Race/Racism Forum is Zone 2? Really?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2015
I was floored to hear a mod say that the Race Relations Forum is Zone 2. Has anyone actually been there and seen some of those threads? Worse than the Badlands. I don't go there a whole lot, but when I have, the trashing/flaming/baiting is outrageous and I've never seen a thread "cleaned" or moderated. Why do mods not go there? If it can't be moderated as Zone 2, it shouldn't be in #2.

I really hesitated to open this, I feel like a rat, but the discussion of race deserves better than it gets there, at least in the threads I've been in.
I was floored to hear a mod say that the Race Relations Forum is Zone 2. Has anyone actually been there and seen some of those threads? Worse than the Badlands. I don't go there a whole lot, but when I have, the trashing/flaming/baiting is outrageous and I've never seen a thread "cleaned" or moderated. Why do mods not go there? If it can't be moderated as Zone 2, it shouldn't be in #2.

I really hesitated to open this, I feel like a rat, but the discussion of race deserves better than it gets there, at least in the threads I've been in.
OldLady, youā€™re one of my favorite posters. But on this issue (the Race Relations Forum) I kind of disagree with you. I do agree that the threads can get pretty heated, sometimes. And your comparison of that forum to the Badlands is a valid one.

But Iā€™m glad people are able to freely unload in the Race forum. Mainly because race has become such an explosive topic that most people just tip toe around the issue, never uttering an honest word. When ā€˜in personā€™ discussions take place about race the same thing happens: people walk on egg shells. There is also a huge intimidation factor that is often present. People are often so sensitive and defensive that honesty is the last thing that is likely to be found in such discussions. Anyone who says the least negative thing about another race seems to be instantly pounced on, or singled out, for being a bigot, or worse. Itā€™s as if some people attend such 'discussions' only so they can wait for the moment they can attack someone for being honest in stating their opinion, which may not be flattering.

For those reasons, I prefer the way the Race Relations forum currently works. Sure, the back and forth can get plenty heated, but at least you get some idea about where various members stand on the topics being ā€˜discussedā€™. That bit of honesty the present structure allows is the only thing that gives that forum itā€™s value, imo. Moderate it more strictly and people will probably clam up and begin talking in polite circles, again. The honesty will disappear and the forum wonā€™t be worth visiting.
It is Zone 2...has been for some time. It's just that we haven't patroled it enough.

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