New Knowledge Whistleblower


Diamond Member
May 10, 2015
Scary stuff here. Former NSA employees working for a company to create a partisan left-wing disinformation narrative targeting Republicans and selling the information to the NSA. All of this for political gain and election interference.

It is a long article. For lefties with short attention spans, below is one of the more alarming pieces of information.

DUPUIS: I wish I had written more stuff down. At one point, we had all these new Elastic Search, NSA people show up…

They are an open-source, proprietary search technology API that can be integrated into software. It's used by a lot of companies. I've never worked anywhere that hasn't had some sort of Elastic Search type tool embedded into the product.

We already had one NSA person join, Ryan, and that made sense because he's a security analyst. And it sounded like he was excited to get out of working for the government. But then we got a new executive that had previously worked at the NSA, and he came from Elastic.

But this second NSA guy became the director of technology or something. When he comes in, we go down to The Draft House, this bar down the street from the office, for a kind of employee welcome thing.

Ryan gets really drunk. He didn’t seem to be able to hold his liquor, and I started asking him about PRISM.

THACKER: This was the top secret NSA program to spy on Americans that Edward Snowden leaked to Glenn Greenwald. PRISM allowed intelligence services direct access to the companies' servers to search our communications.

Members of Congress didn’t even know it existed.

DUPUIS: I didn't say anything about how I felt about it. I was just wondering what it was like to be working at the NSA when it got blown up by Edward Snowden.

And he said, “You know, that exposed the locations and identities of people that were undercover, and put their lives at risk.”

I thought that was a pretty reasonable thing to be upset about.

And then Ryan and the other former NSA guy are kind of bantering back and forth and saying, “Oh, it's not like what people think it is. We actually have to really follow the law, follow the Constitution. But a lot of people get fed up with that, and leave to go into the private sector. Because if you sell it back as a product to the government, you're not bound to federal law.”

THACKER: They were telling you what the game is. The game is you work inside NSA, or these intelligence agencies. You then leave the intel agencies, and you go work in the private sector. And then you sell this information right back to your old employer in the federal government.


THACKER: Did you understand it immediately at the time, “Whoa, what's going on here? You’re two former NSA guys, and you just explained the game to me.”

WHISTLEBLOWER: Insider Details How "New Knowledge" Cybersecurity Firm Created Disinformation in American Election

Yuri Bezmenov was so correct.

Lefties love security over freedom.

They cannot do shit for themselves, so they love a nanny state.
Scary stuff here. Former NSA employees working for a company to create a partisan left-wing disinformation narrative targeting Republicans and selling the information to the NSA. All of this for political gain and election interference.

It is a long article. For lefties with short attention spans, below is one of the more alarming pieces of information.

DUPUIS: I wish I had written more stuff down. At one point, we had all these new Elastic Search, NSA people show up…

They are an open-source, proprietary search technology API that can be integrated into software. It's used by a lot of companies. I've never worked anywhere that hasn't had some sort of Elastic Search type tool embedded into the product.

We already had one NSA person join, Ryan, and that made sense because he's a security analyst. And it sounded like he was excited to get out of working for the government. But then we got a new executive that had previously worked at the NSA, and he came from Elastic.

But this second NSA guy became the director of technology or something. When he comes in, we go down to The Draft House, this bar down the street from the office, for a kind of employee welcome thing.

Ryan gets really drunk. He didn’t seem to be able to hold his liquor, and I started asking him about PRISM.

THACKER: This was the top secret NSA program to spy on Americans that Edward Snowden leaked to Glenn Greenwald. PRISM allowed intelligence services direct access to the companies' servers to search our communications.

Members of Congress didn’t even know it existed.

DUPUIS: I didn't say anything about how I felt about it. I was just wondering what it was like to be working at the NSA when it got blown up by Edward Snowden.

And he said, “You know, that exposed the locations and identities of people that were undercover, and put their lives at risk.”

I thought that was a pretty reasonable thing to be upset about.

And then Ryan and the other former NSA guy are kind of bantering back and forth and saying, “Oh, it's not like what people think it is. We actually have to really follow the law, follow the Constitution. But a lot of people get fed up with that, and leave to go into the private sector. Because if you sell it back as a product to the government, you're not bound to federal law.”

THACKER: They were telling you what the game is. The game is you work inside NSA, or these intelligence agencies. You then leave the intel agencies, and you go work in the private sector. And then you sell this information right back to your old employer in the federal government.


