Meet South Dakotas Hot Version Of Sarah Palin......Conservative Kristi Noem

I seriously hope we arent evaluating candidates by how they look.

Nothing wrong with appreciating a good looking woman. Although why this is being done in the politics second is a bit confusing.

Personally I think Tulsi gabbard is more attractive.
She is 38 and a rancher. Her name is Kristi Noem. She is a mother of 3 and has already raised over a million dollars which is cheap for the media market she is in. She seems to be another momma grizzlie conservative candidate that needs to be sent to Washington to turn this country around from the debacle created by Obama and his Marxist cronies. She's also an avid hunter known to hunt elk with a bow and arrow. Her political views and physical appearance have led some to label her "South Dakota's Sarah Palin."

Kristi Noem :: Meet Kristi





October 10, 2010? The dog and goat killer? Really?

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