I'm Voting For Nikki Haley


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
A conservative Republican used to be the smartest person in the room. And they still are.

Trump Republicans are not the slightest bit conservative. They don't even know what conservatism is.

Celebrating a serial adulterer who stole from the elderly and cancer kids, and molests and rapes women, and who doubled the federal deficit, and then completely bungled his one and only crisis, is not the behavior of a conservative.

Nor is supporting a mass murdering war criminal KGB thug. Trump Republicans were idolizing Putin long before Trump came into the picture.

Adam Kinzinger is my idea of a conservative Republican. He stood up for what is right, knowing it would cost him personally while the others around him who knew Trump is evil chose to buckle like the submissive cucks they are.

Liz Cheney is also a conservative. Her voting record was more conservative than the lickspittle they replaced her with, Elise Stefanik. Stefanik was a conservative who quickly did an about face and became one of the most submissive cucks in Congress.

The guiding light for Trump Republicans is power over principle, power over country. And I don't just mean our elected officials. I also mean everyone who supports Trump.

Nikki Haley has some serious flaws, but they are relatively minimal next to the other candidates.

I've been watching Haley ever since she was running for governor of South Carolina. That race is proof that the GOP devolved into bigotry, psychopathy, idiocy, and hypocrisy before Trump came along. The dumbing down of the GOP began during the Bush administration and the stupidity has accelerated since then, which is why I stopped voting on the federal level in 2006. And I am embarrassed it took me that long to have an awakening.

I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot, or I will just stay home on election day 2024.

When Nikki Haley was running for governor in 2010, she was way behind the pack. She didn't have a chance, but somehow she pulled it off.

She was helped by one of her primary contenders who went on live radio and said, "We already have a raghead in the White House (Obama), we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

That level of ignorance (she's not a Muslim, she's a Protestant) and bigotry clinched it for her.

Nowadays, that kind of stupid hate no longer shocks the sensitivities of the voters. And for that, we can thank Donald Trump who has fostered ignorance and hatred to a whole new level.
There's not one word in your post regarding policy, either foreign, domestic or monetary.
Nikki Haley is the strongest on foreign policy. Far stronger than any other candidate. That is one of the chief reasons I am voting for her.

We live in dangerous times, and Haley is the most prepared.

Haley is also of Indian descent, and that will be worth a tremendous amount of goodwill with India, who we are going to need as a valuable ally as we confront China.

Haley also sees the realities on the ground, and the importance of NATO, and the importance of pushing Putin out of Ukraine. This is a critical time in world history and Haley is the one to do the right thing.
A conservative Republican used to be the smartest person in the room. And they still are.

Trump Republicans are not the slightest bit conservative. They don't even know what conservatism is.

Celebrating a serial adulterer who stole from the elderly and cancer kids, and molests and rapes women, and who doubled the federal deficit, and then completely bungled his one and only crisis, is not the behavior of a conservative.

Nor is supporting a mass murdering war criminal KGB thug. Trump Republicans were idolizing Putin long before Trump came into the picture.

Adam Kinzinger is my idea of a conservative Republican. He stood up for what is right, knowing it would cost him personally while the others around him who knew Trump is evil chose to buckle like the submissive cucks they are.

Liz Cheney is also a conservative. Her voting record was more conservative than the lickspittle they replaced her with, Elise Stefanik. Stefanik was a conservative who quickly did an about face and became one of the most submissive cucks in Congress.

The guiding light for Trump Republicans is power over principle, power over country. And I don't just mean our elected officials. I also mean everyone who supports Trump.

Nikki Haley has some serious flaws, but they are relatively minimal next to the other candidates.

I've been watching Haley ever since she was running for governor of South Carolina. That race is proof that the GOP devolved into bigotry, psychopathy, idiocy, and hypocrisy before Trump came along. The dumbing down of the GOP began during the Bush administration and the stupidity has accelerated since then, which is why I stopped voting on the federal level in 2006. And I am embarrassed it took me that long to have an awakening.

I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot, or I will just stay home on election day 2024.

