Poland calls on Israel to pay compensation to family of aid worker killed in Gaza strike

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

An Israeli spokesman just told the BBC that this would depend on the outcome of the "independent" enquiry being conducted by the IDF. So not much chance of that happening.

Israeli atrocities are turning the civilised world against Israel. The west might have a feeble response today but the effect of this targetted slaughter will ripple thru time.

They have now murdered over 200 aid workers in Gaza this year. When will spineless western leaders take some action ?
Is Poland calling on HAMAS and their rich benefactors, like Iran and Qatar, to provide compensation to the 1400 Israelis they beheaded, burned, stabbed, cooked, and raped to death?

I believe the Polish were the worst against Jews in WWII, with the most death camps. I see that antisemitism must have been engrained in their children and grandchildren.
Is Poland calling on HAMAS and their rich benefactors, like Iran and Qatar, to provide compensation to the 1400 Israelis they beheaded, burned, stabbed, cooked, and raped to death?

I believe the Polish were the worst against Jews in WWII, with the most death camps. I see that antisemitism must have been engrained in their children and grandchildren.
Even Israel is holding its hands up for this one. But you refer to Palestinians as vermin. No wonder you want to kill anyone helping them. You are a sick fuck.
Even Israel is holding its hands up for this one. But you refer to Palestinians as vermin. No wonder you want to kill anyone helping them. You are a sick fuck.
I refer to HAMAS and the Palestinians who supported their October 7th savage massacre as vermin. The 25% of Palestinians who do not are not.

And you are a sick fuck, who is obviously a Muslim in the U.K., or a diehard liberal, who is being paid by the post.
I refer to HAMAS and the Palestinians who supported their October 7th savage massacre as vermin. The 25% of Palestinians who do not are not.

And you are a sick fuck, who is obviously a Muslim in the U.K., or a diehard liberal, who is being paid by the post.

Even Israel is holding its hands up for this one. But you refer to Palestinians as vermin. No wonder you want to kill anyone helping them. You are a sick fuck.
Lisa never stated as desire or evinced any tendency to "want to kill anyone helping them" (to wit, the palestinians) as so accused by tommy tainted.
So far. tainted has never expressed any opposition to the incinerating of
infants, rape mutilation murder, etc by palestinians. In the field of neuro-
psychiatry he evinces the ego defense "reaction formation"
them" to wit the palestinians
I refer to HAMAS and the Palestinians who supported their October 7th savage massacre as vermin. The 25% of Palestinians who do not are not.

And you are a sick fuck, who is obviously a Muslim in the U.K., or a diehard liberal, who is being paid by the post.
So you dont want to pay compensition to the families of your victims ? I can see that would be costly.
So you dont want to pay compensition to the families of your victims ? I can see that would be costly.
do you want Hamas to pay compensation to its victims ? Try to remember--
RETURN FIRE is not only legal---it mandatory in military law
Hamas had their land stolen? When did that happen and by who?

Although, your Freudian slip is noted. There really is no difference between the Palestinians and Hamas these days, is there?
You infer a moral equivalence. Their is none. Israel is a pariah state stealing Palestinian land.
The world is paying attention now and they dont like what they see.
You infer a moral equivalence. Their is none. Israel is a pariah state stealing Palestinian land.
The world is paying attention now and they dont like what they see.
"the world" ? sadly---the insight, discernment and wisdom of "THE WORLD" has a REMARKABLY dismal history
You infer a moral equivalence. Their is none. Israel is a pariah state stealing Palestinian land.
The world is paying attention now and they dont like what they see.

So, you won't answer the question and I fully understand why, of course. Aside from the fact you hate Jews, it was, in fact YOUR nation who occupied the land that is now part of the current Israeli state and Gaza and gave it away to the UN to form present day Israel. The British were the occupiers before 1948 and you stole it from the Ottomans in 1918.

The truth is that this land has changed hands for thousands of years and historically the Israelis have as much claim to it as anyone else in the region. Whether or not the establishment of present day Israel should or should not have happened is irrelevant at this point. It did and it's been almost 80 years. The Palestinians in Gaza have been given billions of dollars in aid over the years. They could have used that money to build themselves a thriving state with the resources they have and live happy comfortable lives. Instead, they chose to squander it on funding terrorism and they're paying the price for it and there will always be useful idiots like you to give them cover. As the saying has become quite popular these days, they fucked around and found out.
So, you won't answer the question and I fully understand why, of course. Aside from the fact you hate Jews, it was, in fact YOUR nation who occupied the land that is now part of the current Israeli state and Gaza and gave it away to the UN to form present day Israel. The British were the occupiers before 1948 and you stole it from the Ottomans in 1918.

The truth is that this land has changed hands for thousands of years and historically the Israelis have as much claim to it as anyone else in the region. Whether or not the establishment of present day Israel should or should not have happened is irrelevant at this point. It did and it's been almost 80 years. The Palestinians in Gaza have been given billions of dollars in aid over the years. They could have used that money to build themselves a thriving state with the resources they have and live happy comfortable lives. Instead, they chose to squander it on funding terrorism and they're paying the price for it and there will always be useful idiots like you to give them cover. As the saying has become quite popular these days, they fucked around and found out.
So what about the Polish guy that Israel murdered ?
So what about the Polish guy that Israel murdered ?
what about him? Whilst Aden and its precincts was a colony of BRITAIN---
hubby's grandfather's wife was raped and murdered along with her two
babies by friendly arabs---the babies were the siblings of hubby's father---the brits did nothing nor did they do anything about the Aden Pogrom of 1947. When is Britain going to PAY? baby hubby and his parents and his surviving
sib fled penniless. The UK committed murder and theft----such SLOPPY
UK care of the colony. Of course---there is the rest of the world---how
many Hindus did the UK MURDER?

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