Just When You Think Catholic Church Stories Couldn’t Get Any Worse

Muslim Brotherhood is outlawed in Arabia since 1970.. that's how you know they were lying about Valerie Jarrett's mother.

What does that have to do with anything? Please, go back and live in the middle east where you're stoned if you commit adultery, or don't cover yourself from head to foot, or are gay. You apparently love it, you should have stayed there where you belong.
Not surprised at your expertise on NAMBLA

Married men with kids. Like this one


Youth sports coaches"?
Same deal.

And every one of them spouts their hate of all things Gay, JUST LIKE YOU.
Ah, personal insults mean you have no case, but it's not my fault male molesters of boys are always gay.
Marriage means nothing. I've known numerous gay men who were married to women. Often gays aren't fully aware they are gay until after marriage.
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What does that have to do with anything? Please, go back and live in the middle east where you're stoned if you commit adultery, or don't cover yourself from head to foot, or are gay. You apparently love it, you should have stayed there where you belong.

I've never worn an abaya, you ignoramus.. Western women don't. You're just a walking cliche'.
Ah, personal insults mean you have no case, but it's not my fault male molesters of boys are always gay.
Marriage means nothing. I've known numerous gay men who were married to women. Often gays aren't fully aware they are gay until after marriage. I've known several people like that.

Like Jerry Sandusky and Dennis Hassert.
Its amazing how catholic activists step in to divert the discussion away from the systematic problems of the catolic church.
These stories keep coming up and the exidence suggests the church is complicit in covericng up crime.
The Vatican isnt going to do anything. Why isnt it classified as a terrorist organisation preying on US kids. Catholicism is literally the swaamp.
You leftwingers don't care a fig about molestation of minors. If you did, you wouldn't be fighting to legalize prostitution which necessarily involves trafficking of minors. The RCC obviously condemns molestation. The whole issue is about a relatively few gay priests who violated their vows to do these heinous acts, mostly over 50 years ago. In the US, the RCC has virtually eliminated molestations because of it's 2005 policy that banned gays from seminaries. You ignore the far more rampant and ongoing molestations in the atheist public school system.

Your complaining here is 100% rooted in anti-Catholic bigotry.
You leftwingers don't care a fig about molestation of minors. If you did, you wouldn't be fighting to legalize prostitution which necessarily involves trafficking of minors. The RCC obviously condemns molestation. The whole issue is about a relatively few gay priests who violated their vows to do these heinous acts, mostly over 50 years ago. In the US, the RCC has virtually eliminated molestations because of it's 2005 policy that banned gays from seminaries. You ignore the far more rampant and ongoing molestations in the atheist public school system.

Your complaining here is 100% rooted in anti-Catholic bigotry.

Georgia has a terrible problem with children under 16 being trafficked. They have been fighting it for decades.
Ah, personal insults mean you have no case, but it's not my fault male molesters of boys are always gay.
Marriage means nothing. I've known numerous gay men who were married to women. Often gays aren't fully aware they are gay until after marriage. I've known several people like that.
You introduced NAMBLA as a defense to your ridiculous notion that all molesters are gay.

You own them in this thread
Maybe be more careful of the company you keep

No, they're not.
That is your homophobia talking and let's face it, the evidence is in.\
You introduced NAMBLA as a defense to your ridiculous notion that all molesters are gay.

You own them in this thread
Maybe be more careful of the company you keep

No, they're not.
That is your homophobia talking and let's face it, the evidence is in.\
Wow. You are really mad that male molesters of boys are gay, and that NAMBLA admits that. I take it you are gay man, given your strident reaction and hurling of insults over this fact, but understand I didn't say all gay men are pedos of boys; just that all male pedos of boys are gay men. B is a subset of A. But A is not a subset of B.
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