OMG Canada is so Nazi

Japan doesn't have a border with Mexico, state sponsored drug distribution, a media driven hate agenda, 128 different languages, and neocons.

That isn't what was being said. What was said was that this was what an unarmed country looks like. Not this is what an unarmed country on a Wednesday afternoon on the border with Mexico while playing chess with bits of cheese.

Toronto Police are recommending that residents leave their car keys on the front porch instead of taking them into the house with them.
- To prevent someone from attacking you at your home, leave your car keys in front of your door. Otherwise, they will have to break in just to steal your car.

It is in this way, among other methods, that capitalism fosters fascism in people - the desire for "strong arm" power
Canada has not only refused to extradite Nazi Yaroslav Gunko, accused of genocide, to Russia, but is also unwilling to provide Russia with legal assistance in this criminal case, Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov told RIA Novosti.

“The story with Gunko did not start last year. Back in 2019, a request for legal assistance was sent to the Canadian Ministry of Justice to question him as a witness as part of the investigation into the rehabilitation of Nazism. A response to that request was never received. And in 2023, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office sent another request for legal assistance to the Canadian Ministry of Justice, but already in relation to Gunko in the criminal case on genocide. It contained a request to charge Gunko and question him in the specified status,” Krasnov said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to their response, the competent Canadian authorities, he said, could not provide legal assistance because “the request does not meet the requirements of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and Canada on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, concluded in 1997.” The Canadian side claims that allegedly “insufficient information substantiating the nature of the information required has not been provided.”

“And here we have something to object, and on the basis of the law. According to Article 3 of this treaty, the grounds for refusal of legal assistance are the possibility of damage to the sovereignty, security, public order or other essential public interests of the requested party as a result of its execution. And what damage to Canada could be caused by prosecuting a person accused of genocide committed in 1944? None,” Krasnow added.

In September 2023, during the speech of Volodymyr Zelensky in the Canadian Parliament, the audience welcomed 98-year-old Ukrainian nationalist Yaroslav Hunku (Hunko), who served in the SS division “Galicia” during the Second World War. On September 26, 2023, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly called for the resignation of the Speaker of the House of Commons (lower house of parliament) Anthony Rota, who took the blame for inviting the Nazi. She called the incident “totally unacceptable” and “a disgrace to the House, to Canadians.” Rota later announced his resignation. On September 27, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized for the incident.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the public praise of a Nazi in the Canadian Parliament “characterizes the ruling regime of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the best possible way”, while the Russian side does not intend to “tolerate the way Canadian liberals flirt with Nazism”.
Canada has not only refused to extradite Nazi Yaroslav Gunko, accused of genocide, to Russia, but is also unwilling to provide Russia with legal assistance in this criminal case, Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov told RIA Novosti.

“The story with Gunko did not start last year. Back in 2019, a request for legal assistance was sent to the Canadian Ministry of Justice to question him as a witness as part of the investigation into the rehabilitation of Nazism. A response to that request was never received. And in 2023, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office sent another request for legal assistance to the Canadian Ministry of Justice, but already in relation to Gunko in the criminal case on genocide. It contained a request to charge Gunko and question him in the specified status,” Krasnov said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to their response, the competent Canadian authorities, he said, could not provide legal assistance because “the request does not meet the requirements of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and Canada on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, concluded in 1997.” The Canadian side claims that allegedly “insufficient information substantiating the nature of the information required has not been provided.”

“And here we have something to object, and on the basis of the law. According to Article 3 of this treaty, the grounds for refusal of legal assistance are the possibility of damage to the sovereignty, security, public order or other essential public interests of the requested party as a result of its execution. And what damage to Canada could be caused by prosecuting a person accused of genocide committed in 1944? None,” Krasnow added.