When Nikki Haley was running for governor in 2010, she was way behind the pack. She didn't have a chance, but somehow she pulled it off.

She was helped by one of her primary contenders who went on live radio and said, "We already have a raghead in the White House (Obama), we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

That level of ignorance (she's not a Muslim, she's a Protestant) and bigotry clinched it for her.

Nowadays, that kind of stupid hate no longer shocks the sensitivities of the voters. And for that, we can thank Donald Trump who has fostered ignorance and hatred to a whole new level.
You are advertizing your gullibleness. She is the female Pete Buttigieg, boasting so as to get an office she will prove totally unable to fill. At least Beto fooled nobody but himself.
Reaganites like G and Haley are NOT conservative. They are corporatists. They love war. They love spending. They love big government (such as major regulations for social media)
Thats not conservatism. Thats leftism.
Nikki Haley is the strongest on foreign policy. Far stronger than any other candidate. That is one of the chief reasons I am voting for her.
I rest my case.
A conservative Republican used to be the smartest person in the room. And they still are.

Trump Republicans are not the slightest bit conservative. They don't even know what conservatism is.

Celebrating a serial adulterer who stole from the elderly and cancer kids, and molests and rapes women, and who doubled the federal deficit, and then completely bungled his one and only crisis, is not the behavior of a conservative.

Nor is supporting a mass murdering war criminal KGB thug. Trump Republicans were idolizing Putin long before Trump came into the picture.

Adam Kinzinger is my idea of a conservative Republican. He stood up for what is right, knowing it would cost him personally while the others around him who knew Trump is evil chose to buckle like the submissive cucks they are.

Liz Cheney is also a conservative. Her voting record was more conservative than the lickspittle they replaced her with, Elise Stefanik. Stefanik was a conservative who quickly did an about face and became one of the most submissive cucks in Congress.

The guiding light for Trump Republicans is power over principle, power over country. And I don't just mean our elected officials. I also mean everyone who supports Trump.

Nikki Haley has some serious flaws, but they are relatively minimal next to the other candidates.

I've been watching Haley ever since she was running for governor of South Carolina. That race is proof that the GOP devolved into bigotry, psychopathy, idiocy, and hypocrisy before Trump came along. The dumbing down of the GOP began during the Bush administration and the stupidity has accelerated since then, which is why I stopped voting on the federal level in 2006. And I am embarrassed it took me that long to have an awakening.

I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot, or I will just stay home on election day 2024.

When Nikki Haley was running for governor in 2010, she was way behind the pack. She didn't have a chance, but somehow she pulled it off.

She was helped by one of her primary contenders who went on live radio and said, "We already have a raghead in the White House (Obama), we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

That level of ignorance (she's not a Muslim, she's a Protestant) and bigotry clinched it for her.

Nowadays, that kind of stupid hate no longer shocks the sensitivities of the voters. And for that, we can thank Donald Trump who has fostered ignorance and hatred to a whole new level.

Your "pro-life" lie continues.
There's not one word in your post regarding any policy position, either foreign, domestic or monetary.

Nikki Haley unveils economic proposal while slamming both parties over government spending

Joe Biden is proving that reckless spending is the road to socialism. But he’s not the only culprit. Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Barack Obama added more to our national debt than the previous 42 presidents combined. They tripled the debt from $10 trillion to $33 trillion,” Haley, who served under Trump as his ambassador to the United Nations, said in remarks at St. Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics in Manchester.


Dubbed “The Freedom Plan,” Haley’s proposal would eliminate the federal gas and reduce income tax rates, make small-business tax relief permanent, and end certain tax deductions such as the deduction for state and local income taxes, also known as SALT.

Haley, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Clemson University, often touts her financial background on the campaign trail, telling voters, “It’s time to put an accountant in the White House.”


Under her proposal, Haley would veto any budget that doesn’t contribute to reducing the US economy to pre-Covid spending levels, eliminate $500 billion in green energy subsidies and implement mandatory zero-based budgeting. The plan would also implement Social Security and Medicare reforms for younger generations.
Nikki Haley is the strongest on foreign policy.

