Mexico “meddling” and their free pass to do so...Send your most intellectual Leftie to explain

The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Allow Spanish forms and such in California only. That way they are all in one state and presidential elections will be fair.
The way who is all in one state?
The ACLU has found new evidence that the addition of if a person is a citizen on the 2020 census was nothing but a republican ploy to disenfranchise everyone who isn't republican or white. That the government lied in court about it too.

It's disgusting. The republicans can't win in an honest election so they cheat. They've been cheating for years by keeping people from voting and gerrymandering states.

This has added to the horrible divide in our nation and has to stop.

If you can't win on your platform, the answer isn't to cheat. The answer is to change your views so that people will vote for you or get more politicians in your party that have different views that will attract voters. As it is now, your platform and policies are nothing but a nightmare and sending people running from the republican party in horror.

For those too cheap to pay for a subscription to the Washington Post, I've copied and pasted the article.

By Tara Bahrampour and Robert Barnes
May 30 at 1:23 PM
Just weeks before the Supreme Court is expected to rule on whether the Trump administration can add a citizenship question to the 2020 Census, new evidence emerged Thursday suggesting the question was crafted specifically to give an electoral advantage to white Republicans.

The evidence was found in the files of the prominent Republican redistricting strategist Thomas Hofeller after his death in August. It reveals that Hofeller “played a significant role in orchestrating the addition of the citizenship question to the 2020 Decennial Census in order to create a structural electoral advantage for, in his own words, ‘Republicans and Non-Hispanic Whites,’ ” and that Trump administration officials purposely obscured Hofeller’s role in court proceedings, lawyers for plaintiffs challenging the question wrote in a letter to U.S. District Judge Jesse M. Furman. Furman was one of three federal judges who ruled against the question this year.

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How do you feel about Mexicrats encouraging thirdworlders to invade the U.S. in order to win elections?
Would the Mexicrat Party ever win another national election if it not for Mexico?
Yet anotherf dumbfuck Trumpette who thinks illegals can vote.
You can't even get but about half of those voters to vote in the elections and even less during local and congressional elections during the off season.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Allow Spanish forms and such in California only. That way they are all in one state and presidential elections will be fair.
The way who is all in one state?
No, THAT way.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Allow Spanish forms and such in California only. That way they are all in one state and presidential elections will be fair.
The way who is all in one state?
No, THAT way.
All who the Hispanics?
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Allow Spanish forms and such in California only. That way they are all in one state and presidential elections will be fair.

Dood, ease up, some of us Americans still live here.
Sorry. Just sending out trial balloons. Your reply is the best.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?
No political party has control over who comes here and who doesn't.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Don't we have a conspiracy theory forum here?

I’m sure you can explain how it’s fabricated conspiracy...right?
"Encouraging illegal immigrants". Is a lie, told where none exists and making this a full blown rwnj conspiracy theory.

The staple of rwnj politics.

Just to be clear...are you implying that Democrats don’t push policy that encourages illegal immigration?
Are you implying the Left doesn’t support illegal immigration and or illegal immigrants?
Come on...stay engaged and lose credibility...PLEASE!
No. Nobody is encouraging illegal immigration.

Sanctuary cities does what exactly? oh, yeah it makes illegal immigrants say to themselves... "I better not go there!" Had someone told you 20 years ago that Democratic congress persons would call for the elimination of ICE, you would call them a conspiracy nut, but this is the mindset of the Left today.
Every Democrat has done a 180 on immigration if you go back and look at the words coming out of their mouths 5 years today and compare it with what they are saying today.
They treat illegal immigrants as voting constituents because at the VERY LEAST, they know that children of illegal immigrants who came here 20 years ago are of voting age and will vote for the party who refuses to call illegal immigrants illegal ... secondly here in California if you have a drivers license with an address on it you can register to vote at any registration booth like the ones they set up in flea markets. Thirdly, I dont expect the State of California to veryify anything when it comes to voter verification... they really dont give a shit as long as Democrats get elected. The proof is in the results. The Republican party in California is being eliminated.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Allow Spanish forms and such in California only. That way they are all in one state and presidential elections will be fair.
The way who is all in one state?
No, THAT way.
All who the Hispanics?
No, Hispanics come from the Iberian peninsula.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?
No political party has control over who comes here and who doesn't.
How about Trump and Muslims?
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?
No political party has control over who comes here and who doesn't. couldn’t convince even the most LefTarded of that foolish bullshit. Third graders know who invites wetbacks through policy.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?

None of the founders of our nation were alive when the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?

None of the founders of our nation were alive when the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868.

All Amendments were framed from the original constitution and it’s context.
What else can I teach you?
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?
No political party has control over who comes here and who doesn't. couldn’t convince even the most LefTarded of that foolish bullshit. Third graders know who invites wetbacks through policy.
The same policy that is in effect during Trump yeah it's still paying out buddy so don't lie to me I have seen fifty years of both sides doing it...Can't out bullshit a bullshitter....
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?

None of the founders of our nation were alive when the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868.

All Amendments were framed from the original constitution and it’s context.
What else can I teach you?
Yet the 14th was passed by all Republican liberals in 1865 ain't that a bitch?
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?

None of the founders of our nation were alive when the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868.

All Amendments were framed from the original constitution and it’s context.
What else can I teach you?

What a dreadfully lame attempt to save face. Our founders didn't frame the 14th Amendment, dumb shit. You made a mistake, but you're far too retarded and prideful to admit it.
The votership in America has changed dramatically since the coming of age for anchor babies born to illegals from Mexico, Central and South America.
The Democratic Party may very well be 100% irrelevant by now had it not been for them encouraging Mexico to send tens of millions here ILLEGALLY to manifest and foster a constituency that would inevitably vote in favor of a welfare state.
Why no outrage or concern from the Left on this “meddling”?
This has been brought up many times before in many different ways and not a single Leftie will dare engage. Why?
Anchor babies are citizens according to the Constitution.

True...they are systematically planted here by the Party Of Filth.
Our founders fucked up big time when framing the 14th didn’t they?

None of the founders of our nation were alive when the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868.

All Amendments were framed from the original constitution and it’s context.
What else can I teach you?

What a dreadfully lame attempt to save face. Our founders didn't frame the 14th Amendment, dumb shit. You made a mistake, but you're far too retarded and prideful to admit it.

You’re an ignorant fool...our founders our framing our laws to this day.
How do you not know that? Are you posting from Tijuana right now?
George Washington sure fucked up when the right to vote was extended to women in 1919.
"Encouraging illegal immigrants". Is a lie, told where none exists and making this a full blown rwnj conspiracy theory.

The staple of rwnj politics.

Just to be clear...are you implying that Democrats don’t push policy that encourages illegal immigration?
Are you implying the Left doesn’t support illegal immigration and or illegal immigrants?
Come on...stay engaged and lose credibility...PLEASE!

No. Nobody is encouraging illegal immigration.
Sanctuary cities
Debit cards
Free healthcare
Free education
Work visas for those who break in

All Republican backed initiatives…right?

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