Palin To GOP Establishment: "Get With It And Join Those TEA Party Patriots"


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The beautiful Sarah Palin tells it like it is. She has the ability to get TEA Party candidates elected like she did in 2010 during the mid-terms. Her endorsements are down to earth Constitution loving patriots who want smaller government and less taxes for 'We The People'. The GOP establishment needs to wake up and listen to this woman.

Palin to GOP Establishment: 'Get with It and Join Those Tea Party Patriots'

“They need to get on the side with Tea Party patriots who are working so hard as really independent individuals knowing that they have a responsibility in their own lives, in their own businesses, in their own local communities to do what is right. And then from there we grown that movement on a national level and we parlay the successes on that more local level nationally.”

“The Tea Party movement nationally is right,” she continued. “It’s full of just basic desire for the government to live within its means and abide by the Constitution. It’s not radical at all. So many in the Republican Party – kind of that establishment that has condemned those in the Tea Party movement: Simply put, they need to get with it and join those Tea Party patriots because that’s where the movement is.”

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