In September 2023, during the speech of Volodymyr Zelensky in the Canadian Parliament, the audience welcomed 98-year-old Ukrainian nationalist Yaroslav Hunku (Hunko), who served in the SS division “Galicia” during the Second World War. On September 26, 2023, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly called for the resignation of the Speaker of the House of Commons (lower house of parliament) Anthony Rota, who took the blame for inviting the Nazi. She called the incident “totally unacceptable” and “a disgrace to the House, to Canadians.” Rota later announced his resignation. On September 27, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized for the incident.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the public praise of a Nazi in the Canadian Parliament “characterizes the ruling regime of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the best possible way”, while the Russian side does not intend to “tolerate the way Canadian liberals flirt with Nazism”.
I don’t always hear about Canada but when I do Canada is being super Nazi.

Why do Canadian magistrates dress like Santa?

Because they like to let thieves and crooks off with a Santa warning. Pretty-pretty please, don't do it again. LOL.

By leaving your keys on your front steps will only mean that there will be an increase in more crimes being committed. This is why Canada should have a 2nd Amendment. Enter someones property illegally, and you may get a bullet or two up your arse. In Canada, our lefty liberal/socialist politicians appear to want more crimes to be committed than trying to stop crime. The ordinary citizen knows what to do about crime and with criminals, but they are handicapped by their somewhat useless Canadian politicians. Enough already.
Canada has not only refused to extradite Nazi Yaroslav Gunko, accused of genocide, to Russia, but is also unwilling to provide Russia with legal assistance in this criminal case, Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov told RIA Novosti.

“The story with Gunko did not start last year. Back in 2019, a request for legal assistance was sent to the Canadian Ministry of Justice to question him as a witness as part of the investigation into the rehabilitation of Nazism. A response to that request was never received. And in 2023, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office sent another request for legal assistance to the Canadian Ministry of Justice, but already in relation to Gunko in the criminal case on genocide. It contained a request to charge Gunko and question him in the specified status,” Krasnov said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

According to their response, the competent Canadian authorities, he said, could not provide legal assistance because “the request does not meet the requirements of the Treaty between the Russian Federation and Canada on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters, concluded in 1997.” The Canadian side claims that allegedly “insufficient information substantiating the nature of the information required has not been provided.”

“And here we have something to object, and on the basis of the law. According to Article 3 of this treaty, the grounds for refusal of legal assistance are the possibility of damage to the sovereignty, security, public order or other essential public interests of the requested party as a result of its execution. And what damage to Canada could be caused by prosecuting a person accused of genocide committed in 1944? None,” Krasnow added.

In September 2023, during the speech of Volodymyr Zelensky in the Canadian Parliament, the audience welcomed 98-year-old Ukrainian nationalist Yaroslav Hunku (Hunko), who served in the SS division “Galicia” during the Second World War. On September 26, 2023, Foreign Minister Melanie Joly called for the resignation of the Speaker of the House of Commons (lower house of parliament) Anthony Rota, who took the blame for inviting the Nazi. She called the incident “totally unacceptable” and “a disgrace to the House, to Canadians.” Rota later announced his resignation. On September 27, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized for the incident.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that the public praise of a Nazi in the Canadian Parliament “characterizes the ruling regime of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the best possible way”, while the Russian side does not intend to “tolerate the way Canadian liberals flirt with Nazism”.

Where or what is the problem here? We have plenty of communists in the House of Commons. Why do we keep those buffoons around when we already know that communism murdered more innocent people than Hitler could could ever have done. Why do we even allow communist party's to exist at all? They despise our way of life and freedoms. If we do not want to allow a Nazi party to exist, than we should not be allowing a communist party to exist. Makes common sense to me. Sadly, it would appear as though common sense has been put out to pasture. :(
Canada isn't being Nazi, it's simply being stupid.

And the more third world legal and illegal immigrants/refugees enter Canada, the dumber Canada will get. When a country allows in millions of new third world immigrants, the worse things will get. In Canada, there are way too many tribes of different cultures that are setting up their own turfs in Canada. Soon the white people in Canada will become a minority in their own white homeland. America is in the same boat. The white race is slowly being eliminated in North America. Just saying. :eek:

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