Mike Rowe

He should make a show with him doing hard manual labor for 5 days per week 8 hours per day. How many weeks does ge last? 3? 4? Then it's ummmmm nope I can't fo this.
that wouldnt be a show,, that would be a job,,
and since his show is about showing the different jobs out there it wouldnt make sense to do that,,
So what he doesn't take into consideration is a blue collar workers body wearing out. Then what? 50 years old and 5 more years to go. Uh oh. We shouldn't be asking people to work until 55. That kills the economy.
So what he doesn't take into consideration is a blue collar workers body wearing out. Then what? 50 years old and 5 more years to go. Uh oh. We shouldn't be asking people to work until 55. That kills the economy.
yeah better to ship the jobs off to chinese slaves and let them wear their bodies out,,
They are owed an earlier retirement because of the way they worked. Let them collect social security at 50.
Using your logic nobody should do blue collar jobs. Then you'd still complain some how.

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