Indian recipe ideas

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
Quick Indian omelette breakfast -

3 eggs
1/2 tomato finely diced
1/2 small onion finely diced
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
Fresh chopped coriander (qty to your liken)
2 diced green chillies (optional)
2 to 3 tbsp veg oil or ghee or combination

Put the tom, onion, salt, and turmeric into a bowl and mix well. Add the eggs and mix well. Add the coriander and chillies and mix.

Fry in oil/ghee/both like you would do with a normal omelette.

Just like any Indian dish, tweak the ingredients to your preference. So with this omelette, I omit the chilli, I like a good heaped tsp of turmeric, and quite a bit of fresh coriander

(Coriander as in the leaf part, I know you guys call the leaf or stalk cilantro, for some bizarre reason)
Nann bread for a gas hob -

250g Self Raising Flour
1 tsp Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Nigella (onion) seeds
100ml Milk
1 Medium egg
1 1/2 tbsp Caster sugar
1 tbsp veg oil

In a bowl, or Kitchen aid bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, salt, and nigella seeds

In another bowl, mix the milk, egg, sugar, and oil. Leave for 10 mins, mixing now and then, to dissolve the sugar.

Add the wet mix to the dry and form a dough. If using a kitchen aid, don't mix for too long.

Grease a bowl with veg oil, sit the dough in, cover with plastic cling film and sit out. Sometimes I do this the night before. It needs to sit out for a minimum half a day.

Cut into 4 (or 3 if you want slightly larger nanns), form onto balls, lightly flour them, cover under cling film and leave put them in the fridge for an hour or two).

Roll each one out on flour. If it springs back, leave 5 mins, then try again. Keep doing this until you can roll it out.

Heat a tawa or cast iron skillet (frying pan) so it'l begins to smoke, but make sure the frying pan has no sides.

Wet the nann with quite a bit of water and rub it around, quickly lift the nann and plop it on the skillet wet side down. The water will make it stick. Have a metal fish slice at the ready. After a minute, turn the pan over and cook the other side of the nann with the flame, about 4 to 6 inches above.

Use the fish slice to remove the nann onto a plate, apply some ghee over the nann.

Until you practice this, your nann might fall off. It's getting the temperature if the pan right, the first nann can also be crap.

If you have and electric hob, omit the water and flip with a fish slice. Just means you won't get as big bubbles on the surface.

If you want garlic naan, went you've rolled the nann out, put some garlic and fresh chopped coriander leaf on the top and roll in.

If anyone is interested in Peshwari and/or Keema nann, just ask, I have those recipes too.
I'd rather have chapati. Much quicker and easier and just as nice, if one kneads in enough air for the gluten spirals to trap.

Flour, salt, ghee/oil, water.

What could be better?
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