How so?

We live in dangerous times,

So what. Life has been dangerous since its birth. Since the dawn of mankind.

and Haley is the most prepared.

In what way?

Haley is also of Indian descent, and that will be worth a tremendous amount of goodwill with India, who we are going to need as a valuable ally as we confront China.

But I'm of American descent.

What's her position regarding goodwill to me, as an American?

Haley also sees the realities on the ground,

Which ones? And on what ground?

and the importance of NATO,

How is NATO important?

and the importance of pushing Putin out of Ukraine.

Why is that any of my business?

This is a critical time in world history

How so? In what way?

and Haley is the one to do the right thing.

Like what?
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Nikki Haley unveils economic proposal while slamming both parties over government spending

Joe Biden is proving that reckless spending is the road to socialism. But he’s not the only culprit. Joe Biden, Donald Trump and Barack Obama added more to our national debt than the previous 42 presidents combined. They tripled the debt from $10 trillion to $33 trillion,” Haley, who served under Trump as his ambassador to the United Nations, said in remarks at St. Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics in Manchester.


Dubbed “The Freedom Plan,” Haley’s proposal would eliminate the federal gas and reduce income tax rates, make small-business tax relief permanent, and end certain tax deductions such as the deduction for state and local income taxes, also known as SALT.

Haley, who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Clemson University, often touts her financial background on the campaign trail, telling voters, “It’s time to put an accountant in the White House.”


Under her proposal, Haley would veto any budget that doesn’t contribute to reducing the US economy to pre-Covid spending levels, eliminate $500 billion in green energy subsidies and implement mandatory zero-based budgeting. The plan would also implement Social Security and Medicare reforms for younger generations.
She sure loved those tax expenditures in SC, didnt she?
You always speak of those. Probably dont matter when her war mongering makes you drool, huh?
A conservative Republican used to be the smartest person in the room. And they still are.

Trump Republicans are not the slightest bit conservative. They don't even know what conservatism is.

Celebrating a serial adulterer who stole from the elderly and cancer kids, and molests and rapes women, and who doubled the federal deficit, and then completely bungled his one and only crisis, is not the behavior of a conservative.

Nor is supporting a mass murdering war criminal KGB thug. Trump Republicans were idolizing Putin long before Trump came into the picture.

Adam Kinzinger is my idea of a conservative Republican. He stood up for what is right, knowing it would cost him personally while the others around him who knew Trump is evil chose to buckle like the submissive cucks they are.

Liz Cheney is also a conservative. Her voting record was more conservative than the lickspittle they replaced her with, Elise Stefanik. Stefanik was a conservative who quickly did an about face and became one of the most submissive cucks in Congress.

The guiding light for Trump Republicans is power over principle, power over country. And I don't just mean our elected officials. I also mean everyone who supports Trump.

Nikki Haley has some serious flaws, but they are relatively minimal next to the other candidates.

I've been watching Haley ever since she was running for governor of South Carolina. That race is proof that the GOP devolved into bigotry, psychopathy, idiocy, and hypocrisy before Trump came along. The dumbing down of the GOP began during the Bush administration and the stupidity has accelerated since then, which is why I stopped voting on the federal level in 2006. And I am embarrassed it took me that long to have an awakening.

I was a Bill Buckely/Ronald Reagan conservative Republican my entire life until 2017. In 2017, I switched my voter registration to Independent.

I'm voting for Nikki Haley regardless if she is the nominee. If she is not the nominee, I will write her name in on my ballot, or I will just stay home on election day 2024.

When Nikki Haley was running for governor in 2010, she was way behind the pack. She didn't have a chance, but somehow she pulled it off.

She was helped by one of her primary contenders who went on live radio and said, "We already have a raghead in the White House (Obama), we don't need another raghead in the governor's mansion."

That level of ignorance (she's not a Muslim, she's a Protestant) and bigotry clinched it for her.

Nowadays, that kind of stupid hate no longer shocks the sensitivities of the voters. And for that, we can thank Donald Trump who has fostered ignorance and hatred to a whole new level.

