Is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez smart?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
and is she a fine leader? Here's some of AOC's BEST work:

We're all going to die very soon. Green New Deal would cost an estimated $50 to $90 trillion over the first 10 years. That's only like 50 times our annual budget. Obvious to any clear head we couldn't do this if we had to, and trust me when I say we're not repositioning the sun or Earth any time soon, so we're stuck with global warming a while. Course the elephant in the room is we're over-populated, so to AOC that means let's be border friendly, that will work well. More than that, even if we tried we'd collapse as a nation and our marriage to China would take on an entirely new meaning. Don't know why? Yeah, that's why you vote Democrat.

“Our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.” I remember thinking almost the same, when I was 18. If only our govt. gave everyone a nice home it would be lovely. How'd that work out for the American Indian? Yeah, I live close to a few reservations, they were robbed of pride of ownership & responsibility. Oh wait, maybe AOC means I take only what I need, and the rest is so others can have a home too. PROGS try to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, which is their shining star of Socialism in its purest form.

Public paid college: How special. Hey, can I have my Harvard free while AOC gets her education as a bartender free, this will be BITCHEN. PROGS destroyed education and now want it free too, this will work out awesome. Incidentally, studies find this would have the EXACT OPPOSITE effect AOC would hope for, she's just tarded is all.

Free healthcare: We'll just let the wealthy pay for it (reality=middle class). It will give companies incentive to incorporate in the USA instead of China and Mexico (COUGH!). Fuck, open the borders too, I'm positive AOC wants that, so much money, and we're all going to die in 12 years.

Free pre-K:
Let us fuck your kids up starting early.

Student debt forgiveness: As a bartender, AOC probably snorted what should have gone to pay her debt for A GOOD TIME COLLEGE. Her degree wasn't worth a shit, so she entered politics. AOC knows plenty of people who are responsible, but a big fuck you to them, because AOC gets it free & her cocaine too. In other terms, suck it fuckers who attended school for the right reasons and where, you got to pay for yours and now you get mine too.

Is it okay to have children: No, not since AOC was born anyway, so we can put a stops on all of it. At worst she has abortion to fall back on.

The core structure of ICE” and “the entire Department of Homeland Security” are “large threats to American civil liberties. :abgg2q.jpg:
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and is she a fine leader? Here's some of AOC's BEST work:

We're all going to die very soon. Green New Deal which most of the candidates have endorsed “in principle.” The cost for that has been estimated at around $50 to $90 trillion over the first 10 years. Obvious to any clear head we couldn't do this if we had to, and trust me when I say we're not repositioning the sun or Earth any time soon, so we're stuck with global warming a while. Course the elephant in the room is we're over-populated, so to AOC that means let's be border friendly, that will work well. More than that, even if we tried we'd collapse as a nation and our marriage to China would take on an entirely new meaning. Don't know why? Yeah, that's why you vote Democrat.

“Our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.” I remember thinking almost the same, when I was 18. If only our govt. gave everyone a nice home it would be lovely. How'd that work out for the American Indian? Yeah, I live close to a few reservations, they were robbed of pride of ownership & responsibility. Oh wait, maybe AOC means I take only what I need, and the rest is so others can have a home too. PROGS try to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, which is their shining star of Socialism in its purest form.

Public paid college: How special. Hey, can I have my Harvard free while AOC gets her education as a bartender free, this will be BITCHEN. PROGS destroyed education and now want it free too, this will work out awesome. Incidentally, studies find this would have the EXACT OPPOSITE effect AOC would hope for, she's just tarded is all.

Free healthcare:
We'll just let the wealthy pay for it (reality=middle class). It will give companies incentive to incorporate in the USA instead of China and Mexico (COUGH!). Fuck, open the borders too, I'm positive AOC wants that, so much money, and we're all going to die in 12 years.

Free pre-K:
See free college.

Student debt forgiveness: As a bartender, AOC probably snorted what should have gone to pay her debt for A GOOD TIME COLLEGE. Her degree wasn't worth a shit, so she entered politics. AOC knows plenty of people who are responsible, but a big fuck you to them, because AOC gets it free & her cocaine too. In other terms, suck it fuckers who attended school for the right reasons and where, you got to pay for yours and now you get mine too.

Is it okay to have children: No, not since AOC is born, so we can put a stops on all of it. At worst she has abortion to fall back on.

