Look, no one more deserves to be mistreated, and no one more deserves a system rigged against him, than Trump.

Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic​

There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg, but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean, but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg, but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage will be repaired very shortly.
The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
We are taking on water, but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat, and they are beautiful lifeboats.
Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.
We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.
Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
We have lifeboats and they're supposed to be our lifeboats, not the passengers' lifeboats.
The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg.
That he never run for President, that would have been better for all of us.

Yes, you guys keep saying that, but things get better when Democrats are in charge and worse when Republicans are in charge. 10 of the last 11 recessions happened when a Republican was in charge. It's not a bug, it's a design feature.

Nope, it's Trump. This guy has gotten away with scams all his life because he was rich. People finally got fed up.

Real Billionaires can come up with the money.

Trump isn't a real Billionaire. Never was. Just claimed to be. On other people's money. Now he's busted. Too bad, so Sad.

NYC is better than it was under Guiliani?
I love it when someone begins a sentence with the word "look."
Unless you were that guy who got shot 56 times in a stairwell... or the guy who got a plunger stuck up his ass. The city wasn't safer for them.

Those people got punished.

So you expect perfection from the police departments, but are OK with dem politicians turning stores into looting free for alls?
Even when trying to be a bit sympathetic to Trump, the left speaks the quiet part out loud. Trump has no rights as they see it.

The quiet part being that Trump deserves to have the system rigged against him and deserves mistreatment.

How evil is that?!?

And how many leftoids feel the same way?

How un-American they indeed are.

Look, no one more deserves to be mistreated, and no one more deserves a system rigged against him, than Trump.
The essence of Trump’s argument on appeal is that the supposed harm he caused was minimal at best — all his lenders were repaid — and that the penalty levied against him was therefore wildly excessive. The conundrum is that the very size of the judgment, and the consequent size of the bond that Trump is required to post, might make him unable to appeal. Trump could pursue his case, but in the meantime, James would be entitled to seize and sell off the former president’s assets.
That can’t be right. It would mean that the more outrageous and disproportionate a damages award is, the harder it is to appeal.
As Trump’s lawyers argued to the state appeals court: “A bond requirement of this enormous magnitude, effectively requiring cash reserves approaching $1 billion, is unprecedented for a private company. Even when it comes to publicly traded companies, courts routinely waive or reduce the bond amount. Enforcing an impossible bond requirement as a condition of appeal would inflict manifest irreparable injury” on Trump.
On the other side of the equation, Trump’s lawyers argue, “waiving the bond requirement will impose no cognizable harm on the Attorney General. The case involves no actual victims and no award of restitution, and she is fully protected by [Trump’s] real-estate holdings.” They have offered to post a $100 million bond.
For her part, James contends that the court lacks the flexibility to modify the bond requirement. And doing so, she says, “would severely harm [the Office of Attorney General] and the public interest by undermining … the fundamental purpose of an appeal bond — i.e., to ensure that prevailing plaintiffs have their monetary award fully secured to guarantee prompt execution if it is affirmed on appeal.”
I’m not convinced. You won’t find me shedding any tears for Trump if the damages award is eventually upheld and he needs to sell properties or liquidate other assets to satisfy it. Couldn’t happen to a shadier guy. But even Trump deserves his day in appeals court. In the end, the rule of law will be on a steadier footing if he has it.

In order to save democracy the left wants to take democracy away.
YOu have poverty, you'll have crime.

Maybe we need to fix poverty?

Nahhh.... we should just wonder why poor people steal.

Poverty will always exist unless we replace people with robots.

NYC throws tons of money at the problem, but it doesn't work because there is no force used to get people to comply or get help.

They aren't stealing food for their babies, they are boosting $25 makeup products and selling them for $5 in bulk to get drugs.
Poverty will always exist unless we replace people with robots.

NYC throws tons of money at the problem, but it doesn't work because there is no force used to get people to comply or get help.

They aren't stealing food for their babies, they are boosting $25 makeup products and selling them for $5 in bulk to get drugs.

Sounds like a good reason to have drug treatment programs you don't have to wait a year to get on.
Sounds like a good reason to have drug treatment programs you don't have to wait a year to get on.

Sounds like a good reason to have judicially adjudicated programs that force them to stay in.

All NYC does is throw money at problems without holding someone accountable for results. It's the Standard Progressive Method. Create large government agencies, bloat them with useless drones, throw money at the problem with no metrics for results, complain they don't have enough money.
Sounds like a good reason to have judicially adjudicated programs that force them to stay in.

All NYC does is throw money at problems without holding someone accountable for results. It's the Standard Progressive Method. Create large government agencies, bloat them with useless drones, throw money at the problem with no metrics for results, complain they don't have enough money.
We've been over this. The money NY spends on the problem is a pittance.
We've been over this. The money NY spends on the problem is a pittance.

It's not a pittance, it's a substantial amount. Yet it's never enough, and it doesn't seem to do anything about the problem.

Because it's not designed to fix anything, it's designed to be a make work program for useless bureaucrats.
Actually, we ran the numbers vs. the need, and it wasn't even close, as I recall.

Blame the bloated overhead for the work in question. It's a ton of money from multiple sources. State, Local, Federal.

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