THACKER: Did you understand it immediately at the time, “Whoa, what's going on here? You’re two former NSA guys, and you just explained the game to me.”

WHISTLEBLOWER: Insider Details How "New Knowledge" Cybersecurity Firm Created Disinformation in American Election
It even sounds like it it came from a Russian Troll farm.

“created disinformation in American election”.
You folks think the NSA is a spy agency? ... that's funny ... what little spying they do do is just a front ... keeps people from asking what they're really up to ... the budget is classified, no one knows ...

If they exist at all ...
We hanged the Rosenburgs for less than what Edward Snowden did.

"Something happened once, therefore it is inherently and forever justified."

According to your "logic", I suppose we should still be lynching, leeching, and lobotomizing.

How's that for some Friday alliteration? ;)
Scary stuff here. Former NSA employees working for a company to create a partisan left-wing disinformation narrative targeting Republicans and selling the information to the NSA. All of this for political gain and election interference.

It is a long article. For lefties with short attention spans, below is one of the more alarming pieces of information.

DUPUIS: I wish I had written more stuff down. At one point, we had all these new Elastic Search, NSA people show up…

They are an open-source, proprietary search technology API that can be integrated into software. It's used by a lot of companies. I've never worked anywhere that hasn't had some sort of Elastic Search type tool embedded into the product.

We already had one NSA person join, Ryan, and that made sense because he's a security analyst. And it sounded like he was excited to get out of working for the government. But then we got a new executive that had previously worked at the NSA, and he came from Elastic.

But this second NSA guy became the director of technology or something. When he comes in, we go down to The Draft House, this bar down the street from the office, for a kind of employee welcome thing.

Ryan gets really drunk. He didn’t seem to be able to hold his liquor, and I started asking him about PRISM.

THACKER: This was the top secret NSA program to spy on Americans that Edward Snowden leaked to Glenn Greenwald. PRISM allowed intelligence services direct access to the companies' servers to search our communications.

Members of Congress didn’t even know it existed.

DUPUIS: I didn't say anything about how I felt about it. I was just wondering what it was like to be working at the NSA when it got blown up by Edward Snowden.

And he said, “You know, that exposed the locations and identities of people that were undercover, and put their lives at risk.”

I thought that was a pretty reasonable thing to be upset about.

And then Ryan and the other former NSA guy are kind of bantering back and forth and saying, “Oh, it's not like what people think it is. We actually have to really follow the law, follow the Constitution. But a lot of people get fed up with that, and leave to go into the private sector. Because if you sell it back as a product to the government, you're not bound to federal law.”

THACKER: They were telling you what the game is. The game is you work inside NSA, or these intelligence agencies. You then leave the intel agencies, and you go work in the private sector. And then you sell this information right back to your old employer in the federal government.


THACKER: Did you understand it immediately at the time, “Whoa, what's going on here? You’re two former NSA guys, and you just explained the game to me.”

WHISTLEBLOWER: Insider Details How "New Knowledge" Cybersecurity Firm Created Disinformation in American Election
There is absolutely a deep state.
"Something happened once, therefore it is inherently and forever justified."

According to your "logic", I suppose we should still be lynching, leeching, and lobotomizing.

How's that for some Friday alliteration? ;)
As stupid as everything else you say.

Service Members and allies died because of the stuff Snowden leaked.

Shoot him for treason and be done with it.
Scary stuff here. Former NSA employees working for a company to create a partisan left-wing disinformation narrative targeting Republicans and selling the information to the NSA. All of this for political gain and election interference.

It is a long article. For lefties with short attention spans, below is one of the more alarming pieces of information.

DUPUIS: I wish I had written more stuff down. At one point, we had all these new Elastic Search, NSA people show up…

They are an open-source, proprietary search technology API that can be integrated into software. It's used by a lot of companies. I've never worked anywhere that hasn't had some sort of Elastic Search type tool embedded into the product.

We already had one NSA person join, Ryan, and that made sense because he's a security analyst. And it sounded like he was excited to get out of working for the government. But then we got a new executive that had previously worked at the NSA, and he came from Elastic.

But this second NSA guy became the director of technology or something. When he comes in, we go down to The Draft House, this bar down the street from the office, for a kind of employee welcome thing.

Ryan gets really drunk. He didn’t seem to be able to hold his liquor, and I started asking him about PRISM.

THACKER: This was the top secret NSA program to spy on Americans that Edward Snowden leaked to Glenn Greenwald. PRISM allowed intelligence services direct access to the companies' servers to search our communications.

Members of Congress didn’t even know it existed.

