Pastor Calls Out Trump’s Bible Blasphemy In EXPLOSIVE Sermon

Parrot? Got anything original?
I was asked for evidence.

This is evidence that Trump was attempting to overturn the election on J6

All Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify and we become president and you are the happiest people.”
So show me the GA law that covers "Conspiracy to defraud the people of the United States" No hurry, I'll wait.
RICO. robbery and extortion applies here. U.S. federal statute targeting organized crime and white-collar crime.

In order for an individual or organization to be convicted of racketeering under RICO, there must be proof of a “pattern” of illegal offenses, which RICO defines as the commission of at least two identified criminal offenses within a 10-year period. RICO defines racketeering in an extremely broad manner and includes many offenses that do not ordinarily violate federal statutes, such as any act or threat involving murder, kidnapping, gambling, arson, robbery, bribery, extortion, or dealing in narcotic or other dangerous drugs.​

Defendant Donald John Trump lost the United States presidential election held on November 3, 2020. One of the states he lost was Georgia. Trump and the other Defendants charged in this Indictment refused to accept that Trump lost, and they knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome of the election in favor of Trump. That conspiracy contained a common plan and purpose to commit two or more acts of racketeering activity in Fulton County, Georgia, elsewhere in the State of Georgia, and in other states.

MANNER AND METHODS OF THE ENTERPRISE. The manner and methods used by the Defendants and other members and associates of the enterprise to further the goals of the enterprise and to achieve its purposes included, but were. not limited to, the following:

1. False Statements to and Solicitation of State Legislatures
2. False Statements to and Solicitation of HighRanking State Officials
3. Creation and Distribution of False Electoral College Documents
5. Solicitation of High-Ranking United States Department of Justice Officials
6. Solicitation of the Vice President of the United States
8. Obstructive Acts in Furtherance of the Conspiracy and the Cover Up.
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You are a liar. I wasn’t quoting you when I said this.

“So there is no law preventing Trump from overturning the election he lost according to you and Trump if Pence decided to refuse the votes?

According to you, there is no law against Mike Pence refusing to count several states that Biden won on January 6. Is that true?

jc456 said: “No law says he can’t refuse the votes”

Why would Trump want pence to not count the votes if it were not for the purpose of overturning the election?

Just answer the above question
You’re the liar. It wasn’t me who wrote that. And you know it. And now you know who did write it.

You shitbag. It’s ok to have made a mistake. But you’re too dishonest to admit you made it.

You’re a pussy.
Anybody post all the parts Trump wrote in this bible yet? Did he overwrite the stuff Constantine wrote? Nobody has yet to post the parts Constantine rewrote either, so I guess not.
No he is a racist and fascist indicted criminal I cannot support any of that
Not a hint of any evidence that Trump is a “racist.”

He is also in no way a fascist. That would be President Dementia.

Being indicted doesn’t make Trump a criminal, you imbecile.

So, your post (again) was entirely wrong in every way.
There used to be mostly normal Christians being neutral or pro/choice on abortion.

Please read this because you have no facts.
In fact, within the lifetimes of many of today’s evangelical Christian believers, their churches either supported abortion rights or were neutral on it. In the 1960s and 1970s, Southern Baptists and other historically conservative Protestant denominations held that abortion was not only permissible, but also should be left to individual choice. In 1968, a group of evangelical leaders from a variety of denominations wrote in a document titled “A Protestant Affirmation on the Control of Human Reproduction” that they could not agree whether or not abortion is sinful outright, but they could agree “about the necessity of it and permissibility for it under certain circumstances.” They even argued that “the preservation of fetal life ... may have to be abandoned to maintain full and secure family life.”
A few years later in 1971, the Southern Baptist Convention issued a joint resolution calling for Southern Baptists “to work for legislation that will allow the possibility of abortion under such conditions as rape, incest, clear evidence of severe fetal deformity, and carefully ascertained evidence of the likelihood of damage to the emotional, mental, and physical health of the mother.”
This resolution was in accord with Baptist views on abortion at the time. As the Baptist Press, a news service affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention, wrote in 2015:
“Between 1965-68, abortion was referenced at least 85 times in popular magazines and scholarly journals, but no Baptist state paper mentioned abortion and no Baptist body took action related to the subject. ... In 1970, a poll conducted by the Baptist Sunday School Board found that 70 percent of Southern Baptist pastors supported abortion to protect the mental or physical health of the mother, 64 percent supported abortion in cases of fetal deformity and 71 percent in cases of rape. Three years later, a poll conducted by the Baptist Standard news journal found that 90 percent of Texas Baptists believed their state’s abortion laws were too restrictive.”
The famed evangelical theologian Norman Geisler put it in the clearest terms in the 1971 and 1975 versions of his work Christian Ethics: “The embryo is not fully human — it is an undeveloped person.”
It’s not Protestants, but Catholics in the United States who, as a religious community, have opposed abortion forcefully going back to the 19th century, and it is in Catholicism that we find the view that life begins at conception. Starting with an 1869 document called Apostolicae Sedis, Pope Pius IX declared the penalty of excommunication for abortions at any stage of pregnancy.
Being indicted doesn’t make Trump a criminal, you imbecile.
In my view when Trump told the J6 mob that if Mike Pence does what he was asked to do then Trump wins the election and Biden never becomes president, was his admission of criminal intent to overturn the election and he engaged in the means to do it. I knew it the moment he said it on J6.
Not a hint of any evidence that Trump is a “racist.”
Engaged in a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election by disenfranchising all Biden voters including the nine out of 10 black voters who wanted Trump out of the White House is about as racist as you can get. And your apologetics for him is as racist as you can get as well .
So in any upcoming presidential election following a first term loss for a sitting VP there is no law or restraint against him or her not counting enough states won by the opponent so that this VP can pronounce himself and the President to be the winners?
As long as there are awaiting court cases to resolve affidavits, sure, why shouldn't we ensure our elections are free from fraud? Are you afraid of something?
Engaged in a criminal conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election by disenfranchising all Biden voters including the nine out of 10 black voters who wanted Trump out of the White House is about as racist as you can get. And your apologetics for him is as racist as you can get as well .

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