Reparations and the Equal Protection Clause

Since reparations are not just for slavery, go do some research, then come back and explain how reparations violate the equal protection clause.

So my ancestor being called wops, is cause for your reparations?
Who gets these reparations?

Again, who gets these reparations?

Every race has and will deal with racism.
Whites have never been denied constitutional rights or opporttunity in this country based on race.

Explain how reparations violates the equal protection clause, I have not ask your opinion about who all has suffered from racism.
"Reparations" are based on skin color, obviously that is racist.

Thought we were supposed to be moving away from racism.

Are blacks not included on the lists in link?
This doesn't explain how reparations violates equal protection. For this to do so, there would have to be no record of human rights violations against blacks since the Equal Protection Clause was put in effect and that has not happened. Meanwhile whites who have been harmed by government action have recieved reparations along with other groups. In short, there is no logical opposition to reparations using the Equal Protection Clause.

It's based on race.

That's racist, by definition.
It is based on human rights violations committed based on race. Those human rights violations were racist by definition.
I'm reading some crazy posts about how reparations are unconstitutional because they violate the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. Never mind that reparations are paid nearly daily,

Now that the issue is being advocated by blacks, the usual same sorry segment of the white community seeks excuses as to why blacks can't get reparations.

The equal protection clause took effect in 1866. Reparations have been paid since that date. So what is the equal protection clause?

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Now given our history, I would like somebody white to explain to me how reparations violates the equal protection clause as opposed to doing exactly what the equal protection clause was intended to do.
I’ll explain:

You can’t just give out money to an ENTIRE subgroup based on race. You have to prove damages, on an individual basis. Not all blacks in America today have suffered damage from their race; some in fact have been advantaged by it.
This doesn't explain how reparations violates equal protection. For this to do so, there would have to be no record of human rights violations against blacks since the Equal Protection Clause was put in effect and that has not happened. Meanwhile whites who have been harmed by government action have recieved reparations along with other groups. In short, there is no logical opposition to reparations using the Equal Protection Clause.

Are you actually saying that no other person (other than blacks) have a claim of human rights violations?

And that none of the people on these lists are black??

Farmers. Fishermen. People who’ve lost bank accounts or pensions. People who’ve had a bad reaction to a COVID vaccine. People who’ve had a reaction to any other vaccine. Indigenous people. Veterans. Descendants of veterans. People who get hurt on the job. People who built nuclear bombs. People exposed to pesticides. Coal miners who get black lung disease. People who lose paychecks or homes from floods, droughts, or other natural disasters. People who are impacted by trade agreements.

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