DUPUIS: I didn't say anything about how I felt about it. I was just wondering what it was like to be working at the NSA when it got blown up by Edward Snowden.

And he said, “You know, that exposed the locations and identities of people that were undercover, and put their lives at risk.”

I thought that was a pretty reasonable thing to be upset about.

And then Ryan and the other former NSA guy are kind of bantering back and forth and saying, “Oh, it's not like what people think it is. We actually have to really follow the law, follow the Constitution. But a lot of people get fed up with that, and leave to go into the private sector. Because if you sell it back as a product to the government, you're not bound to federal law.”

THACKER: They were telling you what the game is. The game is you work inside NSA, or these intelligence agencies. You then leave the intel agencies, and you go work in the private sector. And then you sell this information right back to your old employer in the federal government.


THACKER: Did you understand it immediately at the time, “Whoa, what's going on here? You’re two former NSA guys, and you just explained the game to me.”

WHISTLEBLOWER: Insider Details How "New Knowledge" Cybersecurity Firm Created Disinformation in American Election

Do you have a source other than the "Disinformation Chronicles" put out by a former staffer working for Chuck Grassley???? It's too new to even have a fact check clearance.

And why didn't he come forward when Trump was filing all of these lawsuits?

No credibility whatsoever.
Do you have a source other than the "Disinformation Chronicles" put out by a former staffer working for Chuck Grassley???? It's too new to even have a fact check clearance.

And why didn't he come forward when Trump was filing all of these lawsuits?

No credibility whatsoever.

Fact check clearance? You mean by the folks at CNN, MSNBC and the White House? Yeah, ok.
He won't even tell you what state he lives in that he insists is better than any Blue state.

And you will insist that Illinois is better than any red state. That is laughable.
Except the statistics bear me out.

Like I have told you many times, it is very poor Democrats in most Southern red states that damage the statistics. You seem to think that doctor’s, lawyers and other successful people in red states live in the same areas and neighborhood’s as the downtrodden. That is to be expected because that is essentially what happens in large blue inner cities. There are some very wealthy people in Manhattan, but they still have to step over the homeless at times when walking down the street. We don’t have that problem.

Our poor tend to be very poor and very Democrat. Our wealthy tend to be not as wealthy on average as those in large cities, but have a better standard of living on a per dollar basis. The same goes for our middle class. The salaries for the wealthy and middle class tend to be lower than in large blue cities because a) far less unions and b) the cost of living doesn’t require it. With lower salaries comes less federal taxable income, meaning less to offset the poor Democrats who are reliant on federal funds. That means many Southern red states are in the red when it comes to federal funding. Remove the Democrats and we would be well into the black.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
Like I have told you many times, it is very poor Democrats in most Southern red states that damage the statistics. You seem to think that doctor’s, lawyers and other successful people in red states live in the same areas and neighborhood’s as the downtrodden. That is to be expected because that is essentially what happens in large blue inner cities. There are some very wealthy people in Manhattan, but they still have to step over the homeless at times when walking down the street. We don’t have that problem.
So you are arguing that your poverty is better because it's kept out of sight?

This seems like a fatuous argument. You still have the problem, even if you can't see it.
So you are arguing that your poverty is better because it's kept out of sight?

That is not my argument at all. Is your argument that is somehow better to have the poor live beside the rich? You and other liberals may say that because it makes your feel good, but the reality is that even in large cities where the rich and the wealthy are much closer together, there are pockets of rich and pockets of poor.

The main point was that just as large cites have these pockets of wealth, my state and many Southern states have larger areas of wealth, which make for a much safer and nicer environment in those areas. Before you start spouting off crime stats in Southern states, you need to break it down by Republican areas vs Democrat areas and you will see where the problem lies. There are more Republican areas, but the Democrat areas have far, far more crime.

The other main point was the quality of life. Your quality of life would be much better on your income in my state than in yours. You could live in a nicer, safer area and afford a much nicer home. No, there would not be trailers next door nor people wearing white pointy caps. However, there would be more educated professionals that just happen to be Republican, unless, from your perspective, you got lucky and moved next to the many NE transplants that have come to enjoy a better standard of living but aren’t quite intelligent enough to figure out that the better standard of living is due to the way we vote. Granted, your stated income wouldn’t put you in the nicest of areas, but regardless, it would be significantly better than anywhere in Chicago given the same income. But, by all means, PLEASE don’t come here. We have too many people like you that are far too eager to change our area into what they escaped. No thank you.

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