was an indication that it's possible in America now.

The full impact of Tucker's interview of Putin has yet to unfold. The Magas in part at least are trying to own it too.
A simple answer. He will own it when it's safe to own it.
I'm a little optimistic that Joy Reid's hot mic was an indication that it's possible in America now.

The full impact of Tucker's interview of Putin has yet to unfold. The Magas in part at least are trying to own it too.

Ukraine is only a symptom of the much larger issue which is expansionism (fostered in part by the US-NATO partnership) and the great mineral grab. Pouring money into Ukraine is just the latest money laundering scheme of the DC kleptocray.

They have heinously sacrificed tens of thousands of Ukranians to the god of military-industrial profiteering. Putin is aware that the NATO bankers have their eyes on Russia's 100 trillion mineral reserve.

NATO provokes to get the attack and then they can pretend to be defense only.....a pile of crap.
This comes after years of being unable to penetrate Russian political systems to destabilize that nation. Putin is usually a step ahead of them.

So the next step is to build a NATO ring around Russia and then foster political unrest in the border regions as a pretext to annexing Russia one small piece at a time. All of this at the behest of the banks....who else.

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What is up with repubs? They have become Putin supporters and are even planning to block aid to our allies in order to give Putin a win against a democracy. It is mind blowing that so man Americans, who call themselves Patriots, are supporting a war criminal and man who is an enemy of freedom. WHAT IS WRONG WITH repubs?
Putin is not a threat to this country. Putin is an overused distraction and an excuse to launder monies through Ukraine. China is the threat along with stupid gullible people like yourself.
Ukraine is only a symptom of the much larger issue which is expansionism (fostered in part by the US-NATO partnership) and the great mineral grab. Pouring money into Ukraine is just the latest money laundering scheme of the DC kleptocray.

They have heinously sacrificed tens of thousands of Ukranians to the god of military-industrial profiteering. Putin is aware that the NATO bankers have their eyes on Russia's 100 trillion mineral reserve.

NATO provokes to get the attack and then they can pretend to be defense only.....a pile of crap.

Yes but it's at the defensive stage right now for America. There's no hope if Russia survives and forms an ironclad military alliance with China. I think it's pretty well a done deal and so we need to look for indications of America trying a different way.

Nobody really knows what Trump is going to do but if he turns against the war effort, they'll whack him. So far it's undecided on account of Trump being not committed to an antiwar stance. There are few indications of him going either way, but there are abundant reasons why any president wouldn't turn antiwar.

Actually, there is information that would lead one to suspect that Trump will do what he's told by the Pentagon. Did you know that it's been stated that a president only makes .o1% of decisions. (from the book, Mad Man, which first refers to Nixon)

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