The core structure of ICE” and “the entire Department of Homeland Security” are “large threats to American civil liberties. :abgg2q.jpg:

She's a user
and is she a fine leader? Here's some of AOC's BEST work:

We're all going to die very soon. Green New Deal would cost an estimated $50 to $90 trillion over the first 10 years. That's only like 50 times our annual budget. Obvious to any clear head we couldn't do this if we had to, and trust me when I say we're not repositioning the sun or Earth any time soon, so we're stuck with global warming a while. Course the elephant in the room is we're over-populated, so to AOC that means let's be border friendly, that will work well. More than that, even if we tried we'd collapse as a nation and our marriage to China would take on an entirely new meaning. Don't know why? Yeah, that's why you vote Democrat.

“Our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.” I remember thinking almost the same, when I was 18. If only our govt. gave everyone a nice home it would be lovely. How'd that work out for the American Indian? Yeah, I live close to a few reservations, they were robbed of pride of ownership & responsibility. Oh wait, maybe AOC means I take only what I need, and the rest is so others can have a home too. PROGS try to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, which is their shining star of Socialism in its purest form.

Public paid college: How special. Hey, can I have my Harvard free while AOC gets her education as a bartender free, this will be BITCHEN. PROGS destroyed education and now want it free too, this will work out awesome. Incidentally, studies find this would have the EXACT OPPOSITE effect AOC would hope for, she's just tarded is all.

Free healthcare: We'll just let the wealthy pay for it (reality=middle class). It will give companies incentive to incorporate in the USA instead of China and Mexico (COUGH!). Fuck, open the borders too, I'm positive AOC wants that, so much money, and we're all going to die in 12 years.

Free pre-K:
Let us fuck your kids up starting early.

Student debt forgiveness: As a bartender, AOC probably snorted what should have gone to pay her debt for A GOOD TIME COLLEGE. Her degree wasn't worth a shit, so she entered politics. AOC knows plenty of people who are responsible, but a big fuck you to them, because AOC gets it free & her cocaine too. In other terms, suck it fuckers who attended school for the right reasons and where, you got to pay for yours and now you get mine too.

Is it okay to have children: No, not since AOC was born anyway, so we can put a stops on all of it. At worst she has abortion to fall back on.

The core structure of ICE” and “the entire Department of Homeland Security” are “large threats to American civil liberties. :abgg2q.jpg:
You realize they are grooming her to be President, right?

The more stupid she sounds, the better.
and is she a fine leader? Here's some of AOC's BEST work:

We're all going to die very soon. Green New Deal would cost an estimated $50 to $90 trillion over the first 10 years. That's only like 50 times our annual budget. Obvious to any clear head we couldn't do this if we had to, and trust me when I say we're not repositioning the sun or Earth any time soon, so we're stuck with global warming a while. Course the elephant in the room is we're over-populated, so to AOC that means let's be border friendly, that will work well. More than that, even if we tried we'd collapse as a nation and our marriage to China would take on an entirely new meaning. Don't know why? Yeah, that's why you vote Democrat.

“Our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.” I remember thinking almost the same, when I was 18. If only our govt. gave everyone a nice home it would be lovely. How'd that work out for the American Indian? Yeah, I live close to a few reservations, they were robbed of pride of ownership & responsibility. Oh wait, maybe AOC means I take only what I need, and the rest is so others can have a home too. PROGS try to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, which is their shining star of Socialism in its purest form.

Public paid college: How special. Hey, can I have my Harvard free while AOC gets her education as a bartender free, this will be BITCHEN. PROGS destroyed education and now want it free too, this will work out awesome. Incidentally, studies find this would have the EXACT OPPOSITE effect AOC would hope for, she's just tarded is all.

Free healthcare: We'll just let the wealthy pay for it (reality=middle class). It will give companies incentive to incorporate in the USA instead of China and Mexico (COUGH!). Fuck, open the borders too, I'm positive AOC wants that, so much money, and we're all going to die in 12 years.

Free pre-K:
Let us fuck your kids up starting early.

Student debt forgiveness: As a bartender, AOC probably snorted what should have gone to pay her debt for A GOOD TIME COLLEGE. Her degree wasn't worth a shit, so she entered politics. AOC knows plenty of people who are responsible, but a big fuck you to them, because AOC gets it free & her cocaine too. In other terms, suck it fuckers who attended school for the right reasons and where, you got to pay for yours and now you get mine too.

Is it okay to have children: No, not since AOC was born anyway, so we can put a stops on all of it. At worst she has abortion to fall back on.

