Inflation, inflation, inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why? There could be no negatives in another great resignation.

That depends on if those doing so are able to support themselves or will have to rely on the Govt to do it for them.

And then beyond supporting oneself, will they be able to live a life worth living with what they set aside for retirement.
That depends on if those doing so are able to support themselves or will have to rely on the Govt to do it for them.

And then beyond supporting oneself, will they be able to live a life worth living with what they set aside for retirement.
Bottom line is we have more than enough people in the workforce.
We are already producing record amounts. You can’t produce enough to offset OPEC cuts. Plus energy prices are a very small part of inflation. Most inflation is Housing. How will a little more oil help housing prices?
wrong as energy prices go up so does everything along with it
Most inflation is Housing.
Housing prices are up because investors are buying them up then renting them out at exorbitant prices. Most people can't afford to buy a house at the current average price. No worries though. Most can afford manufactured homes (formerly called "trailers"). When they can't afford those, they can build shanty towns like are found in other third world countries.
So, when the minimum wage at fast food joints goes up to $20.00, what happens to the employee who was making $20.00?
Nothing. The previous minimum wage worker gets laid off. Or the business closes and everyone is terminated.
wrong as energy prices go up so does everything along with it
You didn’t address the record oil output we are seeing. Also… How will a bit more oil affect worldwide prices when OPEC can cut as much as they want to keep prices high?
Housing prices are up because investors are buying them up then renting them out at exorbitant prices. Most people can't afford to buy a house at the current average price. No worries though. Most can afford manufactured homes (formerly called "trailers"). When they can't afford those, they can build shanty towns like are found in other third world countries.
Not only that but there is less inventory on the market as well. Regardless it has nothing to do with the economic policy of democrats or republicans. As a home owner I love the growth at the expense of new entrants. Sorry kids, I feel for ya.
Not only that but there is less inventory on the market as well. Regardless it has nothing to do with the economic policy of democrats or republicans. As a home owner I love the growth at the expense of new entrants. Sorry kids, I feel for ya.
Many can't save up the traditional down payment. They can however seem to afford every other shiny thing that comes on the market. Many on the front end can't afford a house, and many on the other end can't afford to retire. What the hell is going on?
Many can't save up the traditional down payment. They can however seem to afford every other shiny thing that comes on the market. Many on the front end can't afford a house, and many on the other end can't afford to retire. What the hell is going on?
Ownership (66% of household own their home) is at a ten year high in the country so it is hard to gauge if it is really a barrier more than ever.

I mentioned on another thread my kid just bought his first house and his close friend bought hers with her new husband as well with rates in the 7s. They are all college educated with good job 26-27 years old. That is when I bought my first one as well. I struggled pulling my down payment together at 27 and my rate was in the 7's in the late 90s.
Wages are up more than costs since 2019. Welcome to the large club of people making out better.
Are wages up by more than 18%? Even you don't believe that, why lie?


Of course it was going to cause temporary pain and we didn’t know.

in other words trump didn’t error on the side of caution

Yes, and you rubes have pissed and moaned about "Trumps economy" ever since.

No integrity whatsoever.
Yes, and you rubes have pissed and moaned about "Trumps economy" ever since.

No integrity whatsoever.

Hey, don't forget that the recession Trump handed Biden was worse than the Bush Great Recession. Don't forget Trump sent out the first stimulus checks. Talk about a waste of money. I was working and I got a check. At least guys like me didn't get the Biden stimulus money.

“We handed out 4 trillion dollars of free money, 280 billion of which was just flat-out stolen in what the AP called ‘the greatest grift in US history’ and which started an inflationary spiral that we now blame on Biden. So we’re gonna bring back Trump?! The guy who ignored COVID like it was the dinner check?!”

“Talk about not learning anything,” Maher concluded.

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