It Appears That Biden Voters Are A Bigger Threat Than MAGA

I guess when race baiters like you die off, all you see is race. Sad little boy.
Hilarious boi.

All you see is race.

All you believe is race based like the great replacement theory.

You probably watch professional bowling because it's all white.

You miss the days of bull conner and lament the past of the antebellum south.

Just own it.
When these kids try to stop the peaceful and constitutional transfer of American presidential power by violently attacking the nation's Capitol, injuring a couple of hundred Capitol cops, causing our elected representatives and their staffs to hide for their lives, all over the blatant lies of a celebrity con man...

... then they'll be in the same league as the Insurrectionists and the Seditionist in Chief.

But it sure is telling that the rubes are STILL trying to downplay what they've done.
Hilarious boi.

All you see is race.

All you believe is race based like the great replacement theory.

You probably watch professional bowling because it's all white.

You miss the days of bull conner and lament the past of the antebellum south.

Just own it.
You're the one that brings race into everything.
When these kids try to stop the peaceful and constitutional transfer of American presidential power by violently attacking the nation's Capitol, injuring a couple of hundred Capitol cops, causing our elected representatives and their staffs to hide for their lives, all over the blatant lies of a celebrity con man...

... then they'll be in the same league as the Insurrectionists and the Seditionist in Chief.

But it sure is telling that the rubes are STILL trying to downplay what they've done.
There's that The Narrative again.

Ah yes, the “Genocide Joe” kids are clearly Biden voters.
Truth be told, if Biden is gone so is most of their support from Washington.
The POTUS decides who is in charge of the DOJ, and that dictates who is indicted instead of looking the other way.
Selective prosecution.
This doesn't work if their Marxist instigators constantly get thrown in prison.

"A Bigger Threat Than MAGA," MAGA itself being a threat.​

thank you so much for agreeing MAGA is a threat.
It's a thread title, dipshit. Because of the need for brevity in the title, the entire context isn't spelled out.

That's why you have to read what follows after the title to know the context. Duh

Stop being a dumb-ass.
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When these kids try to stop the peaceful and constitutional transfer of American presidential power by violently attacking the nation's Capitol, injuring a couple of hundred Capitol cops, causing our elected representatives and their staffs to hide for their lives, all over the blatant lies of a celebrity con man...

... then they'll be in the same league as the Insurrectionists and the Seditionist in Chief.

But it sure is telling that the rubes are STILL trying to downplay what they've done.
Far as I know, none of us was in the Capital on Jan 6th.
Why do you keep saying we're guilty of something we cannot be guilty of?

Anyone with half a brain can see what's going on.

We spent the last week watching paid instigators (working for the Marxists in our government) instigated the violence on college campuses, and paid instigators instigated the violence in the Capital on Jan 6th.

If you can't admit this then it's clear you're either willfully-ignorant or dumb as a pallet of bricks.

Campus after campus has been inundated with pro-Hamas anti-Israel protesters. Last night UCLA was a war zone. As we speak cops are clearing the campus of protesters because they failed to disperse, and instead became extremely hostile, choosing to fight with police instead of closing up shop and going to their homes.

Where's all of the MAGA hat wearing thugs you people keep whining about?

Campus or no campus...filthy, commie dems have destroyed America. We have passed the point of no return.

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