Lol just lol
Another factor in voting for Haley is that she would raise the retirement age. This is something I have been advocating since coming to this forum.


Socialism kills the middle class. Haley’s Freedom Plan will revive it. Bidenomics gives morepower to Washington bureaucrats. Haley's plan will return power to the people.

Cut middle-class taxes.
● Cut income tax rates and consolidate brackets for middle-class families.
● Eliminate the federal gas and diesel tax to give middle-class families relief inflation and disastrous energy policies.
○ The vast majority (around 75%) of highway money comes from state and local funding. Federal funding will continue to be a small part of infrastructure spending. Federal highway funding should come from general revenues, forcing it to compete with other spending priorities.​
○ It will require all Americans to pay for roads and bridges—not just the drivers o fgas-powered vehicles. And we’ll stop diverting money to green giveaways, bike paths, and hiking trails.​
● Make small business relief permanent.
○ The 2017 Small Business Deduction allows taxpayers to exclude up to 20 percent of their pass-through business income from federal income tax. Without action, this provision is scheduled to expire after 2025 and would increase small business tax rates from 29.6% to 37% for individuals in the highest tax bracket.​
● Cut unfair distortions in the tax code.
○ Example: The SALT deduction allows high-income earners in high-tax states to claim their state taxes as a deduction on their federal taxes. It forces low-tax states to subsidize tax-and-spend policies in high-tax states.​
Reduce inflation and debt by cutting spending. Democrats and Republicans bear responsibility for our country’s record-high $33 trillion debt.
● Place a limit on federal spending linked to a percentage of our economy.
● End taxpayer bailouts for special interests.
● Veto any budget that doesn’t take our country back to pre-COVID spending levels.
● Eliminate Biden’s $500 billion in green energy subsidies in the Inflation Reduction Act.
● Implement mandatory zero-based budgeting, requiring government programs to be justified in every budget, instead of basing budgeting decisions on the previous year’s funding level.
● Withhold Congress’ pay if it fails to pass a budget. No budget, no pay.
● Implement entitlement reform. Social Security starts to run out of money in 2033 and
will require a 23% cut in benefits if no changes are made. Medicare starts to run out of
money in 2031 and will require an 11% cut in benefits.
Raise the retirement age for younger generations and index Social Security and Medicare benefits to life expectancy.
○ Limit the growth of benefits for higher-income beneficiaries.​
○ Expand Medicare Advantage and increase competition.​
○ Match cost-of-living increases for Social Security to actual inflation rates by using chained CPI.​
● Push the Fed to maintain a strong dollar. Reduce federal government control of our lives.
● Enact term limits for politicians and bureaucrats.
○ No bureaucrat should hold the same position for more than five years.​
○ Make it easier to fire federal bureaucrats who are not performing.​
● Force Congress to vote on new rules and regulations by implementing the REINS
○ The REINS Act requires congressional approval for any proposed federal agency rule with an economic impact of $100 million or more.​
○ During the first two years in office, the Biden administration finalized rules amounting to nearly $10,000 per household. In 2021, the Biden administration finalized 69 regulations costing more than $100 million or having a substantial effect on the economy (more than any recent president).​
● Push federal programs down to the states.
○ Instead of the federal government deciding where and how tax money is spent, use block grants to give states the freedom to decide the best way to use federal​
● Implement an all-of-the-above energy plan that makes America energy dominant.
○ Stop the demonization of the oil and gas industries, and empower American producers.​
○ Open up oil and gas production within federal lands.​
○ Reinstate the Keystone XL pipeline and speed up permitting and building of interstate pipelines. Prevent radical environmental groups from stopping new energy projects.​
○ Roll back Biden’s wasteful green energy subsidies and regulations.​
○ Stand up to energy dictators in Russia, Iran, and Venezuela, and don’t sell our oil​
reserves to our enemies.​
You never saw specifics like that from Trump, and you never will. Just empty promises and self-aggrandizing chest thumping.

You never saw Trump push legislation to achieve these things.

This is what conservatism looks like.

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