The core structure of ICE” and “the entire Department of Homeland Security” are “large threats to American civil liberties. :abgg2q.jpg:
She is not intelligent in the connect the facts within context arena.
I believe she cares but she has zero knowledge of micro or macro economics.
and is she a fine leader? Here's some of AOC's BEST work:

We're all going to die very soon. Green New Deal would cost an estimated $50 to $90 trillion over the first 10 years. That's only like 50 times our annual budget. Obvious to any clear head we couldn't do this if we had to, and trust me when I say we're not repositioning the sun or Earth any time soon, so we're stuck with global warming a while. Course the elephant in the room is we're over-populated, so to AOC that means let's be border friendly, that will work well. More than that, even if we tried we'd collapse as a nation and our marriage to China would take on an entirely new meaning. Don't know why? Yeah, that's why you vote Democrat.

“Our guarantee to having a home comes before someone else’s privilege to earn a profit.” I remember thinking almost the same, when I was 18. If only our govt. gave everyone a nice home it would be lovely. How'd that work out for the American Indian? Yeah, I live close to a few reservations, they were robbed of pride of ownership & responsibility. Oh wait, maybe AOC means I take only what I need, and the rest is so others can have a home too. PROGS try to reduce everyone to the lowest common denominator, which is their shining star of Socialism in its purest form.

Public paid college: How special. Hey, can I have my Harvard free while AOC gets her education as a bartender free, this will be BITCHEN. PROGS destroyed education and now want it free too, this will work out awesome. Incidentally, studies find this would have the EXACT OPPOSITE effect AOC would hope for, she's just tarded is all.

Free healthcare: We'll just let the wealthy pay for it (reality=middle class). It will give companies incentive to incorporate in the USA instead of China and Mexico (COUGH!). Fuck, open the borders too, I'm positive AOC wants that, so much money, and we're all going to die in 12 years.

Free pre-K:
Let us fuck your kids up starting early.

Student debt forgiveness: As a bartender, AOC probably snorted what should have gone to pay her debt for A GOOD TIME COLLEGE. Her degree wasn't worth a shit, so she entered politics. AOC knows plenty of people who are responsible, but a big fuck you to them, because AOC gets it free & her cocaine too. In other terms, suck it fuckers who attended school for the right reasons and where, you got to pay for yours and now you get mine too.

Is it okay to have children: No, not since AOC was born anyway, so we can put a stops on all of it. At worst she has abortion to fall back on.

The core structure of ICE” and “the entire Department of Homeland Security” are “large threats to American civil liberties. :abgg2q.jpg:
She is not intelligent in the connect the facts within context arena.
I believe she cares but she has zero knowledge of micro or macro economics.
She reminds me of a high school Left wing activist.

She knows all the Left wing talking points by heart, but when questioned about them in detail she draws a blank

Ocasio-Cortez Defends Accusing Israeli Military of a ‘Massacre’ of Palestinians - YouTube
Omar and Taylor Greene are other examples of politicians that are exploiting our weaknesses. These people should have no buisness in government
Omar and Taylor Greene are other examples of politicians that are exploiting our weaknesses. These people should have no buisness in government
The Muslims who voted for Omar said the Jews helped them settle in their city and they wouldn't vote her back into office; they lied.
She not only dumb, she not even born in America. Her entire family have a long history of being members of the MS13 gang and is currently engaged to a top MS13 leader.
Omar and Taylor Greene are other examples of politicians that are exploiting our weaknesses. These people should have no buisness in government
The Muslims who voted for Omar said the Jews helped them settle in their city and they wouldn't vote her back into office; they lied.

Omar is a bigot, but she’s also just an idiot. These people that are getting elected aren’t qualified to shine shoes much less govern us. This country is turning to shit fast.
She was intelligent enough to knock Joe Crowley out of office.

Other than that, she is a bombastic dilettante more concerned with media sound bites...
Omar and Taylor Greene are other examples of politicians that are exploiting our weaknesses. These people should have no buisness in government
The Muslims who voted for Omar said the Jews helped them settle in their city and they wouldn't vote her back into office; they lied.

Omar is a bigot, but she’s also just an idiot. These people that are getting elected aren’t qualified to shine shoes much less govern us. This country is turning to shit fast.
Most are on drugs, the rest are incapable of thinking critically thanks to the government run education system.
Omar and Taylor Greene are other examples of politicians that are exploiting our weaknesses. These people should have no buisness in government
The Muslims who voted for Omar said the Jews helped them settle in their city and they wouldn't vote her back into office; they lied.

Omar is a bigot, but she’s also just an idiot. These people that are getting elected aren’t qualified to shine shoes much less govern us. This country is turning to shit fast.
Most are on drugs, the rest are incapable of thinking critically thanks to the government run education system.

Critical thinking is obsolete . We’re now told what to think and if we deviate the mob comes out for blood. It’s bullshit. It always has been bullshit, but it’s getting worse

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