Michigan School Shooter's parents James and Jennifer Crumbley get 10-15 year sentences


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Good for them. Now lets start holding the parents of every young, violent criminal accountable for their kid's crimes.

"James and Jennifer Crumbley, the first parents in America to be held criminally responsible for a school shooting by their child, were sentenced Tuesday in Oakland County Circuit Court to 10-15 years in prison each.

They were convicted by separate juries of four counts of involuntary manslaughter — one for each classmate their son murdered at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021: Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Shilling, 17. Each count carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years, though the sentences are expected to be served concurrently.

The prosecution is seeking 10- to 15-year prison sentences for each parent. Both Crumbleys, who have been jailed since their arrest Dec. 4, 2021, are asking to be sentenced to time served. Their son Ethan pleaded guilty to his crimes and is serving life in prison without parole."

James, Jennifer Crumbley to be sentenced in Oxford High killings after victim statements
Good for them. Now lets start holding the parents of every young, violent criminal accountable for their kid's crimes.

"James and Jennifer Crumbley, the first parents in America to be held criminally responsible for a school shooting by their child, were sentenced Tuesday in Oakland County Circuit Court to 10-15 years in prison each.

They were convicted by separate juries of four counts of involuntary manslaughter — one for each classmate their son murdered at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021: Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Shilling, 17. Each count carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years, though the sentences are expected to be served concurrently.

The prosecution is seeking 10- to 15-year prison sentences for each parent. Both Crumbleys, who have been jailed since their arrest Dec. 4, 2021, are asking to be sentenced to time served. Their son Ethan pleaded guilty to his crimes and is serving life in prison without parole."

James, Jennifer Crumbley to be sentenced in Oxford High killings after victim statements

Well and good... but make it across the board. Recently seven 12-17 year olds were shot near us by kids.

To my delight they've announced they're going after parents for felony child neglect. For both the shooters and victims, it happened at like 1 AM
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Good for them. Now lets start holding the parents of every young, violent criminal accountable for their kid's crimes.

"James and Jennifer Crumbley, the first parents in America to be held criminally responsible for a school shooting by their child, were sentenced Tuesday in Oakland County Circuit Court to 10-15 years in prison each.

They were convicted by separate juries of four counts of involuntary manslaughter — one for each classmate their son murdered at Oxford High School on Nov. 30, 2021: Tate Myre, 16; Hana St. Juliana, 14; Madisyn Baldwin, 17; and Justin Shilling, 17. Each count carries a potential prison sentence of up to 15 years, though the sentences are expected to be served concurrently.

The prosecution is seeking 10- to 15-year prison sentences for each parent. Both Crumbleys, who have been jailed since their arrest Dec. 4, 2021, are asking to be sentenced to time served. Their son Ethan pleaded guilty to his crimes and is serving life in prison without parole."

James, Jennifer Crumbley to be sentenced in Oxford High killings after victim statements

Maybe when enough people have to PAY in a real way for their irresponsible "parenting", they will start learning that irresponsibility COSTS!

We used to know this in very real ways.


Maybe when enough people have to PAY in a real way for their irresponsible "parenting", they will start learning that irresponsibility COSTS!

We used to know this in very real ways.


That's a fact! Something is severely wrong with the way parents are bringing up their children. My own parents divorced when I was young and even though I have access to as many guns and much ammunition as I wanted, I never ever thought about shooting anyone, or shooting at anything that shouldn't be shot at. My Dad reloaded his own ammunition and had 10 kids from two marriages. Not a single one of his kids ever got into any kind of trouble that involved a firearm. Hell, I was even purchasing my own guns through mail order catalogs at the age of 16.
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Now lets start holding the parents of every young, violent criminal accountable for their kid's crimes.
That isnt going to happen. Only white parents will be charged in the extremely rare cases that their children commit murder, but the very common occurance of black murderers who are children, their parents wont ever be charged. As far as i can tell, no black parent has EVER been charged. :dunno:
It's plainly an attack on Second amendment rights to make parents responsible for their children's fascination with guns and killing!
You are spot on however... If a parent gave the car keys to a kid who is obviously drunk and he kills someone those parents would be prosecuted... at least here in AZ....
Parenting has never been worse off... some are very good at it but others suck at it and probably should have never had a baby in the first place....
That's stupid. Really stupid. Responsible gun owners would never allow a child access
This is an attempt to intimidate parents into fearing to buy their children a gun. People who love their 2nd. amendment insist that children should own their own guns at six years of age. But be supervised when using their guns until the child is at lleast 8 years old. Child size AR's are made for exactly that purpose!

Sometimes 2Aguy and 14Shooter just get it right!

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