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It's not about race, its about behavior, its about morality, which has been stripped from society..
Hey genius, I’m talking about people that I just passed by in a store. Stop trying so hard.
At my little one's playground and my older son's bus stop, there are kids (and their parents) of all backgrounds (and combinations thereof) all interacting in a more "human" manner than many here.
Democrats talk more about race than the GOP.

And now we see Left wing colleges openly embracing separate living quarters in college based on race and even separate graduation ceremonies based on race as they celebrate it as a good thing.

And now they have declared war on Jews.
Bulshit. The GOP is all about race. White is a race.
Mixed race couples/families/children are increasing all the time. Now the fastest growing demographic in the country. When my wife and I go shopping on the weekends up in NH (which many people don't think of as a highly "diverse" state) we see more and more mixed race couples and families. To what I'm sure will be the disappointment of some LOSERs who post here, nobody seems to give them a second look. Just people being people and families being families. Here at school the kids are just about every race, religion, etc. you can imagine and for the most part they all get along great. There are the usual teenager issues that come with the age group and the nature of the district within which I teach, but race and whatnot is almost never a point of contention. The kids have boyfriends, girlfriends, best friends, teammates, etc. from every background. It's good to see, and makes me hopeful that when the next generation takes the drivers seat they won't agonize over irrelevant shit like we are and generations past have. We'll have to wait and see, but I'm an optimist.

You, like democrats, have your eyes on the wrong thing.

Single parent homes are on the rise in the US as the US has the most single parent homes of any country in the world.

This can only lead to more poverty and crime.

Thanks for playing.
What does that have to do with the OP?

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