It's job complete, the circus moves on.

Yeah, we know. We knew back when it started that you retards had nothing and now you do too.

I guess, better late than never, eh, retard. :itsok:

Speaking of retards with nothing.

We learned from you guys. So we didn't proceed.

You didn't learn from yourselves and so made fools of yourselves (again) with your second stupid impeachment proceeding. Full retard on display.
Speaking of retards with nothing.

We learned from you guys. So we didn't proceed.

You didn't learn from yourselves and so made fools of yourselves (again) with your second stupid impeachment proceeding. Full retard on display.
LOL, retard. You agree you got nothing? You really do suck at this. :itsok:
Speaking of retards with nothing.

We learned from you guys. So we didn't proceed.

You didn't learn from yourselves and so made fools of yourselves (again) with your second stupid impeachment proceeding. Full retard on display.
Why isnt Hillary in jail? Why didnt Trump win the election? Why hasnt Biden been impeached? Why is trump on trial? Why is there not a pedophile ring run out of a pizza restaurants basement?
Why isnt Hillary in jail?

I guess because they couldn't convict her of anything. As I expected the hearings were stupid and over the top. The did a diservice to the dead amabassador by being so partisan.

Why didnt Trump win the election?

Uh...Biden got more electoral votes. Isn't that the way it works ?
Why hasnt Biden been impeached?

Because the GOP does not want to make the same mistake Adam Schiffhead made in making a fool of himself twice. You need evidence to impeach. Good solid strong evidence. The GOP apparently does not have it. Good for them for not following in Schiffheads footsteps.

Why is there not a pedophile ring run out of a pizza restaurants basement?

O.K. I don't even want to know why you are asking about pedo rings. Maybe you should get some help.
I guess because they couldn't convict her of anything. As I expected the hearings were stupid and over the top. The did a diservice to the dead amabassador by being so partisan.

Uh...Biden got more electoral votes. Isn't that the way it works ?

Because the GOP does not want to make the same mistake Adam Schiffhead made in making a fool of himself twice. You need evidence to impeach. Good solid strong evidence. The GOP apparently does not have it. Good for them for not following in Schiffheads footsteps.

O.K. I don't even want to know why you are asking about pedo rings. Maybe you should get some help.
My point being nothing you nut jobs claim will happen ever does. At least you have the guts to admit Biden won the election and failed to impeach Biden for lack of evidence.
The lesson learned from going after Hillary, who Repubs also did not "get" is, the getting doesn't matter. What matters is the going after part. What matters are the lies left behind that become part of the right wing belief system.
This is exemplified by those who will go to their graves believing Joe Biden benefitted financially from the fictitious bribery scheme he was alleged to have been involved in. Was any of that proven? No. But the real goal of smearing him was successful.

Therefore, the Repub investigations, impeachments, contempt findings should be seen for what they are. These things have utility not because they produce tangible results, but rather as a vehicle for spreading disinformation.
You lost yet again. Hillary----not in jail. Biden---not impeached. I can't wait to see how you dumb fucks spin a conviction of Trump as a win.
The whole country lost when the powers that be decided Hillary was too stupid to prosecute for mishandling classified documents and placed her above the law. As for convicting TRUMP!, you're going to have to wait a long time for any conviction so survive the appeals process. TRUMP! has the means to drag it out until he dies, but we all know the whole thing goes away after November. Either he wins and shuts it down or he loses and there's no further need to prosecute because the intended effect is accomplished.
We had as much as you.

Only we didn't make asses out of ourselves.

You really suck at everything.
LOL You MAGA retards threw a fit and invaded the Capitol and tried to hang your own party member. Go back and look at those pictures, retard, and tell us again how you "didn't make asses out of yourselves". :auiqs.jpg:

Like I wrote... you really do suck at this. :itsok:
It's as if there's some kind of tacit agreement between congressional Republicans and the base, in which the GQP "launches" an "investigation" and occasionally "leaks" a "bombshell report" that "proves" all the ugly allegations and conspiracy theories to be "true".

In return, the base doesn't expect anything to actually be proven in court or advanced legally.

It's a weird little dance.

LOL You MAGA retards threw a fit and invaded the Capitol and tried to hang your own party member. Go back and look at those pictures, retard, and tell us again how you "didn't make asses out of yourselves". :auiqs.jpg:

Like I wrote... you really do suck at this. :itsok:

They even brought a real life size gallows and everything! It’s true cause I saw it on CNN!
LOL You MAGA retards threw a fit and invaded the Capitol and tried to hang your own party member. Go back and look at those pictures, retard, and tell us again how you "didn't make asses out of yourselves". :auiqs.jpg:

Like I wrote... you really do suck at this. :itsok:

That was an impeachment trial ?

You must not have slept to well. :slap:

Like I really do suck at everything. :dev3:
The whole country lost when the powers that be decided Hillary was too stupid to prosecute for mishandling classified documents and placed her above the law. As for convicting TRUMP!, you're going to have to wait a long time for any conviction so survive the appeals process. TRUMP! has the means to drag it out until he dies, but we all know the whole thing goes away after November. Either he wins and shuts it down or he loses and there's no further need to prosecute because the intended effect is accomplished.
Lol at your last sentence.
I think even the most ardent haters of President Biden are now forced to acknowledge the impeachment inquiry in to his alleged crimes, brides, and whatever other sorted things he was accused of doing has been a bust. Were that not the case it would be advancing to a vote on articles of impeachment in the House.

Swalwell pronounces ‘time of death’ for GOP’s Biden impeachment push

But from a Repub perspective all is not lost. The list of unproven allegations remain fertile in the minds of MAGAist's. Because once planted, the seeds of disinformation flourish inside the right wing echo chamber. They are sustained not by facts or evidence but rather by belief. And we can be sure the endless droning from RWM has had an affect on more casual observers as well. Those who only pay attention enough to know baseless assertions have been made, not that they are baseless. No matter. The investigation has achieved its end. Namely, to create the illusion of impropriety.

Now it is time to put the matter behind them for Repubs have moved on to the next sham. Holding AG Garland in contempt despite his compliance with a request by House Repubs to turn over the transcript of SC Hur's interview with Joe.

Johnson's latest conservative problem: How hard to hit the Justice Department
The House Judiciary Committee moved forward on holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt Thursday, but it won't be enough to satisfy hardliners.

This was part of Hur's investigation in to Joe's possession of classified docs. An issue Repubs would prefer to keep alive in the public's consciousness seeing as.......well.......perhaps one day......His Orangeness will go on trial for concealing possession of classified docs and refusing to comply with a subpoena for their return. Though one can fairly say Trump appointee Aileen Cannon is dutifully trying to delay the trial with all the duplicity she can muster.

Does it matter that this kind of contempt finding is unprecedented? No. It's an election year and the POT nominee for prez is a criminal defendant in 4 jurisdictions. Distractions must be created. False equivalences must be made. Voters must be made to feel "they all do it" even though the facts say otherwise. So...........

“If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell”
― Carl Sandburg
The only reason Biden hasn’t been impeached yet is because we have a nutless Republican Congress…also, there are simply not enough of them to get it across the line.

We learned during last Congress that you don’t need truth, evidence, or even an investigation, you simply need the will to do it. That’s what current republicans in Congress lack..the will

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